>Praise kek
Fuck off and die you manchild
Far Cry 1
>Sup Forums's retard brigade collapsing into damage control and trying to deny they were pushing their agenda
Unironically considering preordering, just like how I preordered 3 and 4
Dude yes, Blood Dragon was fucking sweet.
One of my favorite games to play stoned.
8 years, great tears.
It's a sad day when Sup Forums has better video game discussion than Sup Forums. If you anti Sup Forums fags would just ignore their fucking posts.
Lel, I can smell the falseflaggers in this thread from a mile. The shittiest posters from Sup Forums love cross boarding to Sup Forums and blowing shit out of proportion while samefagging like hell, I hope this thread is moved to Sup Forums so that anyone can see that shit again.
>Praise Kek
You are a child.
It's a sad day when you fall for cherrypicked bullshit
>le kek is my friend and meme magic, weaponized autism, xDDD shadilay fellow pedes
Kill yourself ugly fuck
>Praise kek.
You make me cringe.