>game suggests you take a break
Game suggests you take a break
>cat suggests you go to sleep
You should, people have died because they didn't take breaks.
>Game suggets you take a hit of crack
>Playing Nintendo game
>Tutorials, intros, cutscenes
>Finally get to take a step
>"You should take a break!"
>Clear a dungeon in like 15 minutes
>"You should take a break!"
I love Link Between Worlds but fucking hell
That pic might as well be my girlfriend. Known her for almost 15 years, been together for five of them, and she's such a fucking nasty slob at home if we're not going anywhere.
>She's also super pretty and nobody would believe me if you saw her
but that's just stupid koreans not letting go of their wow characters for 30 minutes after playing the game for 52 hours straight
>game tells you to take a break every hour
>6 hours pass each with a notification
>after the 10th hour it stops because it knows you won't listen as you have no self control of your life
>game suggests you lower the difficulty
I love these pics. Can you post more? Where do they originate?
every time a game tells me to take a break i grab my roommates penis and jerk it and hes always go "wat are you doing dude" and i say "im taking a blake like game said haha" and he cums and we laugh (his name is blake)
> game tells you not to power off PC while saving
post pics
a brojob is a brojob
/r9k/ of course
I knew a guy with the last name Brake. I was at a football game where he was turned into a paraplegic. He posted about it on Reddit a few years after the fact. It was kind of surreal.
nintendo is the worst for this. just let me play my game in peace, you cunts. you're not my nanny.
Fuck off homo
> game tells you to call your mom a slut and let you keep playing or you will threaten to light the cat on fire again.
good. maybe I'll fucking die.
>game simulates you having a caring father when you save.
> game simulates you having a caring father when you save
> you are nigger
im not gay
>game has a depressed character that you heavily relate to
>your friend constantly makes fun of that character
Fucking Tera. I think it stops after 3 attempts.
>WoW reminds you there's a world outside of Azeroth
>play for 10 years until they fuck up the game because fuck the outside world
just b urself :^)
Name one.
>You've been playing for X Hour(s). Take a break?
>decide to take a break: options>exit
>yes: main menu appears then click exit
>set a goal for yourself in a game
>play 12+ hours a day to reach it
>finally reach it
>that silence and empty feeling you're left with
>game lets you forget that you're a failure still living with his parents because you can't find anyone to hire you with the degree that was supposed to be your ticket up but just ended up wasting four years of your life
I can't even play games without breaks anymore. My eyes are fucking killing me.
Can barely play handheld games for 30 minutes without having to take a break to rest my eyes.
Classic Earthbound.
>reddit spacing
>game tells you to take a break and shows you a picture of the outdoors
Postal 2
What degree?
>Dying playing a garbage game like Halo
Fuck man, how shameful. Is a concerning article, though, because I often sit at my PC for long periods of time.