Game suggests you take a break

>set a goal for yourself in a game
>play 12+ hours a day to reach it
>finally reach it
>that silence and empty feeling you're left with


>game lets you forget that you're a failure still living with his parents because you can't find anyone to hire you with the degree that was supposed to be your ticket up but just ended up wasting four years of your life

I can't even play games without breaks anymore. My eyes are fucking killing me.

Can barely play handheld games for 30 minutes without having to take a break to rest my eyes.

Classic Earthbound.

>reddit spacing

>game tells you to take a break and shows you a picture of the outdoors

Postal 2

What degree?

>Dying playing a garbage game like Halo

Fuck man, how shameful. Is a concerning article, though, because I often sit at my PC for long periods of time.