Valve is kill

Why does this keep happening?

What is going on behind the scenes at valve?

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Valve doesn't make games. What would they need a designer for?

It doesnt really matter since they no longer make video games.

Gabben became a fat jew and people finally got tired of it

Hats need designing too you know

The real question is why are there any game designers still working at valve?

Valve doesn't make games. It did an amazing thing keeping its creative staff on board after its successful shift into a digital delivery platform but they weren't necessarily doing the work they loved.

Bigger question is why there are so many writers at Valve who still had their job? WTF DO THEY DO ALL DAY? Literally just sitting in the office taking up space, and getting paid to do it.

Because employees are sick of sitting on their ass, not making videogames.
They joined valve to make videogames. They're not making videogames.
Obviously there's a real flaw here.

Because it doesnt make games? Really name a valve game

HL3 is obviously finished and about to released during the Summer Sale.

It is simple really.

>Do you want to make MMO garbage?
>Do you want to make loot crates with cosmetic trash in it?
No, for fuck's sake.
>Do you want to make single player games?
Yes, please!

>F I R E D

What will the inevitable dream-team developer formed by disgruntled ex-Valve employees be called?

>What is going on behind the scenes at valve?

Nothing. That's why they are leaving. They want to do something, something other than making hats and skins that is.

Gabe's downfall is tragic, from hero of PC gaming to shekel counting heartless businessman.

Gabe is no different than suits at EA.

>Literally just sitting in the office taking up space, and getting paid to do it.

That's what I do desu

That is done by the community

>HL3 never existed and will never exist.
HL3 never existed and will never exist.
>HL3 never existed and will never exist.
HL3 never existed and will never exist.
>HL3 never existed and will never exist.
HL3 never existed and will never exist.
>HL3 never existed and will never exist.
HL3 never existed and will never exist.
>HL3 never existed and will never exist.
HL3 never existed and will never exist.
>HL3 never existed and will never exist.
HL3 never existed and will never exist.

There's a reason why it's called the "horse carrot" internally.

Pipe Software

>"The valve is rusted...but pipe still work."

>Valve doesn't make games
>Making 3 of them now

But they already did. They were swimming in money from Steam. And now they threw that away.


Even their cosmetics are outsourced to the community and workshop.

It's just the CEOs and bigwigs making money off of the platform, they don't care about games anymore. No games are being made, that's a shitty time for a designer.

Maybe he made a shitload thanks to steam and decided to retire early.

That's basically any office job if you get lucky.

>Imagine a company where everyone is equal and managers don't exist. A place where employees sit where they want, choose what to work on and decide each other's pay. Then, once a year, everyone goes on holiday together.

>You have just imagined Valve.

Why did they fall for this hippy google bullshit? It ruined the company.

What is going on?

People are moving on. Look how long these people have been there. They have been successful and are comfortable enough to be able to branch out to do new things with their life.

I was always curious just how depressing it would have been to work at Valve for the past decade.

You're a developer.. but the only things you're allowed to "develop" are items for DOTA and TF2.

No dev wants to do that. They want to make games.

all new skins in DotA and CS:GO are designed by the community.

Didnt the leaked Valve employee guide say that you had the freedom to work on whatever project you want? What happened to all their creative projects?


>valve is kill
Nah, Valve will rule PC gaming forever until Amazon/Twitch decides to make their own digital marketplace.

They just aren't going to make actual games anymore

Why the hell would Valve need game designers?

Nothing is endless.

>VR is games
you're funny.

This. Valve employees wanted to work on games, not have their thumb up their ass and get paid for it.

Please tell me you don't consider CSGO and Dota as "games".

They are glorified slot machines.

>valve doesnt make games
how has the knowledge that valve is announcing and showing THREE(3) games at that event this October missed Sup Forums?

>you had the freedom to work on whatever project you want
Blatant lies. They all got shitcanned for microtaxns.

Still games regardless if you like them or not.

You do know that during these past 10 years we also got L4D, its sequel and Portal 2, right? Oh, and CS:GO, too. I mean, nothing has been released since the last one, but still.

They couldn't get enough support in the office to make them. Valve is an example of society without leadership: listless and unable to create anything of value.

>Who left

Ken Birdwell
Marc Laidlaw
Doug Wood
John Cook
Viktor Antonov
Josh Weier
Adrian Finol
Chris Green
Chet Faliszek
Erik Wolpaw
Christopher Douglass
Andrea Wicklund
Burton Johnsey
Jay Pinkerton
Kristopher Katz
Jacob Masen-Smith
Pieter Wycoff
Stefan Landvogt
Jeff Wade
Quang Pham
Scott Balcerek
Corey Fellows
David Lesperance
Robert Briscoe
Alex Hopmann
Alex Van Gilder
Zach Barth
Hannah Pham
Evan Luza

Nothing gets realized because everyone wants to focus on something different and nobody is dedicated enough to take on a project solo.

It's a bunch of manchildren playing with building blocks that move on to legos when they get bored.

>vr is games

you forgot TF2. which is a shame because it used to be good.

>people wonder why all HL game designers and writers leave
>they don't wonder why they held on until this year

Gabe has been an elitist hipster faggot for a long time. It's just that barely anyone saw it until he became a jew too.


Im new to the PC scene, just joined the masterrace.

why was he the hero and why is he now the villain

Stock options and IRA matching.

Maybe they already have a few million so they don't need to feed Gaben chocolate molten cake anymore

finish the pyro update you fucks
I want one last resurgence of content before declaring TF2 officially dead

>Do you want to make MMO garbage?
Only if it's not garbage.

>Do you want to make loot crates with cosmetic trash in it?
Not if it's pissantly managed like it is now. What the fuck are people supposed to do with all those crates? Why are we jewing them to death with 5$ crates, for fuck sakes? Depth is currently doing a better job with it's free crate event.

>Do you want to make single player games?
Yes, please!

Thread Theme

>>they don't wonder why they held on until this year
Because the answer is obvious to anyone with half a brain.


You can only design so many hundreds of different types of hats before you want to move on to something else.

What if all their game-related employees end up leaving, then form a game company, and that company makes Half-Life 3?

maybe he was caught thinking about making video games

Doesn't matter

So 5-6 years then? CS:GO barely counts.

That's still a long time of being a dev not developing. Worse yet; wanting to develop games but being told to make cosmetic items/script them.

My current internship is literally this.

You ever had a job before? That's what it's like.

Or did you fall for the apprenticeship meme?

Some good games, reinvested it into an online marketplace with dank sales, now makes hat based transaction simulators and runs Steam.

So Valve is the EU of video games companies?

>tfw Valve will only make games when DOTA CS:GO stop being played and Valve stops generating free money from them
>it will never happen because of F2P BRs and children


good luck getting the rights to that from gaben's greasy hands

Newfags out

That's a pretty decently sized list. What's the exact timeframe of each of their departures, and their specializations within the company?

They still getting tons of money from their cut, games are a nice bonus, nothing more. Valve nowadays is a retailer with games, not a dev with a digital distribution platform

Well who the fuck cares if they do make games? Literally everybody of importance who helped to create the games we loved have fucking left, replaced by esports and cosmetics.

I wish I had known things would end up like this.

The love for Valve has long since soured. Nobody cares anymore because they don't want to be a developer anymore.

>videogames are only what I say they are!!

I'm glad we xan come together (as ganers) and laugh :D and brighten each other's day here on Sup Forums

Valve is finished as a game developer. Half Life 3 will never be finished. It's time to let go.

>That's a pretty decently sized list. What's the exact timeframe of each of their departures, and their specializations within the company?

All of them left in 2016-2017 except Viktor (2012).

I didn't compiled the list of people who left before 2016.

But Valve is cool, r-right?

Valves downfall is perhaps one of the most tragic events in videogame history. How the fuck do you fuck up such a good reputation? How do you completely disregard all those sweet IP's you own?

How? It's not like they didnt get a warning years ahead with the destruction of Blizzard entertainment.

Fuck man this one still hurts
He was the last string that still connected half life fans with valve. No one else besides him bothered to respond to people about half life 3.

yeah dude I'm glad people like me can come together and laugh at useful idiots like you
call me when nailing two TVs to your face doesn't make you literally ill and then we'll talk

>They just aren't going to make actual games anymore

But then they are completely dead.

Once upon a time there was this corpulent fatman. He was a nice and jolly soul. Basically, PC's santa. He and his team of rag-tag degenerates started to work on Quake mods; having first ported DOOM 1993 to Windows prior to doing this. Eventually, Valve wanted to make it's own game, forking the IDTech of Quake, and making HALF LIFE.
Randy pitchfork and others got drawn towards it, making Blue Shift and Opposing Force.

Randy split off and became one of the biggest cucks. He had "general knoxx" and "opposing force" but the rest of his games are mediocre-to-poor.

Gabe and his team eventually got around to making TF2 in supposedly 9 years, but honestly I doubt it. (I think it was made in ONE year and had NINE years of content planned). Eventually, they added hats and were okay with people using an external idling program until they randomly cucked people and cleared their entire inventories.

This was the beginning of the end. Eventually, Microtransactions and Crates were flying out of everybody's asshole. The jew days begun.

EA, TRS, and Valve later collaborated to create Left 4 Dead, and then just Valve made L4D2. TRS cannot make L4D3, it is not their property.

TRS also had another game in the pipeline before Left For Dead: EVOLVE. They wanted to work on this game, but Gaben kept holding them back. They got sick, and impatient, and eventually split off to become independent and work on their own game. They eventually became bankrupt and joined THQ, who was also bankrupt at the time. Eventually though, THQ shut down, and TRS got outbid on it's own IP; 250k to 11 million. Gabe probably helped orchestrate TRS/Evolve's downfall with Gearbox.

Now valve-corp has gone full jew; trying to get people to rally FOR paid mods (fucking HERESY) and cosmetics, and they want to get paid for OTHER PEOPLE'S work without lifting a finger.

Lazy, greedy cunts.



They won't have the rights to it.

They'll do the equivalent of Yooka-laylee. a competent game in the exact same style of their previous great games.

But it's not the game we really wanted.

ive been on this shithole since winter 2008(Sup Forums)


lmao literally educate yourself before making random baseless assumptions.

>Valve employees wanted to work on games

If they wanted to work on games there is literally noone stopping them.

Not Valve.
They just slapped their label on it.

They aren't making games anymore and are thus irrelevant.

They could own all the money in the world and it wouldn't make them anymore relevant today.

gabe was never a hero to anyone but reddit

You want an honest opinion? I think most of Sup Forums is overreacting. Sure, Valve as a game dev is pretty much dead and yeah, that sucks. But the micro transactions are limited to a handful of games, and they provide Steam, the best digital delivery service for games bar none. Yeah, Valve will b& you hard for cheating in their games but TOS dictates that, so it should be no surprise. Valve, as a cooperation, is still pretty fucking based.

Redditors only know and care about le based Gabe and Steam so those names are meaningless to them

being excited at the prospect of modern valve games is like saying you prefer the datamining chink to the unnamed faggot

Valve owns the single biggest digital distribution platform for games on the market. There's no way in hell that they're irrelevant in the industry.

That's a scary amount of people, honestly. I sincerely hope not all of them are writers and similar.

And if everyone was smart and started pirating today, Valve would cease to exist.

take a good look at the life of notch

What is your point exactly?

Valve USED to be cool.
Then HL2 was literally just "war of the worlds meets 1982" and gets shilled as being "Great" when it's clearly not. It's a good game, don't get me wrong. but it's not ONE OF THE BEST FPS GAMES EVER LMAO LEURL XD!!!

Fuck off Gabe. You used to be cool.

gabe is probably dead, nu-valve just moves is conserved corpse around

>they provide Steam, the best digital delivery service for games bar none.
Don't be a fucking cuck. Steam allows you to "rent" games, not buy them. GOG COM is a much better distribution service than steam. It has none of the bullshit that steam has.

What's the likelihood that someone like the Black Mesa developers could make Half Life 3 with Valve publishing?

>Valve doesn't make games
I think this is kind of a sad meme. Over the past 5 years they've put out CSGO, Dota 2, and the Vive + Lab, but apparently that's not good enough.

It just goes to show that, even though they complain about it all the fucking time, consumers EXPECT game devs to pump out one game a year.