Valve owns the single biggest digital distribution platform for games on the market. There's no way in hell that they're irrelevant in the industry.
Valve is kill
That's a scary amount of people, honestly. I sincerely hope not all of them are writers and similar.
And if everyone was smart and started pirating today, Valve would cease to exist.
take a good look at the life of notch
What is your point exactly?
Valve USED to be cool.
Then HL2 was literally just "war of the worlds meets 1982" and gets shilled as being "Great" when it's clearly not. It's a good game, don't get me wrong. but it's not ONE OF THE BEST FPS GAMES EVER LMAO LEURL XD!!!
Fuck off Gabe. You used to be cool.
gabe is probably dead, nu-valve just moves is conserved corpse around
>they provide Steam, the best digital delivery service for games bar none.
Don't be a fucking cuck. Steam allows you to "rent" games, not buy them. GOG COM is a much better distribution service than steam. It has none of the bullshit that steam has.
What's the likelihood that someone like the Black Mesa developers could make Half Life 3 with Valve publishing?
>Valve doesn't make games
I think this is kind of a sad meme. Over the past 5 years they've put out CSGO, Dota 2, and the Vive + Lab, but apparently that's not good enough.
It just goes to show that, even though they complain about it all the fucking time, consumers EXPECT game devs to pump out one game a year.