You did romance the best girl right?

you did romance the best girl right?

Of course !

Yes, please put down the gun dear. You'll scare our kids.

on my ng+ playthrough I'll romance with her I promise

>reject every other girl
>they take it well
>reject haru
>soul-crushing dialog

fuck me i wasn't prepared for this

I want to FUCK Kawakami

Sure did.

Get in line

Let's fix your heart.

rule of JRPG.

never date the first girl you meet. they're always basic



yes i did !

Post all the Haru you got.

>dating a dude who fucking shot you and fucked you over

i bet you think shido did nothing wrong



My wife haru is so cute

they should've added bangs or something.
Everytime she takes off her hat for the victory pose, I always double take because she looks bald at first glance


Like this?

same with me
i already dedicated myself to makoto by the time haru showed up



who the fuck is Haru?

>dating a girl that literally drinks animal shit

but that's makoto

You did lose your virginity in high school, right??

Let HaruFriends have their moment, we got to fend off those MakotoFaggots.


A forehead attached to a human body

>not romancing all girls
why do you guys even bother playing persona

yeah, something like that.
so what's her schtick that people gobble up?
is it her vulnerability and reliance on you right on the get go? she seems more like a slob to me

Haru stockings.

>breaking futaba's heart



I think Anne has the worst reaction to this
>Spends her entire SL talking about how you're her best friend and how you saved her and you're her light
>"Takashi... You're a dick!"



I did indeed! Great game!


>Breaking Sojiro's heart

>Female jonathan

Why is he so perfect?


Japanese Haru. 1/2.

It's even better



American Haru. 2/2.

best girl

what the fuck is the appeal of Akechi? the fucker's such a goddamn hypocritical annoying faggot that back-stabs you for a corrupt politician on top of the fact that his crucial mistake is having a fetish for pancakes

i literally see nothing good in him

>all girls
>no kamikaze

I like his style as a party member.
It is fun to Goro shitpost and he grew on me because of it.

What's wrong with Ann's reaction? She calls you the scum of the Earth which is true because haremfags are scum.

Why do people think Joker is the son of that p1 character?

>I like his style as a party member.
>you literally only go with him on only one palace

I liked him because he was a dork and he was my favorite party member, since I liked his outfit, AOA, battle quotes, etc.
Also I'd like to add that I am not a fujo (or female at all) and I'm not gay. Just thought he was a fun character.
It's all subjective, really.

>worst outfit
>comes late in the game
>worst introduction
>literally changes her mind on a dime in joining your team and then doesn't give any pause when her father dies.

Why would anyone pick Haru over any other girl in the game?


Persona 1 took place in '96 and 5 is either in 2016 or 2020 given the calendar so that's more than enough time for Naoya to have a kid.

This desu


>Same age as his son
>Both Eiha users
>Kido sells knives, Joker uses them
>Both delinquents
>Both have twintailed sluts for friends
>Both are skilled with their hands

I maybe would have on my first run if she didnt pop up at 90 hours in the game

>worst outfit
That's Makoto, Haru has the second best one only behind Joker.

I like traitor , especially when they're cute and smart.


>fucks up because of pancakes

He's an enormous dweeb during his time with the Phantom Thieves. He's also the fakest nigger who ever walked the earth: the twist that the PT were completely aware of Akechi being a hack fraud makes it feel like the player and the cast played a huge practical joke on him during the ruse. Seeing him completely and utterly blown the fuck out with zero chance of recovery is pretty endearing.

I liked his style as in.
I liked his fabulous crow mask, that little jig he does during his aoa and his follow up attack.
Also uses a rad as fuck beamsabre and raygun as his weapon.
Robin hood is a cool persona and Loki is one of the coolest looking personas in the game.
I also really like his dlc outfit

People don't think he's P1MC's kid they think he's Reji Kido's kid

He is smart, he's just also arrogant to a fault.
He carried Sae's Palace.
I think he just assumed he was always a step ahead of the Thieves, which was far from the truth.
I like to say he's book smart but not "street smart."

I don't even like Makoto, but her rider outfit is great her mask is the second worst mask though.

Naoto is currently the only teammate who becomes a party member at the latest month in any Persona game, in late October she is controllable in Persona 4.

Haru and her palace are playable around mid September, around 17th-19th.

Mitsuru in Persona 3 gives you blue balls for the entire game and isn't a proper social link until late November.

But sure, take it out on Haru.

>Sojiro somehow rused every single woman into thinking it was a big misunderstanding for the entirety of the year to cover for Joker
What a fucking player.

Yusuke > Goro > Makoto > Akira > Ryuji > Haru > Futaba > Morgana > Ann


I'm not into sadistic girls

Yes, Ann. But Haru was my second choice, she looks like Candy Candy or Lunlun from Hana no Ko Lunlun.

Would she get along with Yukiko?

Of course I did
Not sure why you poster Haru though

I don't mind her thief outfit so much, it's more the ugly default outfit that makes her look like a poodle.


>Ryuji, Ann and joker that low and makoto that high
>but have Best boy Yusuke and Goro on top
How can you have such good and bad taste at the same time?

Goro > Haru > Ryuji > Yusuke > Makoto > Futaba > Ann > Morgana > Akira (feel like he counts the least as an actual character, loved his style though)
Rate my shit taste

Why the fuck didn't Futaba and Haru trade haircuts

>Haru with Futaba's hair

I was torn between Haru, Kawakami, Makoto and Futaba. The plan was to read each of their Valentine's day events and pick the cutest. However, the game did not provide me with a save point before the choice, so I ultimately had to go with my heart.

I picked Haru and I have no regrets. Such a sweet and kind girl, with ambition and motivation to succeed. A little quirky, but not too much. I want to build a vegetable garden with her. I want to kiss her forehead. I want to cuddle.

Futaba with Haru's hair is god tier.

>Romancing the same girl in 8 different wigs at the same time
I didn't know persona appealed to my fetish

Back to >>>/tumblr/

the cool thing about p5 is that all of the girls were pretty good i dont care what shitposters say

Almost user. Almost.

>second worst

Whos the first? Morgana doesn't count.


>what is Ohya

Is dork a tumblr word now?

This is pretty shitty. It makes it seem like the other girls don't care nearly as much for you.