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Video Games #3808
Video Games
Dude its just video games
Videogame Collections
There are a lot of threads about favorite female video game characters, but rarely about males
You can stop shitposting. Gajin Hunter says World is great
Where can I start with the Metroid series?
This is the worst piece of shit game I've ever played...
I love me wife
ITT: Post your favorite Mario Party minigame
Omg I just miss her so much
Tekken 7
What are some games with realistic animal physics?
These are game journalists after E3, say something nice
Atari CEO confirms new console 'Ataribox'
The Swich is not a good console, Nintendo should go third party
What does Sup Forums think about having playable female characters in COD WWII multiplayer...
Dishonored is my favorite game
Vidya collections
What is a PC build that can do a consistent 4k 60fps, ultra settings, on all new games?
ITT: Games so good that they ruined every other game for you
This is gonna be my first SMT game,how fucked am i?
Why the difference in reception?
It's Saturday, anons. What are ya
Huge longtime Doom fan. Just finished D44M finally
Trailer comes out, looks like shit
Backlog Thread
*kills PC gaming*
I just want to talk about video games
RS2 is losing more players by the day but SQUAD is gaining players
Admit it. You brought strategy guides to school
Give me ONE game that Sup Forums can unanimously agree that is good
Which game is the bigger dissapointment?
Who here agrees with me that Persona 3 is better than 5?
Why is everything okay, when japan does it again?
Does this game get harder?
Who /england/ here?
I've never played a Metroid game. What are the good ones? Is the order important...
PC is the best platfo-
Who's ready for GOTY?
At the time the gamecube had the:
Why can't Sega make a good 3D Sonic game? Is it just impossible to transition Sonic into 3D and keep it good?
There are 760 people playing No Man's Sky right now
Worst Mario Kart
What were they thinking?
Is /lefty pol/ going to be permanently ass blasted about Blacks being portrayed as Nazis in the latest COD?
How is that video game you might have been working on coming, Sup Forums?
Vermin Cockfighting
You've played TWEWY, right user?
So now that we've all had a few days to reflect on our choices and cool off
Pick one
PROOF: MHW is exactly what PS2 / PSP Hunters have wanted for years
With all the news of a potential remaster, does Diablo 2 still hold up still Sup Forums...
Game has Sup Forums references
ITT: games with 10/10 girls
Who is your favorite robot in video games?
Dead or Alive
What are some actual good youtube channels that actually know what they're talking about?
Yuffie > Tifa >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Aeris
Can someone tell me what these fuckers are upto? Why did have have no showing at E3?
Make Mega Man game
Tfw while western games are doubling down on diversity , Japanese games are getting better and better
E3 revealed a lot about the industry this year
Recommend me some nice mech games. Already familiar with MechWarrior 3 and Armored Core. Is Titanfall 2 worth a shot?
RIP this industry
What games give me Ground Zeroes tier vibes, Sup Forums?
Now that there are consoles playings games at 4k for less than 500 dollars...
It's over sonybros... we lost ;_;
What are some games with depressing death scenes?
This blows TF2 out of the water
Until Dawn
Have videogames gone too far
Ugly mixel graphics stretched out on a 4K resolution
PSA: If your RAM is over 60%+ stress when idling, you likely have someone mining crypto on your rig
I'm getting that itch again, Sup Forums
Mother 3
Game features a gay character
Just finished Zero Mission, should I play AM2R first or Super Metroid?
Why did nobody lose their shit over Kat from Gravity Rush? She's a dark skinned female protagonist
What is your opinion on Megaman Starforce, Sup Forums?
It's really not a bad game and all in all a great finale to the series...
Filename thread
Fix this game
The biggest problem with the gaming industry are the devs
Was she telling the truth?
None of these games are bad games
How violent is too violent, Sup Forums?
Just started this. What am i in for, Sup Forums?
Stop right there!
Why do vidya gamers tend to have such bad eating habits?
What you expected vs. what you got
Where is this character from?
Why do people hate the idea of them as a couple?
Looking back on it
there game with big muscular amazonians
How good is 4K? It seems everyone are pushing to abandon 1080p instead of 60fps/144fps
Why did it fail?
Bitches can't counter my dragon arm
I want it now
What's the best way to find a community who just plays random games together...
Does this game gets harder?
A nobody Swedish studio with a small budget is able to have Swastikas in the US version of their game
Monster Hunter World
These are modern day indie devs
GOD tier multiplayer games, go
Diversity Celebration Thread!
How the fuck does Japan get away with including stuff like this in their game? Who the fuck want to see that?
What does Sup Forums think of Minesweeper?
Can we agree that New Vegas is the best RPG of this decade so far?
Thanks nig
The protagonist of the last horror game you played has been replaced by a sassy black woman who don't need no man
Monster hunter threads will be filled with hope or decay into maximum shitposting after the 20th arent them?
Doo doo doo doo doo de doo DOO starts playing
Skyrim character thread?
Why are stealth section so common in non-stealth games?
How long until PC gaming completely replaces consoles Sup Forums...
Sup Forums the musical
Games only white males like
What did Sledgehammer mean by this?
Its going to be like sonic cd, isn't it bros
Nier: Ayy
Mario Odyssey
Total war warhammer cracked
They saved racing games
How violent is too violent for you in a video game?
Guess the Metacritic score
What games let me fight an actually hopeless war for humanity's survival?
I used to work at Retro Studios from 2007 to 2015
XBOX ONE X general discussion thread
He's not playing the GOTY in 4k
Post what you think are the top 5 video game OSTs in no particular order
Go to
Poor drunk polack's Neverwinter Nights 2
ITT: Modify game title by one letter (remove a letter, add a letter or replace a letter). Give a new plot synopsis
*alters your history*
Sup Forums claims to love story driven, deep games
Did video games ruin your life Sup Forums?
Now that Samus is back which franchise should Nintendo revive next?
He thinks horror games should have combat
Post specs, just got this setup
A communication error has occured
Where's my vermin niggas at?
Um why doesn't she button up her shorts?
Emulation is worse than the original because it ruins the developers vision!
Find a flaw
Trails thread
So where are all the great AAA third party games? It will be just like the WiiU...
Fire Emblem Warriors
If i can't propose to her, no buy
ITT: Numale-core games
What was the hardest boss you ever fought?
K I N O thread
Morrowind vs Gothic 2
How is the PC port so fucking bad?
People who don't play games properly
"White Terrorists" in Vidya but no real terrorists
Monster Hunter 5 / World
Game of the year right here
Its a shit game
Describe Sup Forums in one image
PC Wins Baby
Are you picking up one?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Nintendo 64 the best console ever made?
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy
I lost my reaction fold from a clean install can we have a video game reaction image thread?
Does anyone here contain their autism only to Sup Forums when it comes to videogames?
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Should I get World Of Warcraft?
I want Samus to have this characterization from now on:
What else should be added to the list?
Steam sale S O O N
ITT post awful character design
Do you think that the switch is going to fail ?
Game has a lore reason for it's multiplayer
Devolver makes the closest thing to old Sup Forums humour for their press conference
What went wrong?
Post which game left the best impression on you after E3. For me;
Everything is about representation now
Grove Street
What are some games where I can lose access to my purchases for offending redditors?
Lol manlet
Warcraft 3 and Diablo 2 Remaster
True native 4K
Prove me wrong without resorting to
Everyone that played it at e3 said its fun. Even the most fedora'd of lords who were #fuckonami are praising it
I love her!
Silent Hill
Good open world action games like ARMA but offline
Who wins?
The people have spoken. GTA V is now at Overwhelmingly Negative
How is the story in this game going to work?
Kirby Thread
What the fuck was his problem?
Pssht, Fran is sleeping
This is a screenshot from Call of Duty: World War 2, a first person shooter set during World War 2
Help me i'm bored Sup Forums. I'm stuck on my phone with nothing to do. what are some good games to ejaculate...
ITT; Make this game's roster even worse
So why is black desert online the top selling game on steam?
GTA IV Thread:
No matter WHO the director is
Now that the dust has settled, what's the consensus on Doom ? Is it worth 12€ ?
Which Fire Emblem game is the best overall?
It's still not working
Why does playing games on PC feel so boring in comparison to console?
Download game repack
How would you improve the PC Gaming Show?
Blood Dragon
Any good games set in Latin America?
Good 3DS Games
ITT: games LITERALLY only you played
So was thinking of giving the first game a go. But I've only ever really heard negative things...
What happened to Cloud?
This game was great fun, but does anyone else wish it just LOOKED better...
Which Daedric Prince is the best, Sup Forums?
Arkrane is good dev-
Everybody's talking about the new game
What went wrong?
Rorikstead.. I-I'm from Rorikstead
Who was in the wrong here?
Why is she blowing up in popularity so hard? She looks like your average bit tiddy JRPG co-protag
PS3 still hasn't passed the Xbox 360
Is There a Game With A Cuter Character Than Shantae?
The game is fun
Get new pc after years of using a toaster
Buy my games, Son of Man
How the fuck do you aim with this shit in fps games?
Tales Thread
Sexy Samus Thread
The spanke girl
Who here /linux/?
Capcom would rather turn SFIV into a mobile game than port it to switch
You faggots weren't kidding. The level design in this game feels like it was designed by amateurs
Skyrim character thread
Did Hitman survive this debacle because of 47?
4E 201
Final Fantasy Love/Hate Thread
2 copies sold
You play a game
Get ready for the greatest remake of all time
Chivalry Feinting
~360 players all time peak
Game was way ahead of its time
2 hours in and this actually has an interesting plot so far
~Spin the wheel, take a chance
E3 2018
Who do we blame for e-sports?
How did we from this
So what happens after Legion?
Anyone else disappointed that Biff just makes animal crossing sounds in Arms, instead of being fully voice acted?
Out of these three, which one is considered game of the generation?
Has anyone tried this new Garfield Go app? Heard you can win real prizes like gift cards
Want to get good at fighting games
What are some tycoon games that haven't been made (well) yet?
Are they worse than Project M fags?
What would you think about a Souls game in which you only have one life? If you die you have to make a new character...
So...i died in this game then didn't recover my body data at the last death place and died again before that...
Is this the definitive 3DS version?
Why do Valve drones Still like this game?
Let me drain your energy
Women don't make good politic-
Install porn game
Dothack thread cuz we still have to talk about it coming back
The GREAT debate
Would you buy Kaede Akamatsu's game?
Was this a good example of moral choices?
/PnSG/ - Products not Services General #2
Atari CEO confirms new console "Ataribox"
Games that do not respect the players intelligence
Forza 7 confirmed best looking console game
You walk into GameStop and this guy smirks at your gf's ass
Nothing at all
Why does it suck?
No julia chang
Literally Grab-spam: THE GAME
Is there a worse company than Paradox?
How many games by Bethesda do you own?
ITT: times when you fell for the meme
Serious Sup Forums, why would i buy an Xbox?
The Nintendo Switch audience
Call it Sup Forums
Why does everyone say GTA IV has the worst missions in the series? I always found that so strange...
ITT: Games LITERALLY only you are hyped for
Going for coolguy templar/paladin playthrough
Would you go to bed with them, Sup Forums?
Tfw that game series you loved is dead/ruined
The sucke girl
How does Japan get away with it?
What games have similar art style/character design to Psychonauts?
Not even death can save you from me
Buyer's remorse general
Why was zero escape made only to have it ruined by the last game?
Final Fantasy X is better than VII
For those with girlfriends / wives and jobs how do you manage your game time?
Are there any games that feature maids?
In the unlikely event any of you had kids...
ITT: Post your current favorite song
Has AAA game development become unviable?
Best Quest in Witcher 3?
This kills the mid-range PC market
Admit it
Hows it gonna be?
What exclusive games in it will make you buy it?
Crash Bandidoot
Describe your experience with the last game you played without using the word fun or any of its synonyms
We were samurai and such
It's a good game, it's just not a role playing game
What games let me dispense some justice on the wicked? I wanna smite heretics...
Go to /vg/
How will you rationalize your stupid decision to buy Anthem?
ITT: E3 blunders
There already sams and red mages in the Ruby Sea
4 years, 40 million dollars = 3 hour game
Do you prefer customized characters or pre-made ones?
I actually had fun today with vidya
The Sims Soundtrack: Building Mode 5
Beat the game first to unlock the difficulty levels
It's the weekend
You people are pathetic
ITT: Post best girl of their respective game/series
Who do you want to see as a newcomer in Smash for Nintendo Switch?
God what happened
So why do so many dislike Advent Children?
People are spamming GTA 5 with negative reviews even though the game was developed by the rockstar in the UK and the...
Alright Joker, we've secured a route to user's heart...
Hot as fuck in the UK this weekend
Modding is dead
Can we meme this into reality?
ITT: THAT fucking moment
Join server
This year was fucking stellar when it comes to video game releases...
Lady Layton new info
How do we fix Sup Forums?
What game from E3 2017 are you most excited to play when it releases?
Reminder that Budokai 3 would have been an absolutely perfect game if dragon rush and some of the ultimate moves didn't...
ITT: Vidya kino
Sell games for kids
What exactly went wrong?
Official Sup Forums psychology test
Just beat this after playing through the Marathon series. Why is it so much worse?
Say my name
Post your favorite game and your IQ
Voice actors etc strike
Tales of Kingdom Hearts
Series is called Metroid
Name a more cringeworthy vidya protagonist
ITT childhood defining experiences. It was more than just a game
Still playing western games?
Is the finale upon us?
What's the lewdest game on Steam?
LF roguelike game
"I wanted to like this game, I really did"
Daily friendly reminder
Filename Thread
No thread on the best 3d platformer to ever release on xbone
What's the rarest item you have in a video game?
Wanna get a GTA game. What does Sup Forums think I should get?
If you haven't beaten at least one of these games you don't know shit about stealth action
ITT: Best girl of their games
Sup Forums has Terry A. Davis
Knack 2
I'm poor and can't afford vidya but I can draw and paint. Pic related
For a modern day successor, did it turn out all right?
User... stop playing video games and come to bed already
How Awoke are you as a Gamer?
If I wanted to get into Metroid, would starting with Zero mission be a good start? Since it's a remake of the first?
What happened?
Spend 2000 bucks on a new computer
Should I get a PS4 Pro now or do I wait for Death Stranding? Keep in mind that a PS4 Pro costs 15% of my monthly income
Blunder of the Century
What went wrong?
Fire Emblem Heroes
What video games did you play today Sup Forums?
Hope you're doing OK Sup Forums
Is anyone bored of this already?
The exact moment when the God of War series jumped the shark
Tell me who you thought the cutest person was in the last game you played
*spanks that ass*
I dont understand how people enjoy that game. The controls are so fucking loose and slow...
Fantasy General is free on GOG right now
Are there games that set in this country
Post photographs of your gaymin machine internals in 10 seconds or else this fox will shoot
Which Liar will you choose, user?
CDs vs Digital Downloads
What games let me bite my own lip
The Surge
Atari CEO confirms new console "Ataribox"
What VN can help me forget about 3D once and for all
Vita owners buy Vita expecting the next MH
Are there any respectable female characters in Japanese video games? Let's be honest, most of them are male fantasies...
Theres no dedicated SUPER MARIO ODYSSEY thread even just a day after E3
So, do I have to buy a switch now?
Start playing vanilla WoW on a private server
Post vidya horror stories at friends houses
Never played these games. Why do people like it so much? Should I start?
So, they're the good guys now, right?
P- Please support us ;_; we can still p-protect your game with our upcoming Denuvo V5 !!
Convince me to get one
E3 2017: IO Interactive Officially Goes Indie, Gains Full Rights to Hitman IP
I love her!
Enemies can open doors
Not talking to every npc
So what happened to VR? It's supposed to be the future of gayming, right...
This is a japanese child in a Japanese video game
Was he a good villain?
Monster Hunter World
Unemployed gamers
Would you suck dick for a switch?
Enemy follows you into a safe room
Western can´t make good looking wom-
ITT: Mapkino
I love everything about this
So xbox avatars are getting an overhaul...uh
Bullying in online games
Reminder that no matter how good Dragonball Fighter Z is, this will still always be the best DBZ fighting game
Hold it right there user
Miis don't have disability options
Are you excited about my game, user?
Name a better snack while playing games. Protip: you can't
Summer sale is only a few days away, post those wishlists and get rated
Post literal 10/10's
Hello does Sup Forums like Minecraft?
Um, excuse me... Sir?
Would you be happy if Mario Married Peach at the end of Mario Odyssey?
Want to play XCOM
Time to build your perfect RPG from the ground up. Post what you love to see in rpg's as well as what you hate...
Now that we know Prime 4 is in development, are you playing the trilogy once again? Also Metroid thread
Already plagued with meaningless """symbolism""" for pretentious twats to jerk off to
MMO thread
Parasite eve
Post in this thread if you think shooting nazis is fun
He's got a point, you know
Todd, have I pleased you?
Does Sup Forums play video games in public?
To this day I still don't know why channel 3 is special for rf connectors
Stop bullying in online games
256 people playing online at the same time!!
Hey user, why did you pick the female character are you gay
When will we get this level of detail in video games?
How do you justify your piracy Sup Forums? Do you find it morally correct?
Marge please speak to me with language that I understand
I love her!
What's your honest opinion about xiv™ Stormblood™?
Tfw you can physically feel Sup Forums getting worse and worse
What makes a video game character perfect?
What did she mean by this?
Why do video game characters that smoke seem 250% cooler than characters that don't?
40 Dollardoos
FF8 is the best Final Fantasy and has the best soundtrack
Yfw those first 3 notes
The best girl is the main girl
Grimiore Heralds of the Winged Exemplar!?
What do all of these games have in common?
Which one of you did this
Monster Hunter was always supposed to be this way
What if Metroid was a robot?
Lets play some CounterAttack
Character design improvements
How come people shit all over Bioware
The actually good E3 Compilation is up
Nothing related to video games will ever top this moment
God-tier devs
Steam will never have neat little metagames or flash sales again
So a closed-doors demo of MHW has been released, and it looks 10x better than what they showed at E3...
What are some games where the main character dies at the beginning?
I want to make games!
Is there a Persona game where you can date used goods?
I love Tharja!
Atari CEO confirms new console "Ataribox"
Post highly cute and possibly sexy (??) vidya characters
What was your reaction?
I mean, theres no way in hell Chloe deserved to get saved right?
Master Chief vs Samus
Ever Oasis
Reminder that the Quake Champions beta is OPEN 24/7 NOW
What went wrong? How are they going to survive once their YouTube money dries up?
Wish there was a rts mass effect
That friend who always appears offline
Let's talk about this game for a bit Sup Forums...
Wario retrieving a tiny whale from a treasure chest inside the ruins
Spinoff becomes more popular than the original game
Can we please talk about how perfect Mario 64 is?
What are some games where one of the playable characters or party members is a Japanese sword girl?
Would this make for a good Telltale game? If not, what dev would do the IP justice?
I like anime games. But what's the verdict on this before I buy? Reviews are all over the place with this game
More talk on Monster Hunter World!
It's a-me! Tod--- M--ma-maarioo! Makea sure to order Skyrim for the Nintendo Switch! Wohoo!
Current year
Star citizen is a sca-
Today at legoland, my son brought his Nintendo Switch. Random kids joined...
Sonic Mania Thread
Name one game you CANT beat without a tutorial
This was the highlight of E3 for me. Anyone else /hyped/?
I wanna try SMT because I heard it's like Persona but without all the weeb stuff
What games do you play while smoking weed Sup Forums?
*jumps and presses the B button*
He isn't building a PC more powerful than the Xbox One X for the same price
How would people in the real world react to the phantom thieves...
Call of Duty WWII
Phil Spencer
Yoko Shimomura is not a good compose-
I'm the guest user, so I get to be Player 1
Sup Forums plays in the Sup Forums summer cup in about a month and a half, vote here for roster changes pastebin...
Give me the last time you had _____fun____ with vidya
DS thread, tell me about your favorite DS games and give me your top 5/10 lists
Thanks for letting me borrow your game bro
Pitch me an original game, Sup Forums. New genre. No combining existing games i.e "morrowind without the swords"...
Can you do this in dota?
We do not want zombies on the lawn
When was the last time we got a Sup Forums YLYL thread going on?
Can we have a NeoGAF hate thread? Honestly, I don't think I hate anything as much as I hate NeoGAF
E3 2018
Negative ass
Do you guys reckon Rikku was a total perv secretly?
Anyone else feels like Nintendo may have been their load too early? Mario AND Zelda in the first year...
Nintendo wants fun, not politics
The demo for Miitopia is currently out on the nintendo 3ds shop. What do you guys think about it...
Filename thread
We want the Mexican audience
What is the Supreme Clientele of video games?
Instances are fucked beyond belief. 3k+ queue times and errors. Welcome to Stormblood XIV
Bought a PS4
Wow bump up to 1440p is really noticable
Sixth Generation Thread:
Why can't they make anything besides p2w grindfest MMOs? Is it a cultural thing?
Name this bitch
So is this worth $40 on PSN or nah? Be honest
What was his name again?
Sup Forumsermin Fight Club in 20 hours
He didn't play this with mouse and keyboard on Dolphin
Piracy is communism
Nintendo learned from the Wii U game droughts
Eyyyyy, I'm walkin' here! Fuggetaboutit!
Late night Spyro thread
I'm getting SICK and FUCKING TIRED of all my favorite youtubers 'roleplaying' on GTA V. FUCKING HATE THIS FAD...
Reminder to keep your PC safe this weekend
How would you rank the Shantae games from funnest to least fun?
ITT: cool vidya fanart
Who had a shittier life
Have you played her game of the year yet, Sup Forums?
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 thread
+25% Damage received and damage dealt
What is the best walking simulator?
What did he mean by this?
Have you ever bought a game to appease your dick Sup Forums?
ARMS Thread
If you were Mario, what objects would you posses ?
Ice cream?
Name a worse gaming community
Another game where motion control gimmicks are inferior to plain old normal controls
Why was Mai Shiranui so iconic back during the 90s but now totally ignored?
Heading to Wal-Mart to buy a Switch
It took me two years
He fell for the VR meme
Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku Thread
Super Mario Odyssey spoilers:
Should i play dragon quest 5 or fire emblem awakening
Should Nintendo step away from 2D platformers for a bit?
Playing a literal rehash when you could be playing a game with completely revamped level design and progression (you...
Nintendo Switch
You did romance the best girl right?
Defends a guy who pretty much murdered his mother
Make a collection of like six games
ITT: Gamer Fuel
Why is he such a nintendo shill Sup Forums?
Sup Sup Forums
Oh, Minecrap! I cannot wait to play Minecrap. Do you know what my favorite thing to do is in Minecrap...
Based Sony giving us not 1 but 2 Spider-Man movies
Any last words?
What was your reaction?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...