
what do you guys think?

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I find overwatch to be really comfy. Paladins, not so much.

Trash game by trash devs trying to make $$$ by following a trend. Id go as far to say it's worse than Battleborn, at least they put in the effort of having a consistent universe with character backgrounds and stories. All paladins has over it is the art style but even then Paladin's artstyle is the most low effort and sterile I've seen in one of these games

At least it doesn't try to be anything other than a poor man's Overwatch. Battleborn is bar none one of the most pretentious attempts ever made and it's dev staff deserves to be ridiculed and counter marketed.

I don't see how being a poor imitation makes it any better. Don't get me wrong I'm not defending Battleborn, all I'm saying is that anyone who genuinely defends this game doesn't know any better or is getting a hefty .10 cents deposited into their account

How could they so shamelessly add an edgy, undead shotgun guy too?

fun game, needs a lot more stability and polish though. Could probably benefit from an increased budget, but I appreciate the devs focusing more on finishing the game and making it fun than doing lore bullshit

my gf looks exactly like Evie
I main evie

It is fun and I am enjoying it.

I played it for a few weeks; the hitboxes are unforgivable. Not even going to consider going back until those are fixed.

Everything else was alright. Healers are more fun to play as, matchmaking was usually really quick, and some of the girls are qt. Most of the character design is pretty bad, the setting is the same boring vague fantasy that any Moba goes for, and a lot of the maps felt poorly thought out. Cards are kind of neat, but they just add another layer of "you need to grind and unlock this shit before you can really play," which sucks.

It's pretty fun. Needs some work, though, and they've made it harder for new people to progress recently, which isn't good.

Fun F2P and better than overwatch.


Good game, and tries to do its own thing but Holley shit this game is in dire need of have a good music or something because this generic Hero music really does not even hold a Candle to Overwatch even though I never played Overwatch

Who the shit would spend money on Overwatch? Paladins wins by default and I will never play either of them.

It's Hi-rez, avoid it like the trojan horse it is.

Have they ever come up with an idea of their own that wasn't just riding the wave of what's popular?

Grover and pic related are fun to play.

I think they should hurry up with the titfuck sfms.

I only have Pip for support. I want another one. Which to you like most?

It's less anti-fun than overwatch.

My man
Im only going for max heals with speed buffs and some cdr

I'd go with maldamba only because you gotta be precise with you axe throwing with Grover and you will miss a lot.

Somehow worse than Overwatch.

>load up paladins for first time
>go bow bitch
>get 20+ kills by myself
>wow this is fucking boring
>quit after 10 matches because its too easy and there is no balance

has potential but devs are shit



Congratulations you steamrolled the bots with an okay character

>play against bots
>think he's a god
This guy.

I like it more than overwatch
Items and loadouts keep it way more fresh. Nearly every character has a movement ability which I prefer
Also an update every two weeks is really nice

It's fun, more fun than Overwatch but also more difficult. I bought the founder's pack but am growing a bit disillusioned to Hi-Rez because I'm seeing them making the grind tougher and tougher as time goes on. They're basically testing the waters until enough people whine about the grind for them to roll back to the previous, still absurdly grindy but less so, iteration of the game.

>really like the game
>buy founders pack
>this happens
I did everything I could to fix this shit. The only thing now is to format my PC, and I'm not doing that for a single fucking game.


What was your player level during this


I can't have fun with this game as long as cauterize is in the game.
t. healcuck

Boring and slow.

hush peasant

She's cutest for sure

Its fun with friends sometimes, but maps are fucking shit

speaking of checks, check my 5.

>tfw stuck with level 4 bomb king

him and Buck are the only ones stuck at that level for me, I can't play them right

I just want to fuck the dragon

B omb king is easy, he's not even hard to land his bombs with anymore and you don't have to stack them for damage. just chuck one and explode and keep chucking them. ocassionally throw out the grumpy bomb for the crowd controll, and then nuke anyone you stun to death. poppy bomb's just the space creator/escape button, or for if you see an opportunity to knock the enemy off the map.

is the "grumpy bomb destroys all shields" legendary best

It's situational, useful especially against Torvald or people with deployable ones.

Why didn't you get overwatch when it was 20 bucks is what I say.

Each character feels fun to play and all the designs look consistent.

all right, I'll try him later

I got it on release against my gut telling me not to when I was already getting kinda bored of the beta, then stopped playing it in a week. Then I tried Paladins when it came on Steam and find that more fun and ended up getting founder's pack.

My only complaint with it is the shitty grind that is the essence system for cards. At least the default loadouts are good enough for you to get by anyway though.

There is one same fag that post a picture every post with how great the game is. Fucking pathetic.

It's shit.
I played it during beta before OW came out, the game flow gets fucked by huge maps, horses, and such.
They tried to make something different from the TF2 forumal, and it just doesn't work.

The matches are WAY to quick to be fun.

Don't play on PS4

It's fun, it's free, I like the new mode, it runs on damn near anything.
Balance needs work, buggy, turning into a grind.


Couldn't they have called it atleast something different from "payload"? I swear this game to Overwatch is like the diet store-brand cola vs real sugar Coke.

>overwatch invented the term payload

Are you retarded?

did you disable the hi-rez services in msconfig?

Of course it didn't invent the word you imbeciles. But maybe try to make the ripoff a wee bit less glaringly obvious if the game mode itself is already a carbon copy, no?

The mode is called Siege and that's literally a payload. Overwatch didn't invent Payloads and it doesn't work like Overwatch's payload mode either.

>I swear this game to Overwatch is like the diet store-brand cola vs real sugar Coke.

You know this game was in development before overwatch right?

I enjoy a lot

literally no ass.

The final product was finished before OW was announced? You realize that they didn't live in a hole all that time and were obviously guided by the hype for OW?

>OW invented payload push game mode
Ah so you are actually retarded, okay then.

Why did you make this post? Obviously not because anyone of us two actually beliefs OW invented the game mode. So why post?

Seris and Maldamba are current strong choices. See more Seris than any other support on the field and her kit is pretty solid for direct healing, and she can snipe heal with her legendary card, so its like playing a Mercy/Ana merge. Maldamba's gourd bombs can slow if you have the legendary card, so he has good direct heals and annoying as hell heal nade that enemies never wise up and buy resilience against. Problem with both is that they can be very squishy, Maldamba moreso as his escape has less range

Personally like Ying the best, she's got the best jukes and annoying as hell to kill. Only problem is that she can't target heal so if your team loses they'll blame you for all of it

>OP you replied to
Alright, that convinces me somewhat that it isn't actually a clone on purpose. But it still ended up a clone out of ignorance. I don't mean this in a bad way, it's just that they could've altered the game subsequently, in response to OW, and enjoy a merry life in the vidya spotlight without being perceived as poor man's ripoff, even if its painful out of principle to alter your original ideas.

>Blizzcuck calling others shilll

Like pottery. Got to justify that 40$ somehow eh?

Global agenda and Tribes of course.

What patch did you play? Right now the hitboxes could be improved, but are a lot better than some patches ago

red panda Pip is making me feel weird

nigger detected

I personally tried to play Paladins with a friend during the battleborn F2P launch and the only thing neat about it was the higher TTK and the fact that it was free.

Overwatch seemed like Pixar film while paladins felt like like one of those cheap early 3d cartoons

Battleborn is a shit game but the art style and graphics were superior to paladins on PC and it actually tries to do what it does with some degree of effort yet it sometimes fails.

As a tribes ascend player I do have to admit that Hi Rez has fallen much deeper than I would have imagined in these past years.

It's basically a F2P Overwatch with a more fantasy style setting compared to Overwatch's sci-fi. Hi-Rez have tried to kill it multiple times with bad decisions, but the game keeps trucking with more characters added pretty frequently.

I was considering trying it since I'm sick of overmeme but now I'm not so sure

my entire life for the next up to 12 months is just waiting for Monster Hunter World

Better girls than Overwatch. Evie, Ying and Skye are top cute.

Do people still salty if you play as Drogoz?

Do you get off on Guro porn as well? That is not a Red Panda, they are fluffy and adorable without some uncanny face attached

If you can actually land rockets and be evasive, sure.

exactly, I'm not a big fan of red panda anthros