>true native 4K
>backward compatibility
>backed by bill gates
how can any console even compete?
>true native 4K
>backward compatibility
>backed by bill gates
how can any console even compete?
it's okay sonybro, come join the xbox + switch master race team and you'll have a good time
thanks reddit
only newfags read and follow the rules
oldfags can do what they want
>sleek new design
>true native 4K
Not a single consumer television is true native 4K. 4K has a horizontal resolution of 4096 pixels which at 16x9 would be 4096x2304.
4K on consumer TVs is 3840x2160 which has 88% the resolution of actual real 4K. The whole reason it is called 4K is because the horizontal resolution is over 4,000 or 4K. Consumer 4K is not true 4K, it is 3.8k. Nobody calls 1080p 2K so why is 4x 1080p "4K"? And the 1920 horizontal pixels of 1080p are closer to 2,000 than 3840 is to 4,000. Consumer 4K should be called 2160p
fuck off micro dick soft
t. buttmad jelly hater
What console you talking about again?
Who cares if it´s 4k, I don´t want to see garbage in 4k. I want to see good games at any resolution.
>also on W10
W10+PS4+3DS is best combo right now. Add Switch in early-mid 2018 when it has more games unless you're really dedicated and got one already.
Xbonx is a good entry point to vidya for people who only have a low-end laptop or similar, but for enthusiasts it's a bit lacking.
>how can any console even compete?
By having games.
>>true native 4K
Except everything is checkerboard 4k.
>native 4k
>games arent developed native 4k
Here easy actually.
>citation needed
>It's only okay when we sonybros break the rules over and over again!
>guys it's pointless to have games at a higher resolution!
Atari is coming.
Just you wait, xfag. The Jaguar 2 will btfo your xXBONEXx
> consoles
>not switch+ps4+pc
theres a difference between being developed in 4k / being upscaled.
PS5 needs to come out next year with 8K res, or sony-negros are fucked
I can see why people would hold off on the Switch for the time being though. Could go with 3DS instead until Switch library gets bigger.
PC + Xbox
vs Nintendo + Sony
It was meant to be. I like some aspects of Nintendo but Japanese gaymen has to die. I'm sorry.
No need to act so booty bamboozled, kid.
Sure, using a Switch is so much cooler
Why not everything?
How about, now this may seem crazy to all of you, you all fuck off and just play your system of choice without shouting about how "good" you think it is? Fanboys who scream about how amazing or much better their console are probably HURT the console sales more then help them. I have been turned off of the PS4, Xbox One X, AND the Switch because all of you faggots won't shut the fuck up about how much better you all are from each other. You're all just the same fucking cancer anyway.
>Implying I need a Cuckbox One
In your dreams
>old arcade games are 240p
>great games
>new games "4k"
>they're shit
Makes you think
Fuck off, I barely touch my damn PC anymore either. The only solace I have is old systems and Handhelds and even those are becoming shit. Remember when gaming was fun? I do, I still have my original Xbox, PS2, and Gamecube. I fucking win against all you Console wars and PC faggots because I don't even need to scream about how much better one system is over the other, or how "amazing" PC is!
I, unlike the rest of you faggots, can just sit back and have a good time playing classics of years gone by, while consolefags and PCbros yell at each other and make me never want to play new games ever again.
It doesn't means anything if it doesn't has games
Digital foundry already confirmed that its not true 4K, its the same checkerboarding that the PS4 Pro uses.
>paying $60 for video games on any console in 2017
So, why aren't you reading and following the rules?
>how can any console even compete?
By having games?
>Uncharted 4
>Persona 5
>Gravity Rush 2
>Yakuza 0
>Until Dawn
All objectively good games even if you tantrum "woooooow those are all shit!" and also not on Xbox.
Then we've got
>Next FromSoft game
>God of War
>Ni no Kuni 2
>Uncharted SJW Edition
>Death Stranding
>Days Gone
>Knack 2 lmao
Looking bretty gud, even though it took 4 fuckin years to get some games.
I just post this everytime user.
>true native 4k
>Proves they have Nogames
does bill gates even work at microsoft?
Im a poor 3rd year student who cannot afford a 4 tv. Knowing that and that it does not automatically make all games 60 fps why would I get a xbox 1 X vs Ps4 pro next christmas?
>PS4 games
He retired
Probably still majority shareholder
>Dynamic 4K*