Native 4k
Equivalent to PC Ultra settings
"Astonishing looking"
Most technically impressive console game ever made
Turn 10 is BTFOing everyone
Native 4k
Equivalent to PC Ultra settings
"Astonishing looking"
Most technically impressive console game ever made
Turn 10 is BTFOing everyone
Isn't Forza Playground games?
Forza is the ONLY reason i miss having a Xbox. GTsport better be fucking good for as long as those japfucks are taking.
Playground do the horizon series and Turn 10 do the Motorsport series.
Its on pc too though
>Equivalent to PC Ultra settings
that just means PC ultra settings are gimped just like Horizon 3
>good graphics in racing games
Wow it's fucking nothing
>racing game
wake me up when the REAL SHIT is happening
Not interest until FORT-za Horizon 4.
I'm curious about the no-racing open world game from Playground games. Is it going to be multiplatform?
>New team will be working on unannounced non-racing project, Forza Horizon "remains the cornerstone" of studio's business
>windows 10
Because empty fields demand really powerful hardware, right ?
That's the same reason why Mad Max the game runs so smoothly. Both games don't need to render a lot of stuff
>PC ultra settings
>Still looks like a 360 game
How does Turn 10 do it?
>buying a console because of OS autism
by making the best racing simulator game and the best looking one.
>COD of racers gets awards because there's fuck all else
Tell me about your Porsche again, Dan.
>downgrading to an OS you dont want or need because of a game
Now thats autism.
It's ok to be salty user go on.
at over 100GB initial install pre-patch it better look as good as drive club or gran turismo
>Most technically impressive DRIVING CONSOLE game ever made
i agree
It looks better and even more if you play on a high end PC with GTX 1080 (or better)
Forza horizon 3 will still be better
That's a given. Also lol how bad Sony is at racing games.
why the fuck would anyone play this piece oof shit on PC there are actual real much better racing games there
same for consoles really keke
Are Microsoft seriously going to put that exclusive shit on every case from now on? Like seriously?
Stop baiting.
As you can see they already have put it on every console exclusive
I couldn't find one that is better than Forza Horizon 3 which was amazing. I really enjoyed the recent DLC:
>Forza Horizon 3
jesus christ
id rather play test drive unlimited
yank garbage is shit
Horizon series >>>>> Motosport series
>we want the gtav audience
>he pays $500 + paid online fees to play the worse version of a game instead of just dualbooting an OS
>talking shit about Horizon 3
never change user
Noice joipe guvna! Tea n crumpets tonoight?
Finally we get Porsche and not those fucking RUF or Gemballa kit cars.
Why do you keep you assuming i have an xbox? I thought pcuçks were smart?
>he can't even play Forza at all
>by making the best racing simulator game
*blocks your path*
Holy fucking shit that is pathetic, because they're not even real exclusives. The console has none of those. That's so sad.
They are console exclusive as in " you won't be able to able them outside the Microsoft ecosystem"
Somebody post the images of the fans from forza 6