FF8 is the best Final Fantasy and has the best soundtrack
Fuck all of you who think otherwise
FF8 is the best Final Fantasy and has the best soundtrack
Fuck all of you who think otherwise
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ff8 is my favorite but holy shit, more of the game design is broken than isn't
>level scaling punishes you for playing the game
>infinite drawing means that maximum efficiency is best achieved through constant, mindless, repetitive grinding
>limit spamming speaks for itself
>junctioning system is a convoluted, overcomplex mess that barely gives you more flexibility than materia anyway
>and when it does, it leaves characters with basically no distinguishing characteristics outside of limits
>all of this on top of the basic combat system being pretty brainless to start
then that's not getting into the undercooked romance, the insane, stupid plot, the party having bascially no endearing characteristics beyohd "quistis is hot" and a few zell antics
Final Fantasy thread?
I only ask because I just finished Final Fantasy XV (feel free to laugh) and the game crashed after the credits before the final cutscene. I already know what it is Noctis and Luna finally reuniting in the afterlife, which makes me even more pissed. I did at least get to see the scene from their last camp, which was good at least. Still, I'm mad enough to start another game immediately out of spite
Which FF do I play next? So far I've only ever played 3D FF games (XIII trilogy, XV, about half of VII which is on hold since I'm playing on a friend's copy)
100% agree that character development suffered in this game. It's not that they neglected it at all (except Ultimecia), it's just that I don't know, I think it was a really ambitious story with a lot of elements, so it was hard to get right.
The sorceress succession thing is difficult to understand, it's kind of a mystery how Edea and Cid - a couple running an orphanage - are so resourceful that they can create this powerful military organization, the writers surely wanted to make something special out of the Seifer character but, ugh, without a superbly executed story and writing he's just going to be an asshole criminal, they touched on the memory/past/fate thing with Ellone's powers but I think it still needed to be fleshed out more, and Quistis and Zell seem to start out as important characters but basically they aren't. I think they did a great job with Laguna's character development, though.
Watching this game through a playthrough (I don't know if that's the term, but what I mean is a Let's Play without commentary, like a walkthrough) really allowed me to focus on the story. I was laughing every time watching this guy start to draw magic at the beginning of every boss battle, and after I skip forward 20 minutes... he's still drawing magic from the same boss,
Or wait for 12
And 15 is an amazing game
Fuck the haters
I muted the TV when Eyes on Me Played.
It was a shitty love song played to a shitty love story
VI or IX are generally the best entry points. probably VI if you have no issue with going back to snes days, IX if (for some reason) you do
Melodies of life is better than Eyes on me
FF8 is my personal favorite too. Not the best in the series necessarily, just the one I love the most.
FFV Four Job Fiesta
>Final Cuck 8 is the best;
Sure lad.
>Retardet emo MC Lose duel with Seifer;
>MS dreamed girl was banget to Seifer;
>Best soundtrack
Hell no. Suteki da ne is better than Eyes on Me though.
>emo MC
Here we go again.
I'm one of the few that liked FF8 but FF7 is still the best one in the series.
Hey guys
get this
what if
FF7, 8 and 9 were all good.
no user, one of them has to be thoroughly and inarguably better than the others, or there's no point
>complaining about emo mc
>posts p3 related pic
well it is clearly the best FF, that's an established fact.
Only XII comes close to it.
ok xv kun
What I really would like to know is wtf is up with the story for ff8 ? Was It suposed to be bad ? Was rinoa being ultimecia something official but then they realized that was too dark and backpedaled ?
She was never Ultimecia, just some edgy emo kid delusions going wild
The event is starting in two days, and its a fun way to play the game first
Being the best Final Fantasy is like being a day old sandwich in a trash can. The music and visual design of VIII are great. But even the 'best' FF game has tons of gameplay, story and design flaws.
This is why Theathrythm Final Fantasy is actually the best FF game. Because it takes away all the horrible parts and focuses just on music and visual design.
Really ? What is the explanation for griever for example ?
>it's kind of a mystery how Edea and Cid - a couple running an orphanage - are so resourceful that they can create this powerful military organization
NORG was the Garden master for a reason.
Ultimecia summoned the strongest being in Squall's mind, which is Griever. The translation royally fucked up her battle dialogue.
>being this retarded
if she aint ultimecia the game sucks
Niqqa u gay af
>Suteki da ne
God no. Suteki da Ne is one "ONiii-chan!!" away from being the most moe garbage song in all of FF
>visual design
>cabbage patch marionettes and chibified enemies/bosses
OK champ
I don't know how to explain it any more simply.
Don't mind me posting best Fantasy.
The point is that Ultimecia tries to make Squall destroy himself by drawing out his inner grief that he had been suppressing all his life and turning it into a weapon. The point of the Griever is that Squall doesn't want to show emotion so he believes his necklace can carry that burden, a psychological trick that gets more dimensions to it because VIII's setting has literal magic.
Isnt griever just another gf. Why is he a creation that spawned from squalls mind?
i havent played the game since high school and even then i kinda speed through it
It's great to see Final Fantasy fans throw a tantrum but never be able to refute something.
Tried replaying that game last week. Lost all motivation to continue after Zozo. I honestly can't say its the best FF game anymore. But it's hard to say any FF game is good anymore.
You're trying too hard to play psychologist. Griever is simply representative of what he yearns to be (strong and proud).
No, Griever is just a ring that Squall wears, it only becomes a GF when Ultimecia summons it as one.
>itt: "i hate things that are popular"
Yea it's got it's flaws. Selphie literally doesn't even need to exist, for example. Every other character has some part of the story where they're important but Selphie could be written out of the game and nothing would change.
Yea. I kinda get the feeling that they got to a point where they were like "oh shit we're coding this shit and we're already halfway thru the 3rd disc, better wrap this shit up".
I remember when I first played it the whole start of the first disc where you're a student in a futuristic magic school seemed cool as fuck to me. It kinda sucks that they start you off right before the final test, they could've milked the classes, tests, battles and school slice-of-life aspect a lot more to work on character development rather than
>ok you're graduating do this test
>ok cool, your first job out of school is to assassinate the queen of some evil empire
>time skip shit
>Ok welcome home but everything's gone to shit
>evil fat guy in the basement that's relevant only for the 5 min you fight him
>oh the school crashed into a fishing town
>giant ice dildo is attacking the futuristic city
>ok now we have a spaceship
>go back in time somehow
>kill some bitch
As much as I love the game and nostalgia for it, it lacks character development because you're always going from place to place doing seemingly irrelevant shit. There's no time for character development, short of Zell making le hotdog joke again or Selphie being energetically autistic.
To be fair the actual version of Eyes on me played in the endgame cutscene is shit. The singer in the game version can't sing for crap.
Selphie technically gets Rinoa and Squall together, as well as ties to Edea's garden. I agree it's not very strong storywise, but we're talking about a series where most characters are little more than an excuse to be killed (half the cast of FFIV) or made just to make you explore a town (Yuffie). I mean, the development of characters is so bad that Selphie has more development than Quistis does.
The singer for Eyes on Me is 100x better than Suteki da ne.
>As much as I love the game and nostalgia for it, it lacks character development because you're always going from place to place doing seemingly irrelevant shit. There's no time for character development, short of Zell making le hotdog joke again or Selphie being energetically autistic.
Just like a Shounen anime like Naruto. That being said, the side characters in FFVIII actually get development. It is just indirect development. Like learning about Zell by visiting his home town or learning about Seifer with your interactions with his tag along friends (RAGE).
Its one of the few FF games where you actually have to explore and talk to non story NPCs to get more info. Not saying this is good development. Just pointing out what kind it is.
Rinoa isn't good no matter what you do though. She actually becomes worse because she dominates the story after Disk 2.
>the first disc where you're a student in a futuristic magic school
That is not what the story of VIII is about. Maybe you'd like it better if it was but that's hardly worthwhile criticism.
>The translation royally fucked up her battle dialogue.
source/examples of this?
Sorceress Ultimecia: "The most powerful GF... ...You shall... ...SUFFER...! HAHAHA..."
"I will summon what you believe to be the most powerful being. The stronger you believe it to be, the more it will make you suffer!"
All the more reason the majority of hate and memes FFVIII has is because of a god awful translation.
But when it comes to FFVII, the bad translation makes it 'better'. At least in these people's nostalgia blind mind.