Everybody's talking about the new game

everybody's talking about the new game
but nothing about the most important redesign.

the Metroids

at first sight it may look the same jellyfish thingy as ever... but the amount of "meat" in the lower part, including an eye, it's a pretty hardcore departure

fresh outta hecks

compare this...

Why is Sup Forums so fucking slow with loading images today?

to this

redesigns for metroid arent' new though.

this is concept art from the OG metroid

the most recent one excluding Returns.

other M

>the amount of meat in the lower part
This sounds pretty sexual

Careful, you'll trigger the autists

actually the squishy umbrella has different shapes as well. didn't notice it until how

If anyone's upset about 'tis keep in mind they're just making the design more polished and more enjoyable to look at
It's not like their updating and replacing all metroids in the old games.

Don't get too nostalgiafaggy about it




I loved in metroid 2 the gamma that shred in front of you.
Glad its back



Samus peeping.jpeg

It still looks tje same though... I don't see this "hardcore departure" you speak of

it has an eye

So? The core design is still intact. It looks more like a mouth than an eye either way.

I think it's an eye.

To put the design more in line with the Alpha and Gamma.

Looks better now

I guess I'm not too attached to any particular metroid design. So long as it's mostly the same, it's okay.