How is the story in this game going to work?

>End of Metroid Prime 3: You destroy the planet Phhaze and any trace of Phazon left in the galaxy

>End of Metroid Fusion: You destroy every X parasite and Samus is technicall yht elast "Metroid" in existence due to having Metroid DNA

I understand Federation Force has Sylux taking a newly hatched baby Metroid at the end but that still doesn't explain how it got there and how they are going to tie in the Phazon part of the Metroid Prime series if it's totally eradicated.

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Prime 4 is working title
I expect the final title not to have the word prime in it
They called it prime 4 so that people knew what to expect in terms of gameplay

Surprise Phazon reserves being used by Sylux

Actually I'd expect it not to have the number 4 it. Like Metroid Prime: Resurrection or something

>and Samus is technicall yht elast "Metroid" in existence due to having Metroid DNA
lol no why is this shit so widespread still in 2017?
Sakamoto said Samus got her original DNA back when she absorbed the SA-X, she has no metroid blood in her anymore

who fucking cares, I'm wondering how they're gonna do the controls
80% of people who played the Trilogy prefer the motion controls. can they emulate that with the joycons?


space pirates fucking shit up as always

Galaxy is a big place, you can always find some scary shit if you look hard enough.

Ye, in fact I'v e heard people say the Switch joycon motion controls are better than Wii remotes with motion plus attachments.

I bet they will have the standard lock-on/gamecube controls for handheld and pro controller use, and the motion controls for those who prefer that.

She still contains Metroid DNA, it's just inactive so she no longer has Metroid-like properties.

The joycons can emulate the pointer controls, although it works with gyro rather than IR.

There's no point in worrying about it, Prime has always been fanfiction-tier. Enjoy it for the gameplay.

I'm gonna be playing with the pro controller then

I'm never a graphics whore but shit, Prime 1-3 still look great today, I can't wait to see Prime 4 in HD, it's going to look so fucking sexy.

Federation Force shows Sylux stealing a Metroid hatchling. The story will probably have nothing to do with Phazon.

Nope she no longer had metroid DNA.

Question 41

>Fanfiction tier story
>barely any dialogue

You can't even make a point of the series having bad narrative because it does not exist, 90% of the story on the Prime games are fed to you through the environment and scanning visor.

Back to your threads sonyponi.

There's a possibility that other planets may have been infected with Phazon before Tallon IV, although Metroid Prime itself certainly can't make an appearance. Metroid Prime 4 is probably a working title anyway, it basically tells fans it's a 3D Metroid game with a first-person perspective.

new protag will be sylux ,he was too much show for just being a gimmick (federation force , corruption )

Then 15 years later comes Prometheroid and then Metroid: Covenant

>Galactic Federation is now hunting down Samus as she is technically the last Metroid
>Sylux is also being hunted for having the last Metroid

>forgetting the only game he's actually in

Killing Phaaze removed all phazon though

I'd rather just have dual analogue