Makes me want to buy some of their games, actually. About tired of the political talk in every part of society.
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Back to neogaf faggot.
Get the fuck off from my lawn, NeoGAF.
When I play games I like to be disconnected for the real world.
Why play a game that makes me think about the real shitty world?
Nintendo you've just earned a new customer for this.
I have a sudden urge to give Nintendo all of my money, time to find a Switch.
wtf I love Nintendo now
brb going to Best Buy to get a Switch
so Sup Forums is Sup Forums now?
Whats the name of that mental disease.
what an oasis
>wants people to smile and have fun
At least Reggie has his shit together.
Fuck off with your retarded ass SJW/LGBT pandering bullshit.
You can't make a game without making political statements. Nintendo games are very typically left leaning as they're mostly about everyone being included and everyone enjoying themselves together. They just don't make games that are making a very obvious political statement about what's going on in the world right at this moment. So don't expect them to make some sort of statement on Trump or anything.
I mean shit, the mayor in Mario's newest game is Pauline, who is female.
>I'm going to intentionally post something that is wrong and will guarantee replies because I want attention.
And you'll get all the attention you want from here because we're all stupid as fuck.
>doesn't try to be political
>outright says that women should be shot in the back if they don't act submissive to a man
wtf I love reggie now. No literally wtf I love reggie now
>implying constantly censoring games isn't a political statement
If Nintendo doesn't want to make political statements, why do they still do so? WHO IS BEHIND THIS SHIT!?
The gay.
virtue signaling
>Art is intrinsically political.
No it's not. Art injected cultural Marxism was the death of art in of itself.
Art is supposed to be emotional, not political.
It's probably more because they lock their games on their own hardware which is subpar even compared to something like the regular xbox one. You can play almost all AAA multiplat releases on the xbox one, you can't play them on nintendo platforms.
Refusing to make political statements is a political statement in and of itself.
everything can be political if you're reaching and grasping at straws.
>Being gay and a women is political
how is this relevant to his point. Sony for example injects politics into their first party games. I know you are desperate to find a way to spin it into a negative thing but that just makes 0 sense
>However, the Japanese version of the game features a plot line where a lesbian..
Stopped reading right there. These people clearly don't even know what the character actually is. There's a bunch of fucking anime where older girls want to take care of cuter girls not because they are lesbian but because they LIKE CUTE SHIT.
I guess Rena from Higurashi is lesbian too.
Pretty much given how polarizing homosexuality is politically in the US. In Europe I guess it's not a political statement.
I'm replying to the OP who said
>and this is why many people avoid their games..
>Sony for example injects politics into their first party games.
they don't, nintendo does it it too if you act like this is true, dumbass.
Making a cinematic experience with unskippable cutscenes that talks about how you think women shouldn't be allowed a say in anything? Yeah, I'd say that's political.
It's reactionary to conservation.
When something tries to change a group or formation there is a reaction to that. Hobbyists will always defend and conserve what they love so it is not altered, transformed, or appropriated.
Stop being retarded.
Mario controlling other people signifies how the (cap)italist system enslaves and controls citizens, clearly stating that we should move to communism
Check and mate
>Lets pretend you weren't forced to dress link as a woman.
Wow what a fucking common sense thing to say. Thanks Reg. Can gamers maybe fuck right off with all the political shit then already? Like just stop absolutely obsessing over it by maybe 2020?
Unless you literally don't have a story in your game you're making a statement, typically a political one. That's just how people are.
This is a complete non-answer from Reggie, which isn't surprising because those are the only answers he gives. It was really stupid to even ask Reggie this question though, this should have been asked to someone who's a creator at Nintendo as opposed to a PR man.
>ywn be a numale/woke/ally neogaf poster and circle jerk about how right you are while the mods pat you on the back
Gamers are most likely to lean right because the very medium of video games is based on the very nature of everything: The stronger wins, the weaker loses.
No matter how you spin it, Nintendo still censored the Western version.
>doesn't want to be political
>censors their games
he's lying
his arch nemesis is literally a fat kike capitalist
Is Mario going to save Female-Civilian-Who-Holds-No-Political-Position-Whatsoever Peach from now on?
Then Nintendo games have political statements.
What needs to happen is people need to stop reading into everything like it's out to get them or force them to believe something they don't. Like just shut up about it because constantly bringing it up is neither funny nor relevant the vast majority of the time. If people can't move beyond this obsession with politics and paranoia gaming probably isn't the hobby for them and they should maybe consider seeing a psychiatrist cause they have much more serious problems to address
Is actually the opposite
Art is never political even if the author tries to make it so.
Art is interpreted by each individual and then it might or might not became political for that one person
So like its been said many times, if it offends you its your fault.
What if the art is literally the words
"Marxism is good". is it political?
Other M and Splatoon were both political.
Ah well, I will say they aren't that way, by and large.
Right/=Batshit crazy paranoid roleplay and whining. That's Alt-Right
Wtf I love buying the same games for 30 years now
>Nintendo is clearly selling million upon million upon millions of games even when their games are on a piece of shit console that is the Wii U
>"hurr durr people avoid their games"
>and this is why many people avoid their games..
Why? Because they aren't falling over themselves trying to please your delicate political sensibilities?
>Art is intrinsically political.
This fucking idiot really ought to look up the definition of the word "intrinsically" and stop conflating broad categories of human thought.
>You can't make a game without making political statements.
pic related
Only to somebody who is so political that they have adopted a "if you're not with me, you're against me" moral crusader mentality.
Taken as a string of words trying to be artistic in some way instead of a phrase meant to convey and idea, no it isnt.
Gamers MAKE it political via their paranoid delusion reactions
>doesn't want to make a political statement
>has a pin featuring an empowered woman who needs no man
Yes, but I doubt it was to make a political statement. The funny thing about that "scandal" was that it started as a badly translated story by someone who supposedly had played the japanese version. Then it blew up and the ones complaining about it were the western community and not the japanese one, so they probably figured that keeping it in the game would just bring up more shitfest from sensitive western babies.
I still don't agree with them changing it, but its obvious that they would do it when the western market is so sensitive and any kind of misunderstanding is spread over like wildfire.
Gamers are likely to lean right because they're pathetic manchildren who are lashing out against the world and right now the world is left leaning.
A only ten years ago gamers were left leaning.
More like /leftypol/
>Art is never political
All art is political.
SeeThere's no story in that game, so no political statement. If your game has a story it's making a statement, typically political.
Cartoons arent art.
No art is political.
The black and white represents the stark contrast between the left and right political parties, while the ball represents how they pass responsibilities to one another while doing nothing about it, symbolizing the inept US government system
If Nintendo didn't censor their games then maybe people will stop talking about it.
I honestly don't know anymore, user. The latest issue of GameInformer had some article with the title something along the lines of 'Get Politics Into My Games' and I 'bout threw up.
I went out and bought a Switch after I saw this article a couple of days ago.
Literally never owned Nintendo anything before.
Post it nigga
Sup Forums has always been full/pol/ summer fag
But "Muh cultural marxism" is all about removing meaning so how can it be political if art has no meaning?
Games have been political for decades though.
>Not political
>Only to somebody who is so political that they have adopted a "if you're not with me, you're against me" moral crusader mentality.
Not really. Not taking a stand is taking a stand not to stand. It doesn't matter what you would be in favor of.
posting on neogaf for an extended period of time.
yfw Nintendo wants to protect your smile
they're likely to "lean left" because they're gullible, immature people.
>Some forms of interactive media can be less overly political or almost entirely apolitical
>Getting your personal philosophy from vidya
So you're saying works of fiction prove your philosophy correct? How embarrassing.
>and this is why many people avoid their games...
>A bunch of leftist shitposting replies
This better be ironic shitposting, i don't want Sup Forums to turn into another Sup Forumsmblr
What is the statement of Castlevania NES?
What would he prefer I didn't do?
Turn into Sup Forumsmblr
Vampires are more or less metaphors for sexuality.
You know I typically don't want to think about politics in my games but some games actually pull it off well like deus ex (1) and bioshock to a lesser extent.
So if it's done well and the gameplay still comes first then it can be pretty neat I think
Gamergate ruined video games
>not wanting politics in videogames means you're a Sup Forumsack
There are still counterexamples to what you're saying. You could even take a genre of game that has a tendency to be political, such as a post-apocalyptic survival game, and write it so that it's not political. Aliens have destroyed planet earth, you are one of the few survivors left roaming and must kill the aliens. You don't have to write in a part where the player decides what type of government is best.
For fuck's sake, the original Sim City (a game about ruling a city, a polis) was less political than some games these days. It was more of an exercise in systems design than politics.
>Not taking a stand is taking a stand not to stand.
No it isn't. There are many other reasons why somebody wouldn't "take a stand". Maybe they didn't know about an issue, maybe they don't have legs to stand on, maybe they're busy working. The only person who can't see this, by the way, is the one so caught up in their crusade that they can't even comprehend how somebody would not be all gung-ho and on their side.
Besides, what exactly are video game designers supposed to take a stand for? What issues are so dire that they would be blameworthy if they didn't address them? How much blame are you putting on other people on a daily basis?
You know, most people would say something like "that child was being beaten in front of you and you didn't try to save them, why didn't you take a stand?" Whereas only annoying political crusaders would say something like "you said you don't want to make political statements in your video games, how dare you not take a stand."
That would make them lean right. Right makes the most intuitive sense until you realize it's a naive view of the world.
>Talk about games
>le ebil /Pol
Good, I fucking despise my entertainment media being mixed with political shit. I don't care who is doing it but if there's deliberate politics relating to real world implications and issues, I don't buy that game, or even pirate it since it's not worth the waste of time. I like to disconnect from that crap since it's being shoved in my face every time I turn on the radio, look at a TV, or talk to anyone.
Sup Forums should take a note from Reggie's statement and discuss videogames separately from politics.
Yeah, gamergate ruined videogames by trying to stop the people politicizing videogames.
>political statements need to be in muh games
fuck off with that shit
games are a form of entertainment and not a medium for your political agenda