How's Pillars of Eternity? Does it have interesting quests/narrative? Is it a proper arr pee gee?
did obsidien fuck up?
How's Pillars of Eternity? Does it have interesting quests/narrative? Is it a proper arr pee gee?
did obsidien fuck up?
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FUCK off. This has been answered a thousand times already you stupid slowpoke piece of shit
Where do you think we are, you little shit
>don't talk about video games on my Sup Forums
It's pretty good. Don't bother interacting with the stupid kickstarter backer NPCs, but other than that the writing is excellent.
>tfw you spend hours looking for a good portrait but there's always a small detail that bother you
I wish i wasn't autistic
Better Pillars or the shadowrun series?
I prefer Shadowrun
You're not autistic, just probably have no discipline and that's why you get so bothered by tiny nonsense.
I wish I could allow myself to play a human in this kind of game so I didn't have to end up editing one for my godlike myself
very bland
if you are used to older cRPG this game doesn't offer anything
Boring trite. Don't bother with this nu rpg.
I don't know if it's just me and my meh pc but the load times were one of the most annoying parts of the game.
Playing human is boring, they get almost no special dialogue
I don't know why people rate a game by it's loading times.
Same reason why people rate a game by atrocious optimisation.
It's a common issue even with a ssd
>tfw entering a shitty one room house means two loading screen every time
I don't understand that either.
I prefer the setting but the game is dumb fuck mobile shit.
That's not even the same. A game that runs at 20 fps can be nearly unplayable. Loading times takes 15 seconds aren't the end of the world.
You might just be retarded then
It's a multifaceted product, it's not enough for just some parts of it to be good and others to be shit, especially ones that directly affect your experience, eg loading times and optimisation in general
>isometric game on Unity running worse than open world games
>not a issue
Well what if they took 30 seconds? Or a minute? Judging a game (in a way) by it's loading time doesn't end at a single pillars of eternity example. Also poor optimisation is a bigger offender. Doesn't make long loading times good by being a worse offender, tho
>game went from being 5 gb at launch to 15gb
>most of them are patches
>still runs like shit
Is unity just a really shitty engine or does it just happen to have a bunch of games that run poorly?
Can a potato laptop run this?
It ran Skyrim on ultra
But if you were so inclined to play the game, or the game is perfect you will play it no matter what.
I personally don't have problems with poor optimization, loading times, bugs, or anything like that; I've gamed for years on and old PC that was incapable of running San Andreas on High and I was happier while playing than I am now, with high end PC, loading times made me enjoy the content more, and bugs were either funny or exploitable, but never malicious.
How do you feel about loading screens?
Oh, great, a weeb.
I'll be silent from now on.
Not sure about its earlier iteration but the lastest Unity streams assets just fine. I think the issue is with Obsidian plopping their own fork within Unity so it can have that semi-dynamic 2D art. I dunno if people know this but PoE actually has dynamic shadows which is calculated on the fly which is hard as fuck to do in a complicated 2D image.
Thing is, Unity is so accessible that it's easy to make a fucked up product. It's like giving paper to everyone, you get dickbutt a lot but sometimes someone will release some top quality brown loli action.
Their tech is pretty interesting.
It appears they atleast know that it was shitty and want to fix it in the sequel
Is this better or worse than Tyranny?
Welcome to Sup Forums newfriend
Much better. Tyranny is on par (maybe slightly better)with Torment.
>It ran Skyrim on ultra
Considering my laptop ran Pillars without any problems whatsoever but struggled with Oblivion, I think you'll be fine.
Tyranny is a total disaster
It's a fairly decent game but not good enough to lose your shit over
Tyranny has a more exciting setting setting and a magic system that is interesting to mess around with but as far as the actual meat of the game, Pillars is a better experience.
I didn't like it because of the absolutely hideous character models and shitty combat. I kinda enjoyed the story, but dropped it at some point anyways.
Tyranny has fun characters and a plot that isn't just 'stop the bad guy' but Pillars has way more budget
Combatwise, Tyranny isn't as deep but I enjoyed it a lot more because characters actually felt somewhat powerful in comparison to the festival of wet noodle slapping that is Pillars of Eternity.
And while Pillars has better writing, Tyranny has the more interesting story.
Both have equally unsatisfying endings.
>neo-Sup Forums now praises Tyranny
I guess it's true that contrarians will praise anything just to appear as "expert" cRPG players
Is it also true that people with no arguments will attach neo- and nu- to anything in order to try and discredit it?
>NOW praises Tyranny
The game is not even a year old you idiot. Did neo-Sup Forums begin last week to you?
Considering even Obsidian have done little but shit all over it and promising to do better for the sequel, I'd say it was pretty fucking bad.
Desperate fanboys disagreeing with the devs themselves about the quality of the game is hilarious though, but when the writer admits they literally just went with the first draft of the story due to time constraints you know they fucked up.
Found the retard. Get better tastes in games, sorry if you started with a mediocre one like Tyranny.
he's got a point though, we have this thread daily.
I'm sorry, I don't take the retarded opinions of neo-user seriosuly.
this, I remember when the game came out and people criticized it and everyone was "lol go back to COD! Biodrone!" and other memes but then even the devs acknowledged those criticisms as real
you can beat Dragonfall in eight hours. So why not both?
>lol dude Tyranny was awesome!! best game ever!
Combat is really lame and it's 70% of the game. The remaining 30% are a 6/10 story and cringy fanfiction backstories.
Who are you quoting, cunt?
have a look at underrail, its one of the best crpg's i've played in a long time.
Its also not really comparable to typical CRPG's
Underrail is very fun and very good but its also not that story focused and youre not really given that many roleplaying options. Its a crpg carried by its combat rather than its narrative which is pretty crazy honestly