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Video Games #3813
Video Games
Tits, Ass, or 5head?
Party member betrays you
What's this for?
Tell me captain, if the federation is so great why are there no good gundam games
You didn't forget to wish him happy birthday, did you?
Last game you played
ITT:Games that remind you of a quieter happier time
Searched filename, got nothing
This is the face of TF2 the ta/v/ern
Thoughts on The Last Guardian? Had a few issues when I played it but in hindsight, I think it's a masterpiece
Itt: ""bad"" games you liked
Sup Forums sings "Jump Up, Super Star!" (mario odyssey trailer theme)
What will be in the DLC Champions Ballad?
How come when you get older
What went right?
I'm on the verge of buying it
What's his name again?
FFXIV Stormblood
Post 'em
E3 2018
Witcher 3 Romances
All of Sup Forums suddenly wants to fuck a cartoon animal from a 20 year old video game
Why does she attract so many teamkilling shitters?
Tfw no online or offline friends
You see these two tow hooks here? these are tusks, now what kind of animal has tusks?
Why does she sit like that?
Rebecca is for _____
Has a game ever changed your life? Changed the way you view the world?
Why is she so perfect Sup Forumsros?
What went right?
Do you hire random hoe pawns when playing Dragon's Dogma or do you hire PSN friends/Steam friends?
I just bought Dishonored 2 and sweet fuck...
What video game characters would be a match for Droidekas?
What are some good weeb games for ps4? I just finished Nier and P5, I just bought this console
ITT: random video game stuff you like
Has a game that you really like ever gotten murdered by devs?
Did you ever play vidya in school when you were a kid, Sup Forums?
Why no other dev can do driving be as satisfying as in GTA 5?
Nintendo Has Apologized For Switch Shortages
Where's the game?
What are some games with good character customization? Preferably for female characters...
Are Elves the best fictional race to pick in video games?
Mario Odyssey
Steam Summer Sale 2017
I'm gonna catch that green fucking kike if it's the last thing I do!
Why is this allowed?
The best handheld
Anyone excited for this?
Gee, it sure is A vidya YTP thread around here
Friday the 13th
Why do people hate this game again? I've been playing it all month on PS4 and I'm having fun
3x3 thread
What am I in for Sup Forums?
Final area is the moon
Find me a sadder scene in vidya
Stranger, stranger!
Bayo 2 Steam
Barely beat boss with almost no health left
DBFZ - Dragon Ball FighterZ
This game represents everything wrong with the gaming industry
Persona 5
This isn't video games what the fuck Valve
Radiata Stories
Why can't Capcom make good fighting games like they used too?
Sup Forums shills game
Hes less than 4k
This is the best-selling fighting game of all time
Why does every MMORPG suck so much shit?
Post your main and be judged!
How true is this
That kid who had gore in his phone
Sup Forums should auto-ban threads with buzzwords
Post legitimately good reasons why you dropped and stopped playing, and also why you're not currently playing
Mighty Number 9
Go to VR arcade
Webm thread? Webm thread!
Are you going to buy Mireis game, Sup Forums?
"c'mon, user, take off your clothes and let's get started"
Do you play Smash with mods, Sup Forums?
Risk of Rain Thread
Just another twitter thread, nothing to see here
ITT: Sup Forums 5 years from now
Nintendo should release a switch with no usable internal memory for 200 dollars so they can actually release systems...
ITT: Post "that one fucking level"
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
What are some games that make you feel comfortable and relaxed?
Sup Forums BTFO
How do I get steam friends?
Would you eat a wompa fruit?
Why are these things so uncomfortable? I have every hardware revision except for the new 2DS...
He's not playing the full game of Ever Oasis right now!
What's the better FPS?
Everybody clap for Nintendo! Arms has almost sold 100 THOUSAND copies!
What are some games with sneks?
October is absolutely stacked
Is Kojima just trying to show how many famous actors he can get in his games now?
Game pretends to delete your save data
Give me 1 character that can beat Popeye
Left or right?
Blunderstained: Ritual of the Scam
ITT: Games you wish you could play for the first time again
Comfy BotW
ITT: Games that literally only you played
Niggers how can I get the best picture and sound quality possible for my gamecube games...
Biggest case of false advertising
Was Duke Nukem self-aware in Bulletstorm?
Linking to neogaf
I think we can finally agree on one thing
Desperately want to play wow
I just ordered the last parts for my first gaming rig
Yo dawg we bout to hack da world. sheeeeeeit
Massive interconnected space station to explore
Game is $60
There will never be another Skateboard game made
Tits get bigger in the sequel
Buyers remorse 2017. Post only the game(s) you regret purchashing THIS YEAR
Nintendo: Pokemon Switch and Prime 4 will be 2018 titles
How come no one flipped out about this?
Why don't you own a Switch?
ARMS sells over 100,000 in first 3 days in Japan, has already beaten Tekken 7
Which game has the best space exploration?
Is this the most terrifying video game level ever?
Will Sup Forums play anthem or destiny 2? There's only room for one sci fi winner here
Why is splatoon so fucking fun
Why did APB fail as badly as it did?
Was this really necessary?
Post an image and others recommend you a game based on it
He hasn't gotten all his jobs to 70 yet
Why does Peach choose Mario over Luigi...
"muh teraflops"
Which one is the second best fallout game?
What the fuck Ubisoft
Fire Emblem thread, no phone games edition
ITT: Party members who never got benched
Who /Switch/ here?
Only 9 days left, 8 if you live in hawaii, until the Crash Bandicoot HD Trilogy Remake releases into our hands
Name a shittier console generation. I'll wait
What's some comfy vidya I can play during the tropical storm?
What do you want from the next Arkham game?
Resident Evil
Fun game is doomed to die by retarded marketing and/or design decisions
And so the Courier's road came to an end... for now. In the new world of the Mojave Wasteland, fighting continued...
Waddles into your path
It's fucking Noth...what the fuck is it?
Idort general, how do you decide which platform to buy vidya on?
Where were you when Steam saved anime?
Reminder that the brick blocks in Mario games are actually Toads transformed by black magic. Every time you break one...
Fun fact: Only casuals complained about swimming in this game
ITT: "fuck you I liked it" and/or times Sup Forums was wrong
With all this talk about Monster Hunter, I've been thinking of trying it out. Which one should I play and why...
Are games art? Does it matter?
What platform are you gents going to be playing destiny 2 on?
Why is she so perfect?
What did you just say about Minecraft?!
Collection thread
Is this the most mentally unhinged "hero" a game has ever tried to promote as good?
Doom the greatest ever made
You will know endless Warcraft Thread !
You guys argue about everything so who wins
Do other games have "deepest lore" or is it only mario since it's devoid of any lore
Why are the Japanese so terrible with writing and dialogue?
People will unironically buy this
How do you pick your main in a fighting game?
Is anyone playing this bitch?
Why aren't you playing Xenonauts 2 alpha demo? It's better than Phoenix point, you know
This is disgusts me. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, you're part of the problem
Why haven't you played his game yet, Sup Forums?
Steam Summer Sale thread
Mfw the English dub for Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is terrible as fuck
Will the new Pokemon top these?
Most kino moments in their respective series
PC Release date: NEVER EVER
Steam sale soon
That Kamoshida guy was a monster
Are VNs video games?
ITT:Embarrassing video game faps
Bon apetito
Arms Thread: No Shitposting I Already Know It's Metacritic Score Edition
Why is the Switch such a flop?
So does Luke ever stop being such a FUCKING ASSHOLE?
Payday 2 Thread
Hey uh...user, can you open the door? I just wanna check your recent purchases
I feel like the final third of this game is kind of a tedious slog. All of my resources were depleted by that point...
What made MGS3 so great?
Holy shit, I just beat Dark Souls
You are a game dev tasked with creating a heroine, one that will appeal to the male market stricly
Corworkers start talking about videogames
Leave mario, sonic, and crash to me
What makes this so much better than GTA 5? Is it the fact that it does everything GTA 5 did but better?
Silly question but am i crazy for spending $75 on a mice...
How did this happen?
Was it kino?
How do you idiots feel knowing that Caramel was right?
Why hasn't anyone done this?
Game is shit without owning all of the paid DLC
Post your sprite artwork here
I don't enjoy killing, but when done righteously, it's just a New Vegas thread, like any other
Why does this shitty game have a playerbase?
Have free trial version
Nintendo NOA - Pokemon and metroid 2018
How do we fix it?
Thinking of rebuilding the PC
Everyone complaining about optics in COD WWII
Ataribox Grooving Thread
Why did the Vita fail?
Whats this new obsession with pirates?
The weebs have taken our Summer Sale
ITT: Games literally only you have played
Go over friends house to play vidya
Why do people keep buying it?
Is speedrunning important for gaming?
Who is your favorite couple from gaming?
Functional design
Woman shooting my Moist Nugget In World War I? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
And this is our son's room, he's a gamer!
Tibia, a 2.5D top-down isometric fantasy RPG
Why is AMD so inferior?
Crash N.Sane Triolgy Coco edition
Why are we still here?
Leave Final Fantasy to me
So beyond the Mario hype can we please admit that this thing is dead in the water?
What's the point of this game
Who was in the wrong here?
Now that the dust has settled can we agree that Tekken 7 is the best fighter to come out this year so far
So, how are your primal ex clears going?
Give me a run down on this game?
I bought this game to play with my older sister (she's 24 and works as a nurse). Do you think she'll like it...
Steam Beg Thread
Rank mgs
People spent $2000 on a PC just to watch anime
I'm an employee at Bethesda
Looks like Project Diva Future Tone is getting a physical release. Will you be double dipping?
Will you be playing Gudako's game?
Sum up you experience with Sup Forums videogames in one picture
Are these worth it for gaming commentaries Sup Forums? Or is just a standalone mic more worth it?
Play on my new playstation for 6 hours
Is there anything it CAN'T do?
Get sent a friend request
Nerf every character until they're all garbage
ITT: cut content that hurts you the most
Why is Sup Forums bullying this guy so much? Literally what did he ever do wrong?
Do the Switch cartridges really taste like shit?
"Blocks your path."
Buyer remorse
Are Senran girls sexy or just ridicolous?
ITT: The T1000 is coming to kill you. The last character you played has is protecting you. Do you survive?
Filename Thread
MHXX HD video
So if I jailbreak this nigga can I play 3DS, DS, GBA, GBC, GB, SNES, NES & Genesis roms?
Best fighting games?
What is this game?
Where is the third party support?
"call of duty is bad"
Battle of the white haired pretty boys
3DS finally arrives
Alright Sup Forums, what kind of game would we need to make to save StarFox?
How does it feel to know that the face of gaming was literally born out of a failed attempt to license this character...
Why did VR fail?
Is this really how it works?
Boss has similar ability to you
Do you use voice communication when playing with randoms, Sup Forums?
Humble Bundle thread
If they would fix all of the bugs and balance the RNG a little better, XCom 2 would be one of the best RTS games ever
As a Nintendo gamer and a true fan of this game. i won't be supporting this series or Capcom anymore...
About to play this. Never played EO before, what should my starting party be?
So why ain't there a triple A Marvel fighting game?
Name a better vidya intro
How do we save Capcom, bros?
Gearbox Publishes Physical Edition of Fortnite
Anybody else have to deal with anxiety when playing online games?
Whelp, In light of the recent news on The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion...
Mario odyssey theory
Why is this game so bad?
Why does this piece of junk keep getting games...
Who /digimon/ here?
What's a good game to play when you're very angry?
Pillars of Eternity coming out for PS4 and XBONE
Fire Emblem Heroes
What the fuck is happening?
Metroid Thread
Guilty gear thread
ITT worst vidya weapons
EZA Thread
Sup Forumsiggers say this looks bad
Great artstyle. shit game
"Too much focus on Chloe's ass" - Neogaf
Squirrel girl
Just got this game last night, what am I in for?
This was the best expansion pack ever released
New DLC dropping soon.. you HAVE beaten Irisu on BEX, right user???????
Is Capcom the worst, most dishonest game company ever?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
L.A. Noire rumored to be getting a remaster for PS4, Xbone, and the Switch
How do we get Fetch Quests out of video games Sup Forums?
You guys said this would flop
Is this officially the best new Mario series character?
Oh look, I found Sup Forums
>create Half Life Sequel that Valve couldnt make
Demon's Souls PC
Is SFV any good from a complete casual perspective?
Name a more comfy game
Now the dust has settled. Summarize E3 in one image, gif or webm
/ClubAtari/ - Last hread reached limit - Speculation and Groove in this thread
.hack//G.U. Last Recode
Splatoon 2
Master X Master
Hard Truth About The PS2
10m sales target
Gimmie new sam pls
Press F to pay respects
I'm sorry sir, but I'm afraid that before the implementation of Creation Club (TM), you downloaded a total of 1...
Second game is the best in the series
Xenoblade chronicles 2 thread
Mario and Luigi
Regarding the legitimacy of flash games
I know that you're hiding things, using gentle words to shelter me
How does Cities Skylines compare to Simcity 4 now?
It's time for another Comfy Sonic Mania Thread!
Now, how should we present our new Open World Spider-Man exclusive?
Has wifi
So, how do you dps as a red mage in the xiv?
Describe your first time playing dark souls
Is this game any good if I like Bioshock?
Is this really what Sega was hyping up all this time?
I just got my first Android phone - what videogames do you recommend that I can play on it...
Tbqh with u famalam I like starbound...
Anthem vs. Destiny 2
You did protect her smile, right Sup Forums?
Did you add someone from Sup Forums already?
This was the only time I've ever seen Mario have emotions
Rural county turning into a war-torn 3rd world country in the United States
What did you think of Thief: Deadly Shadows?
Gentlemen, how do we stop Speedrunning?
Tfw you learned japanese and can play Japanese video games
Dota 2 menu
ITT: Godlike character designs
Hi, Sup Forums? Do you guys remember me? Anyways me and Barb are dying again lol pls donate...
700k preorders
What games are you playing today? Are they fun?
So what are your thoughts on this game ? Is it worth buying ? Will it be any good ? What do you all think ?
What exactly was the plot from pic related trying to convey...
2m sales target
This PS3/PS4 controller "for FPS"
Nintendo Switch (Honest Trailers)
What does Sup Forums think of the new John Wick movie made by capcom?
So are you ready for a miracle?
Newest Nintendo Switch firmware hacked
Hi i'm
I've never played S.T.A.L.K.E.R before which one should I buy?
What's the point of this character?
Name your dick after a tf2 weapon, i'll start
What are some good games to play blazed
Daily reminder:
Symmetrical vs Asymmetrical
What makes western games so shit compared to jap games?
Thanks for sharing all your great feedback with us after our Community Update last week...
No Fap and e-sports
Miss me yet, Sup Forums?
Here's your template Sup Forums
Game is shit but has fantastic lore
Has Sup Forums ever wanted something to fail harder?
Are there any games like banished but not shit?
Recently my younger sister, Makoto...
Why was gen 1 so dark?
How do you feel about the evolution of The Sims series?
Fucking RUINED
Movement and controls in cod
The Witcher 3
My girlfriend, makoto, is so charming!
What are some games with lolis?
Why nobody can make a PC exclusive that looks like this or better?
You were thinking about how much you want
Wii, Wii U
Desktop Thread
30 fps on the PS4 pro
Why didn't the mages just teleport out of Novigrad?
ARMS outsells both Tekken 7 and SFV in Japland, almost both combined
Any game that will help me cope with the fact that i was just diagnosed with autism?
What are some games where I can justify killing all my friends and comrades?
So what's the best Yakuza game?
In the past two years I've played FF10...
Games that pretend to be deep but fails horribly
Can we talk about how awesome this game is?
Are PC ports not profitable?
Why the fuck does anyone like this?
Have you ever fallen in love with a video game character?
Is Zelda the Dark Souls of the 9th gen?
RIP eBay and online shopping in Australia in general
That kid who wrote vidya fanfiction
Will you ever forgive him?
Western artist in charge of character design
How's Pillars of Eternity? Does it have interesting quests/narrative? Is it a proper arr pee gee?
ITT: kino moments in vidya
Only 75th place on Steam global top seller list
It still hurts
How did we go from this
The changes in part 3 are unforgivable. This isn't even the same fucking game. The style, the characters, the writing...
Media Create
What games let me raise another man's son?
Tfw you're a bungee employee
Do you have a disability? How does it affect you when you play videogames?
Why are people cheating in speedruns now?
The Elder Scrolls 6
I want to buy this shitty game just for this cover
It's out
What are your opinions on Doom mods?
Romance options are trash
I saw a mudcrab the other day
I just got these in the mail
How is Sup Forums enjoying Melee (the greatest game of all-time) today?
Someone just fucking kill me
Reminder that FF's world maps were the best in jrpgs and removing them was the beginning of the end for the series
Sum up Sup Forums in one picture
Say you don't like game
Denuvo website
Think it's some stupid russian spam shit or something
I just got my Wii U
Ywn relive the release and few days following of pokemon go with Sup Forums
What will Nintendo do when he dies?
It almost doesn't matter how good this game is. no way in fuck is Capcom gonna convince the normies to buy it...
It's been one year
Most overrated series ever
How goes your ToS progression WoW Sup Forumsirgins? 5/9 H as of last night
Sims 4
You still enjoying Twintelle's game?
They will pay for hard mode
ITT: Sup Forumsidya characters that are legitimately made for sex
Dragon Ball Fighterz
RIP in peace relic
The sign of a creatively bankrupt game
How come pigs in videogames are always evil?
Say something nice about DoA
What are some games to help me get back to sleep after waking up at 4am worrying about how I have no job after...
*casts luster candy and teleports behind you*
What locations/themes would you like to see in the next hitman?
Get so good at a game people back out when they see you
He plays on normal mode
Now that the honeymoon is over, did anyone else feel tremendously disappointed by this game?
Wow, think about doing a comic like this these days
Are you going to buy her game?
Why does it look like a PS3 game?
Need the todd howard version of this thanks
I hate you all, this place is worthless...
Webbum thread. Post webms
Is it okay to exploit big companies for your own benefit?
Magic Duels
FATHER! Is it... Over?
Happy 30th Anniversary!
League player here. Thinking to try DOTA2, what are your general opinions about it?
Game references your save files from other games
What is the best piece of advice you've gotten from video games or the video game community?
I simply cannot take all this innovation!
What is your opinion of gamer girls? Pic related
Just admit it, it looks like this will be GOTY
Tfw beating the shit up of monsters as a little girl
Post em
Who's the shittiest GTA protagonist?
Why did she get fired by gamespot?
I know I'm late to the party but
Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc
How would you have fixed fallout 4?
Monster Hunter XX Switch Stream in 40 minutes
Is this fun?
PC gaming is all you need
Why is this "Who?" character allowed into Mario Odyssey, but Daisy isn't?
What was the absolute worst MK character introduced in the PS2 era?
Asked this on Sup Forums, but they are too autistic to give me an accurate answer:
Name more edgy motherfucker, I dare you. You can't
Should he direct the next Final Fantasy?
Fate/Grand Order is unstoppable, get over it
Has all kind of high school sport/fighting team take over the world tournament bullshit anime manga
What the fuck is happening with NDS rom sites ? Most of them are dead or have their games removed...
This is Max. A 18 year old college student. She's into photography...
What PC exclusives match or exceed the quality of Sony exclusives?
Who designed this piece of shit?
This game came out less than a month ago. Whatever the actual fuck is going on?
ITT: We vaguely describe videogames and other anons try to figure out what they are
Post your MVP, that team member that always pulled through in the end and fucks the enemy up
Do you think E3 2017 was a revenge by the industry towards Trump's election?
Other than Dark Souls 3, what games feature well designed feet?
Where would you rank Pokemon at on an all-time best games list? Top 100? Top 50? Top 10?
Tfw no vidya set in Chechnya or Yugoslavia
Would people use him if he could build 2 turrets?
What was the last JRPG that gave you the feeling of being on a real adventure?
Continued from >>381269296
Diablo 3
ITT Meme weapons
The rumor is that the New Vegas thread is far larger than the NCR lets on...
Whats the perfect game?
It's still dark out in burgerland. tell me your favourite game
Yakuza 0 hyped up as soon as it was announced
If I want to get into fighting games in 2017 what is my best choice...
NFS Payback
Dragon Quest XI
Games with good player creation
At work
Fishing lvl?
It's free on Steam
If you play as a girl in a video game it means you secretly want to be a girl
Made one of the greatest games ever and highest earning moneymaker of its time
Just admit it, it looks like fucking garbage
I'm on the verge of purchasing a Playstation 4 tommorow. Should I buy the Slim version or go all in and buy the Pro?
Why do the boss fights in this game remind me of western boss fights?
Name ONE (1) good game that is a direct sequel
Is it wrong to like it?
What would it take to bring it back? Really, really bring it back?
Steam summer sale
Ace Combat
Buy a videogame
How much for this item you're selling?
What the fuck was his problem?
N. Sane Trilogy does well enough that Naughty Dog decides to buy the Crash series back from Vicarious Visions
Anyone know anything about this game, is it any good?
I can't sleep Sup Forums
What's the most vaporwave vidya?
So...who's going to buy the necromancer for Diablo 3?
Was this legitimately the best RPG on the PlayStation?
Dark Souls
Japanese games don't force politi-
Who is the target demographic for this game?
Best game in the series?
Steam Summer Sale starts on thursday!
Can we talk about this series and why it's so fucking awesome? And what the fuck happened to it?
What do you think of Makoto Nanaya?
Fucking Explain Yourselves
Why is tekken so hard
Which console is better for multiplatform games?
I swear to god I'm going to throw this piece of shit game into the fucking trash
What are your best original game ideas?
Is Mario demonically possessing people in Super Mario Odyssey?
Hey v, which sims game was best? I wanna explore my sexuality
Will you be buying it on Steam?
Link thread
Itt: casual filters
Be Konami
Your favorite pokemon is Scyther
Finish long jrpg
Whats the Sup Forumserdict on this Sup Forumsros?
ITT : games you're 100% sure havent been made yet
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...