Searched filename, got nothing

Searched filename, got nothing

Filename Thread

Fresh OC.
















what the fuck is this

these filenames are surprisingly fresh

You make that joke like it's some kind of edgy observational humor that people would regretfully chuckle at but acknowledge it isn't true

Religion has been martyring people (that's where the word comes from) for all up until the past couple hundred years of human history. And even now half the Islamic countries are unlivable hellholes dictated by politics from the middle ages

Most Islamic people on the planet believe violating sharia law should be punishable by death

I don't know if le hat meme has gotten into your head that people that say religion is destructive are just basement dwelling neckbeards or what but yeah.

Pretty sure they just put a man to death over a facebook post





People deal with insane or incomprehensible situations by adding humor to it. Relax, sperglord, I think we're all aware of what a fucking shithole Islam is.







I feel like quips that make references to the oddity of a situation in comparison to reality in any sort of fiction needs to stop.
It's getting WAY to common.



Everyone knows fairytales aren't true and killing people over them is stupid. Fuck religion.

We also have zero evidence for God, which in a court of law would mean he doesn't exist.

There's that argument that says "Prove he doesn't exist" which is literally impossible to do. How does someone prove to YOU that YOU don't have an imaginary friend?

Dawkins said this; "Prove to me there's not a teapot floating around the sun, but here's the thing, it's so small no telescope in the world can see it."

It's kinda like that.

I'm still undecided about God. To me, reality itself and the energy making it is God.

Also your filename should have something to do with Akinator.


The issue with the teapot is it is designed for morons to feel smart about themselves. Whether or not there is a teapot has absolutely zero import on any aspect of life, while the existence of a higher power does. It is particularly important since there is literally no viable alternative. Macroevolution is a fairy tale in itself.

Just give her a tinderbox, what an asshole.


old fairy tales are pretty fucking brutal


Why do you do this to me user?


I'd honestly rather more self aware media.

>what do you mean the dead are coming back to life aaaaaaah
It's retarded. Same thing with
>I'm living the same day over and over again

Still proves nothing in any of the holy books true at all, nor does it prove what kind of "god" we have. It's all still speculation and manipulation for human gains, even if what you said is true, which I don't necessarily think it is.

not a fan of Trumperino, but jesus christ the world dodged a bullet that day

>Listening to witches

>manipulation for human gains
Confirmed retard.

The relation of the Bible to God is the relation of The Prince to Machiavelli.



I don't know where to begin with you. Let's stick to the filenames.

>not listening to witches





North Korea is such a magical country, despite how fucked up it is the shit that goes down in it is some of the most beautiful shit I've ever seen.


fucking kek

>tfw 1 turn left and suddenly the whole project is scrapped



Isn't the myth that if you meet this lady then you're basically fucked no matter what? What the fuck are you supposed to do?


You're the kind of person that brings out the atheist in me. God didn't write the Bible. People did. Big shock, the Bible is barely coherent and full of inconsistencies.

Just like every other holy book.

How many Gods have their been through the ages? Hundreds? Thousands?

What makes Christianity the "right" religion, exactly?

Just because you "really" believe it doesn't make it true, just like a jihadist who "really" thinks he's getting 72 virgins when he blows himself to bits doesn't make it so.

Give me a solid argument, believe me, I didn't stop believing in God for lack of trying.

what mango?



You either throw candy to distract her or respond in a manner to confuse her and leave while she tries to come up with an answer.


You tell her you're late for something and you excuse yourself.



>WWO bottom tier
WWE pls go

something about throwing pomade on her because she hates the smell of it is a popular story
