Just another twitter thread, nothing to see here.
What did he mean by this?
Just another twitter thread, nothing to see here
Clever, but is it clever enough?
Wild Wasteland is the best perk, hands down.
should've made an e-celeb thread in disguise.
they never get deleted
I have nothing to add to the conversation, but you earned this bump, nj op.
He meant that mods deleted the last one for no raisin. Maybe now that it's a e-celeb twitter drama it will persist.
hotpockets have been deleting nv threads all day long
Is this thread the Streisand Effect at work?
Just post a picture of cass's ass and ask why she's best girl. It works for Persona threads
>He doesnt have the satisfaction of using the only punchy and responsive energy weapon in the game
Wild wastefags btfo, skilled + goodnatured masterrace
Anyone been keeping up with this year's mods? I fell behind after having some trouble with the Unofficial Patch Plus not being able to be bashed (to which the author replied "You're not using Mator Smash?" No, I'm not using the replacement that has no guidelines or examples for non-TES games when your mod is literally the only existing mod that takes advantage of script functions that Wyre can't handle.)
Pretty sure we could get away with these by disguising them as toddposting
They deleted both of the ones I made. I got a warning saying generals go on /vg/.
To the mods who will eventually see this: I'd go on VG if there was an nv general (or quality fallout general) but the one they have is waifuposting, paid mods arguments, and way too much garbage (FO4). These threads were really good until you started deleting them.
It's fucking anoying desu
> Persona waifu threads
> 2B threads
> Obscure VN or Tohu waifu threads
> Toddposting threads
The only thread consistantly about a Game-Itself is NV and they are the ones getting pruned
We tried one though, it died after having no actual discussion.
The problem is that the people who frequent these threads don't go to /vg/. You go to /vg/ for a thread you already know is there. These threads are posted in by anyone who is passing by on Sup Forums.
Maybe you should swallow your pride and accept Fallout 4 for what it is. Bitching and moaning and ignoring mods will get you
/nvg/ ends here. Deal with it.
>for no raisin
You know damn well why your threads are deleted. Stop playing the victim, faggot.
why delete ? new vegas good game ?
And to think, if faggots like you weren't coming into these threads for no discernible reason we'd be talking about video games right now
rule 6 is dumb
Go away Todd.
This is video games. You fucking mods better not delete it. I'm all for VG having nothing but generals, but I'm against Sup Forums being exempt from them.
Stand up for it. Fight.
>/nvg/ ends here
Better men have tried, user. Get off your high horse before you fall and hurt yourself.
why don't you go to the toddposting thread down the street, bub.
>/nvg/ ends here. Deal with it.
you're killing me
> /nvg/ ends here
Because 10,000 threads about waifus and robot-butts are video games?
Can someone give me a speedy explanation on why NV threads are being deleted? They're about a fucking video game at least.
They're not twitter drama.
Because one thread being continued when people are still talking is worse than people making identical threads at the exact same time as each other.
The New Vegas threads are recurring generals, in violation of Rule #6. Butthurt Obsidiots refuse to admit fault and are playing the victim.