Thanks for sharing all your great feedback with us after our Community Update last week...

>Thanks for sharing all your great feedback with us after our Community Update last week. We appreciate your patience with us. We’re so excited to release our major Annihilation Update today. Get ready to wipe the floor with your foes in our new multiplayer mode!!
>Headlining this update are two new Annihilation modes, which work in Custom Matches on all existing maps including our new release, Mortis Vale. This new battlefield is available for 2v2 and 3v3 across all multiplayer modes, boasting an open feel with lots of flanking opportunities.
>We’re also introducing three new doctrines (one per faction) that allow the construction of turrets.These doctrines will be automatically unlocked for all players and can be used in Power Core mode or in the new Annihilation modes.
>As a final token of our appreciation, we’re adding three Elite skins to your inventories - House Raven Imperial Knight Paladin, Exalted Wraithknight, and the Deathskulls Gorkanaut. We call them our Engines of Annihilation. Just log in, equip them, and bring the pain!

Wow I'm so glad that they finally added an RTS mode to the third game in an RTS series!

Relic being shut down when?

That basically means that the playerbase has doubled in size because of the update. Good job Relic!

>1,020 playing
Nevermind. Adding that mode didn't help any. I don't see how they can save this game now. What are some mp focused games that have done a good turn around? Except the obvious FF XIV.

they've really dropped the ball with this one. I don't think race expansions can even save this game now.

It's just no even fun, I don't think Annihilation will make it fun. A player can get the current races most OP elite unit and demolish your army with a single ability, so fun.

R6 Siege did quite well after release but Ubisoft actually made a good game and supported it properly.
No, I could not believe it either.

It would have been the easiest money in the world. They literally had to just remake one with elements of two and have HD graphics and a fun single player campaign/risk mode

That's it, but no, they decided to be greedy kikes and try to attract the eSports audience and thus ruined what would have been the easiest payday ever and will now hopefully go bankrupt and shut down

all these devs jumping on the esports meme...

>Warp Spiders achievement is STILL fucked
>its the last thing left for me to do before I can finally uninstall this piece of shit and forget it exists

>buy first game
>its amazing
>buy 2nd game
>its nothing like the first game
>buy 3rd game
>its nothing like the first or 2nd game

Who are they making these games for?

The Dota players, but they were dumbfucks and forgot that Dota and mobas in general are popular because they are also free and not 60 dollars

they should let CA make a warhammer 40k game

>going for DOTA players not realizing that they like DOTA and nothing else

dota is better than your gay dead genre


Lots of people own the game, the fucking problem is that almost no one likes actually playing it.

If they do a 50% off during the Steam sale they might get some fresh blood. But then again those people will just drop the game quickly like everyone else did.

Dota is better than DoW3 that's for fucking sure, but Dawn of War was never really an eSports game and was more of fun singleplayer campaign game, so they fucked it all up royally

>we will never get Total War warhammer 40k

found the triggered baby twitch streamer

at least i can have fun playing my game of choice and don't have to sit on Sup Forums crying about what a pile of shit it is

blaming an actually good game for your shitty series' failures, LLMAO

Quite a portion of Dota 2 players don't even have the money to buy other games. A lot of them also play in net cafes.

> Civ V
> Instead of VI

So, how is the new Civ doing?
I remember people talking about it during the launch week aaaand that's pretty much it

The game is good, it really doesn't deserve most of the shit people talk about it.

>always buy DoW games for the campaign and thus have hundreds of hours in the franchise
>DoW2 is fucking amazing with the co-op
>then they decide to make DoW3 that constantly makes you play the other factions, the story is garbage, no co-op, etc.
>surprised it bombs

Fuck them. Removing sync kills because "m-muh pvp balance" and such. DoW was always about the spectacle and a decent campaign was a core part.

Dota is a cool game from a strategy point of view, but unfortunately, nobody gives two dry fucks about strategy or competitive games in general because it's all about:
>ingame purchases

The absolute worst thing is the fact that IceFag brings up yearly major patches that fuckup the game for no reason but change for the sake of change.

Imagine if football, baseball, tennis, basketball etc. made yearly changes to standards of:
>court dimensions
>ball mass/dimensions
>major rule changes

>A lot of them also play in net cafes.
Chinks and gooks aren't people tbqh.

>net cafes

my trigger word

Fucking THIS god damn

The game is okay. Too bad the 'update' removes the modded maps from your inventory on installation.
GG Relic. I was *this* close to finishing my ork elites and being done with this fucking game, but no. Fuck off.

>no new races
Whats the fucking point

Aside from fucking retarded design decisions and retarded employees, I'm pretty sure these fucks made this game with no money and no time.

Dota would get stale without Icefrog's madman patches. He's hit and miss, but it keeps the game fresh. Current patch is pretty good.

They were really REALLY banking on everyone buying the game just because it was Dawn of War, and it blew up in their jew faces when people told em to fuck off when they saw how obviously shit the game was.

and yet they are somehow more intelligent than you average amerifat.

They decided on trying to clean up this shit show instead of making a new race.

It's shit
Garbage AI. Garbage DLC. Garbage game in general.

Play Civ 5 and forget 6 ever happened.

CSGO because of skins

They are under SEGA now, see what CA did with total war warhammer, they have plenty of money, the only game relic shat out without time or money was coh2 and while shit, it turned out to be millions of times better than dow3 BUT they have 2 different teams, I'm pretty sure they got a bunch of incompetent fucks on the dow3 team.

Pic related was made with a tenth of the cost of DoW3, actually is loyal to the setting and art direction, plays fantastic, and has top tier voice acting. And this is from an indie dev in Sweden.

Relic is in Canada where the government even pays video game studios as a part of their arts funding programs. Relic has no excuse other than their own incompetence for this shit heap.

>A game which is literally a single map with matches that consist of 30 minutes of grinding and 10 minutes of ganging up on the enemy team
>Would get stale
You don't say.

Fuck your opinion
I'd rather have mixed campaign than only SM as they do always.
And the story wasn't any good in any of DoWs

triggrd lol

>Vermintide has more active players than DoW3 at this point
Apex kek



Fuck off. DoW2s character progression was great

>Relic is in Canada where the government even pays video game studios as a part of their arts funding programs
>canadians are so cucked they have to to fund shit like ubisoft """games""

dow1 vanilla, winter assault, dow2 vanilla and chaos rising had great stories, I also greatly enjoyed the replayability of dark crusade and SS, the only bad sp game beside DoW3 was retribution but that is still far better than the garbage that was the campaign of dow3.

And yet they have literal internet data caps in the foul year of Our Lord 2017 and games cost more there.

As a fan of DoW2 I lost all interest in this game the moment it was revealed to be a DoW1-like RTS. Should have made the game a squad level tactics game, not a company-battalion level meatgrinder, where individual non-elite units are worthless.

Vermintide is fun, so that makes sense

Wait until xpacs. Then immediately watch Sup Forums do a 180 on the game just like DoW2 and CoH2. The community patch though small, already bring backs a handful of player and some needed features. It's a typical Relic cycle, Make games nobody wants and then reap whatever leftovers through updates and xpacs till it becomes good or great.

got a time machine in your backyard user?

I won't like this game until they completely redo it from the ground up.

All game developments are not equal. Just because they gave plenty of resources to that Warhammer team doesn't mean they gave a tone of resources to this Warhammer game.

Not to mention the other game had Total War attached, so Sega would obviously spend more resources on one of their franchises rather than one brought in by the acquisition. If you want to get tinfoil, you could make an argument about Sega intentionally making sure this franchise does poorly so they have an excuse to shut it down and not cannibalize their own customers. Now anyone who wants a Warhammer strategy game needs to buy Total War, not DoW. And that might lead them to buy the other TW games, which Sega still gets money from.

>As a fan of DoW2 I lost all interest in this game the moment it was revealed to be a DoW1-like RTS
Except it's literally not, that's the problem. It doesn't appeal to people who liked DoW1 or 2. The basebuilding is limited as fuck, the only mode it shipped with was basically a shitty wannabe-moba, and individual units are just there to look pretty while an elite unit tears up the entire map, completely unlike DoW1.
The only people this game could possibly appeal to are moba faggots, and they'd play an actual moba if that's what they wanted, not some weird mash of stripped-down barely-RTS mixed in.

>release last stand addon
>watch player numbers quintuple
blind man could see this coming

They should polish it a bit and release it to 1vs1 maps and make it as main mode or at least let people pick it when they search for game.

Well, they have mobified game so much it won't be anything unusual that MOBA-like game mode will be popular. It won't fix the game base, though.

>make shit campaign
>remove co-op
>remove Last Stand
>remove essential DoW stuff like sync kills

>250K owners
>1k playing

How can you make a fucking game that 99% of your playerbase dont have fun playing is beyond me


>Make tutorial campaign
>Make arenas and call it maps
>Put barebones base building with 0 complexity or variation
>Borrow the "OP heroes" characteristic of mobas
>Make engagements sanic fast without sync kills and wet tissue units

>Call it a day


Best vanilla Civ at launch so far, but that's not saying much and we all know Civ games are only worth playing after their second expansions release.

>Make tutorial campaign
That's pretty much what is single player mode in rts games
>Make arenas and call it maps
Some maps are small sure how the fuck they are arenas
>Put barebones base building with 0 complexity or variation
dow was never about building complex bases
>Borrow the "OP heroes" characteristic of mobas
>Make engagements sanic fast without sync kills and wet tissue units
Nothing wrong with those

TORtanic, despite what Sup Forums will have you believe.

>People enjoying Last Stand
I'll never understand, that thing is a snorefest.

Tortanic is partially f2p nowadays and no one knows the numbers

t. Relic employee

Too little, too late.

I waited a year for this game, played DoW2 to death. Played this for about an hour and refunded.

It's fucking awful, even the story is half assed.

None of the DoW campaigns were ever tutorials, but nice attempt of generalization

People are scared to play against someone else so they just do compstomp shit
Thats pretty much it

>That's pretty much what is single player mode in rts games
When did this meme start? Every CnC game had a pretty long and fleshed out campaign, many including some maps and units that weren't even available in multplayer, for example. Even Starcraft 2 had entirely different mechanics in many places for single player versus multi. And there are plenty of RTS games like Homeworld that are designed around single player.

Go play DoW1 and tell me if it's isn't a fucking tutorial

You dont know what a tutorial campaign is right?

>40k games dead in the water
>Fantasy currently has a bunch of great games with healthy communities

I am implying that it was the same shit

>DoW1 and Winter Assault campaigns
What the fuck am I reading.
DC and SS in a way, since they were skirmishes, but there were also mechanics like honor units and pre-battle deployment which were unique. And base assaults were fantastic

In other words fuck off

Which is ironic since its the opposite for tabletop

Maybe GW will just drop age of sigmar and make fantasy as their gaming IP

What would those be? Total Warhammer and Vermintide? Mordheim is ded and buried

Just goes to show for the umpteenth time that Fantasy setting wasnt the problem, in fact people adore the lore and visuals etc. It was merely the tabletop gameplay that relied on unit formations that had stagnated

>That's pretty much what is single player mode in rts games
If you aim for competitive scene or you're shit at making campaigns, yes. Otherwise campaign is pretty important to an RTS.
>nothing wrong with making normal units shit
>in a game about normal units too

Nah fuck off you, it was literally the same

>Synch Kills
>Essential DoW stuff

This is a big part why RTS in general died. Compstomping shitters.

Total War wouldn't work with the general scale of a 40k battle.
Maybe something like World in Conflict or Wargame, though.

>making normal units shit
They aren't you are just shit

For the first few missions so you learn how to play, just like every campaign ever. Then after about five missions you get to the actual meat and the campaign is quite long and fleshed out

overtime R6 has catually gained net players, not lost them.
It's one of the biggest surprises 2 years

This checks out with the massive Brazilian/Russian population on Dota. Dota custom games were dead on arrival because everybody only wanted to play Dota.

>general scale of a 40k battle
>total war wouldn't work
Have you only ever played DoW, or something?

>presenting unique maps, enemy compositions, voice acting, cutscenes and objectives with several hours of content
>exactly the same as tutorials
DoW is about the spectacle and the games were bought a ton and still played.
DoW3 catered to muh competitive shitters which is why it failed

the mods of it already exist. Also Mount & Blade mods.

Willingly forgetting that meaningless achievement and uninstalling the game, along with subsequently forgetting its existence is the perfect chance to actually cure your autism once and for all. Do it now and turn your life around, user.

>RTS died due to compstomping shitters

user, RTS games only exist because of those people. Without good campaigns, single player modes, co-op vs AI and, especially, Custom maps...many games wouldn't have lasted half a year.
There's a reason why many RTS players who didn't love MUHESPORTS moved to grand-strat and 4x style games. If you removed 'play against AI' in the Civ series, you'd end up with about .0001% of its playerbase still playing.

Every single RTS to come out with a weak campaign and weak custom support dies.

Why are you calling dow3 a tutorial if it has the same fucking things?

Also you are fucking compstomp shitter you might as well fuck off to total war games

The rank and file thing really pissed me off, yeah. Mech Warrior did it in a great way. The infantry units were one model, but each model represented a little squad so it was the best of both worlds.

siege was a good shooter from the get go, DoW is not a good RTS.
Not terrible, but nothing worth the price, and certainly inferior to most of the RTSs their core demographic already owns.

RTS died when it started to pursue an inexistant mp demographic

The most memorable rts out there are those with a robust sp mode

Where am I calling DoW3 a tutorial? I'm just calling it shit because its poorly thought out, short and without any interest put into it

total war relies on formation warfare, and slow and steady battles, modern warfare with modern firearms, extreme mobility and superweapons that wipe out entire armies with a salvo do not gel with that.

Seconding this. I played more Starcraft 1 "Use map settings" maps than every other part of that game combined. I still remember a day at school like the back of my hand.

>Stellaris is balanced for competitive multiplayer
>it's shit
>DoW III is made/balanced for competitive multiplayer
>it's shit
Really makes you think
>what is Apocalypse
>what is Epic

>DoW3 catered to muh competitive shitters which is why it failed
Which is why about every RTS series failed:
starcraft2, even the competitive shitters would rather play 1, and those that do play 2 play coop.
supreme commander 2: prime example, simplified for competitive, which nobody wanted or asked for.
C&C4: dear god in heaven; not even coop could save it.

Stellaris isn't balanced, at all, for actual MP.