700k preorders

>700k preorders
Why is Splatoon so popular in Japan?

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they want to hug the squid

>Kids dirty and covered by sticky goo stuff.
Who knows.

Because it's one of the greatest shooting games ever made.

I want to FUCK that SQUID

Japan is full of casuals who have no time to commit to gaming


literally everyone who buys splatoon is either a kid of a pedo

I thought only kids played this game

dumb gooks


only children and pedophiles chasing them play the tendo

Holy shit even dragon quest doesn't stand a chance.

Splatoon might break records in Japan and ww for switch.

It will be the biggest opening switch game ww for sure more than zelda.

Stn2 might open the genre in Japan.

we'll see more games where cute girls spray each other in multi more often now.

Japan is filled with degenerates

Switch owners are thirsty.

It actually is but most people don't believe this because they can't look past the childish art style


They can't play shooters, so one which requires next to no aiming and isn't too fast works great for them.

Also squidlolis

They are more advanced culturally, socially and technologically than us, it's only expected that the most advanced form of entertainment is what's more popular there.

It's pretty damn good but I don't know that I would go that far. I'd play the everliving fuck out of it if I could play with mouse and keyboard. I just don't like playing shooters with a controller.

I never played Splatoon because I didn't have a Wii U but I am sure getting Splatoon 2 as the gameplay looks very appealing. Does the game have unlockables that you can get from playing a lot? I kinda missed that in MK8D, which is what made that game get boring a lot faster than it should as there wasn't much of a reward later on (and improving skillwise is not that great, still quite fun tho).
I'm not talking necessarily about loot boxes like Overwatch but a point system or something like LoL. Is there something like that?

You can buy fashion as you level up and play more

Now this interests me. Was there a lot of variety in the first Splatoon?

>Does the game have unlockables that you can get from playing a lot?

Yes. Weapons, gear, and cosmetics become available to buy at different levels. You also get some currency to buy said gear as you play matches.

There are no secret/challenging things to unlock if that's what you mean, you can get all of the weapons and most equipment within like 7-8 hours of playing

So connect keyboard to switch, are you banned from google, retarded normalfag?

That seems a bit short to me. I don't really care about secret/challenging things but stuff like cosmetics and gear do seem interesting. Well I'll probably still play it a fuckton.

>He doesn't know about staying Fresh
You missed out on so much

A decent amount, some amiibo ones if you have those too.

Seems the second one is going for even more choices

I read that as 700k predators

>insecure projection
Gee, what a refreshing surprise

Just stopping by to say, lol that that post.

>It's pretty damn good but I don't know that I would go that far.
High skill cap, insanely replayable, great art style, innovative, fun to play, has a story, sequel adds more content + updates everything. The shooting genre has been plagued by muh war shooters for way too long.

This is absolutely true. No other shooter has combined its mechanics(shooting, reloading, movement, stealth, map control, ammo/secondaries weapons, special charge) in such an intuitive and satisfying way

From what I've read a keyboard is possible but I can't find anything about being able to use a mouse with the Switch. The keyboard by itself doesn't do me any good.

Plus I don't own a Switch yet. I have Splatoon for the Wii U but I'm waiting for more games before I get a Switch.

It's still not worth it for 60 dollars. I need a game I can enjoy offline, and the first splatoon made me vomit from how bad it was.

Also forgot to mention the great soundtrack youtube.com/watch?v=aPUFplN3ajc

b-b-but is childish
b-b-but muh mature

I agree, if you don't like online then a competitive online game is not for you

A core element of the game is bukkake on lolis wearing spats.

The singleplayer was good though, though a bit short. Any lack of enjoyment is your own fault for being retarded enough to buy an online shooter for its singleplayer

>western gamers

>Switch games are same price as 3DS games in Japan but full price everywhere else

reason #247 why I'm waiting for homebrew

You can just make a JP account and buy through the eShop if you want JP prices.

Then you have to deal with jp prices being higher in general than everywhere else.

>3DS games in Japan are as expensive as Switch games in North America
I don't know why you're complaining.

Full price everywhere else, Japan gets cheaper games

I'm not that user by the way

Because the game is good.

This. How people can get off by an underaged squid is weird as fuck, nintenbros are all pedos or some shit.

splatoon is really popular for little kids in japan. no idea why Sup Forums shills it so much, you guys are grown men

3DS games are about 60 bucks in Japan. So they're not getting cheaper games, just paying the same as everyone else..

because its easy on the eyes

>be guys that joined Nintendo in 2004, right when DS and Wii production is starting
>do grunt work, shoveling shit on big titles doing stuff like object and menu design
>Nintendo taps you for "garage initiative" to lead their young blood into making a new IP
>be a Japanese developer and create a third person shooter
>becomes a bonafide fucking phenomenon, your characters and products are getting as much attention as Mario and Zelda, and your product was on the fucking Wii U
>get to make a sequel
>its preorders are as big as fucking Dragon Quest 11

God speed, you magnificent bastards.