What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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with what?

Nintendo friends got cocky a little too early. They didn't have a clue that things would stay the same as they have always been. Quite funny to spectate, really.

What's retarded is saying that Jap devs are going to completely drop a console that has sold over 60M worldwide for the successor to the Wii U
At best, you'll see the Switch get ports, the only exclusives will be ones Nintendo pays for themselves

the party


I regret not taking screenshots of the hundreds of posts where Sup Forums claimed that the Switch was going to be super powerful thanks to the dock having additional hardware and not just a dock and a charger.

about the same when i miss the chance to screenshots those "speculation" threads about Wii U after ten thousands sources indicate it would be a piece of shit

I don't see how that's a party.

This. It is, at best, a repeat of the PS2 generation, just as we've seen all along. Nintendo had a "more powerful" console back then, but not MUCH more powerful. It had some genuinely cool gimmick capability although that was as integral as with the Switch. But the fact is that the vast majority of developers will fucking NEVER EVER abandon a platform that is, at most, mildly worse, and that has a 60+ million installed base advantage already. Sure Nintendo can try to buy a few niche IPs and they've got their own first party stuff just like Sony, but saying devs en masse would "abandon the PS4 for the Switch"!? Fucking stupid.

The Switch will clearly do much better then the Wii U, as it should since it's not a total piece of shit like that was. But the most Nintendo can hope for is that it'll be successful carving out its own area. And Nintendo will have to execute, continuously, without shooting themselves or devs in the foot, for many years. It's a long game.

As far as third-party development goes, the Switch somehow ended up with the worst aspects of the Wii and Wii U; weak hardware and low install base, respectively.

>weak hardware
Not really. I mean, yeah, it's weak given the time period, normally for something launching mid-gen like this you'd expect it to be a real boost over stuff 4 years old. But I think this is the first Nintendo console in a long time that is at least somewhat competitive with what else is out there right now, even if it gets curb stomped in another couple years when actual next gen comes out. It's good enough to actually let Nintendo IPs not be quite so crippled, and that's really nice to have happen.

They will sell upgrade-dock for 200$ like Pro or X and nintards will buy them like this is future of videogaming

Can they afford to play that game though?

Isn't the Switch outselling all the other consoles?

>low install base
Didn't it sell like 2 million within a week?

The party with the pants. The pants party.

Even xbox one x got third parties supports. it started to send dev kit recently

>Can they afford to play that game though?
I personally think so unless they somehow fuck themselves with debt or something. The fundamental economic reality has changed significantly since the 90s and 00s: the days of console companies developing their own custom hardware and owning fabs and all that shit themselves are long, long gone. That means capex for development is vastly lower now, so much less fixed cost to amortize, and supply chains, foundries and so forth are all more refined too, so less carrying cost and better ramp up/down potential with decent management. All of which means it's perfectly possible for an established brand like Nintendo to make something that sells to a fixed few tens of millions of fans without taking a loss, and then make money on their IPs on the cheap, and go along basically indefinitely as long as they never fuck up too badly. They may well occasionally hit on magic too like with the Wii. It's a viable model for them, they don't need to be the biggest is they can make a decent profit.

That doesn't mean that fantards should get ahead of themselves with delusions of world domination and then shitpost when that predictably does not happen either though.


>Low install base
It sells out every week retard

I think it would be better to compare how fast the Switch is selling compared to when the other consoles came out then to how well they sell now.

That'd be a nice trend line if it kept up (and it's not right now), but a trend is not "installed base" user. "Installed base" is the PS4 having over 60 million RIGHT NOW, not at some hopeful point in the future. I don't agree with the user you're replying too entirely either, but early spike is not sustained sales and is not an already existing known market ready to sell to.

"Market share" isn't the same thing as "installed base" you dumb faggot.

>Isn't the Switch outselling all the other consoles?
Not as of this last week. Even if it bumps back up though and does so for a while, subtract the PS4's (or bone even) sales from it so that you get the delta between them. Then do the math for how long it would have to outsell at that rate to make up the tens of millions difference.

Nintendo fandom is a mental illness at this point

We're all retarded here, don't even.