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Video Games #3815
Video Games
What's the appeal of mario games?
Filename Thread
You're favourite game is shit
Boss has iron claws
How come the biggest influencers in the gaming space have the least experience with the medium and the worst taste in...
How can Nintendo save Star Fox?
How come Sony is the only console manufacturer to never make a good controller?
What are some nicely hidden game secrets?
Bought Borderlands 2 thanks to steam sale. Which character should I play?
Who was your first vidya crush?
Steam Sale Hidden Gems Thread (contd)
What did Konami mean by this?
Why girls don't play Dark Souls?
What is the most autistic thing you have ever done in a video game?
How many Sup Forumsirgins still play Team Fortress 2 or has everyone moved on to Overwatch?
6 > 4
PC players
Giant bomb upf
ITT: Oh Yeah, That Happened
ITT: fuck you i hated it
Why does Sup Forums hate this character? What did she do wrong?
In May 2017 it was $5.99 on Steam
Steam Summer Sales
Is there seriously not a birthday thread?
So why are girls bad at videogames...
How is there not a single good survival game?
Is this the ugliest game of all time?
Metroid Samus Return Legacy Edition for Europe
ITT: Games you beat every year
Gen 7 is almost over and it's already an unfinished hack job like XY/ORAS
Boogie causing problems at VidCon because of his scooter
Why don't you own a Nintendo Switch yet?
Is it too early to call this GOTD?
Is the coating on the back of the Switch rubbing off for anyone else? It looks like it's from the oils of my hands...
2008 general
Reccomend me a good free multiplayer game
Create a blatant knockoff of Overwatch
How does Sup Forums feel about giant insects?
When did you stop enjoying vidya
Why are these so fucking hard to slide on and off? Yes, I'm doing it the right way, faggot. It's still fucking horrid...
Would it be possible to make an interesting game that is impossible to lose and is easy as piss on top of that?
So apparently Steam has a music player. That's neat
Final Fantasy XIV possible for the Switch and Xbox One. Sony possibly holding it back
Why was there so much shitpost about her?
MGS3- The Boss
I thoroughly hate myself
Vidya Buyfag thread?
Developers promise to revolutionize the MMO genre
3x3 thread
What the fuck was his problem?
Sup Forums says this game is bad
Any cool cats browsing Sup Forums right now?
All Your base Are belong to Us
What is the evangelion of video games?
Axiom Verge
Am I supposed to like this girl? Becuase it's pretty fuckin' hard to like this girl
Where the fuck is my PoE vs D3 thread
There are people on Sup Forums who play PC games on "gaming" laptops which they bought instead of building a PC
Should 100-0 combos be allowed in fighting games?
What was his problem?
Crash remaster
ITT: games with bad final bosses
What are so hard sci fi games that got the actual science on point?
How come Bionicle hasn't gotten a decent action adventure game...
Was thinking about getting into ESO, but the reviews seems to be 50/50, and I remember it was very bugged at launch...
My friend keeps pestering me to buy this thing to play with him even though I made it clear I aboid early-access games...
Is this worth getting if you're only mildly autistic?
SJW trash core
Is this game worth 6 bucks? it is normally 30
ITT:Games where the 3rd Game is the worst in their series
Got any tips for a beginner for this game?
Hey guys! Remember Homeworld Cataclysm...
I never got to experience this in its prime. What did I miss out on?
10/10 Games that never get discussed on Sup Forums thread?
Garnet is the the love of my life, the most beautiful woman I have ever met, she's so beautiful, she's so sweet...
Steam Sale Carts
Dragon Ball Fighter Z
Now that it has been out for some time
Which is better
Beyond good & Evil 2
When is a game referencing something else cool and when is it cringey?
Sony exclusives this year
Was it kino?
Villains with petty motives
Why can't they make good gameplay?
What are some games that get tutorials right?
Name 1 (1) videogame character that can defeat Vegeta in a 1v1
SMT thread
Nobody can seriously think this was a good FE, right?
Risk of Rain thread (again)
Nier automata
Enemy has 20% chance to insta-kill you
Gravity Rush 2
Mega Man Battle Network
It's time to be honest with ourselves: these games haven't held up as well as you think they do
Admit it. You think this game looks sparse and boring but you don't want to believe it
How the hell do I get good at this game?
Why haven't you downloaded Black Desert Online yet? It's the best MMO
Why do you guys shit on games that you haven't played...
Wake me up Asuna
Is this game worth getting in the current sale Sup Forums?
Why arent you plebs playing this amazing game?
P-please come back
What is the most photo realistic looking game ?
I don't think a game will ever be this comfy again
Was this the first time u've heard Juris theme?
Are video games making people lazy or people were always lazy since the beginning of time?
Parents are screaming at each other downstairs about how much you play video games
Work in GAME UK
Steam sale
So what kind of screen do you enjoy your ludo on...
What did Kojima mean by this?
Zero Escape
Yeah, MGSV is pretty shit as a whole but can we at least agree that the prologue is kino as fuck?
Flash sale is actually better than steam sale for once
What are some smaller or Indie studios you legitimately want to see make a AAA game?
Xenoblade 2 Thread
What does Sup Forums think of Freya?
Sonic Mania will have vinyls
Resident Evil
Wears a hoodie to a Hawaiian beach during summer
How much have you spent so far?
G-Get that thing away from me, Enemy of Talon!
What am I in for?
Never played a Monster Hunter game b4
Resident evil 2 remake
Friday Night Vidya Grooves thread™
Fate/Grand Order
Still best countdown image for the stormblood launch
Did I do good Sup Forums?
ARMS Launch Outperforms the Combined Total for Street Fighter V and Tekken 7
What is the most downgraded video game of all time?
What went wrong?
Which controller should I get for Dark Souls, Sup Forums?
How are you fighting the urge to blow 700$ on Allison's game?
Help me find some good VNs to play
What happened to Twitch?
Find a flaw
She's perfect with monster girls
Confirmed: No X-Men in Infinite
Official Verdict
The witcher 3 fans are casuals. Here is why
Steam Summer Sales Thread
What does Sup Forums think of Blasphemous now that the Kickstarter has ended?
Is this the future of resident evil?
SGDQ 2017
Why is Sup Forums in denial that this is the greatest game of all time?
I don't get it, I hired mercenaries and had 15k troop total and only some of them end up fighting...
Atlus just bent the knee to based DSP
Pass the fucking bleach
The Sims 4 woohoo sex mod
Did I miss something? Why is it still impossible to find an MSRP RX 480 or 580?
SpongeBob SquarePants Online
Where is the fucking game?It is the 23rd and i can't seem to find it
Steam Sale Hidden Gems Thread
He is right you know
He has Steam friends
ARMS Thread
Is it just me or is the opening cut-scene of this game terrible? The exposition is really confusing...
Is Star Fox dead?
Dragon quest general
We can all agree this is one of the top 3 greatest games of all time, right?
100% Orange Juice Summer Update 1.19.1
Thoughts on the new Assassin's Creed game?
I just don't understand the big success about this game
Player says "y'all" in chat
Next WoW expansion
Sometimes the hand of fate must be forced
Poison is hot
In a heated video yesterday...
You have 30 seconds to tell me why you don't play Overwatch
Beyond Good and Evil 2
Started playing this yesterday, and it's pretty darn good
This is Etna, she is succubus with poor body image. Say something nice to her
Name one reason someone who likes video games shouldn't own a Nintendo Switch home console™
Best Metroidvania ever
Character killed in previous game gets revive in next game
Cheat code unlocks everything
Your PC will NEVER EVER play this
What went right?
Why is she SO fucking ugly? Looks like Kayako from Ju-on
Who do you pick?
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
Npc threatens your life
That feel when 40 degrees celsius weather and your gpu drivers crash two minutes into any game
The best RPG ever created in the history of mankind is $2 on Steam
Lets make the levels super fucking big in a game where you die in one hit yeah great idea
ITT: Games you think are pure shit
What went to utterly wrong?
What game has the best companions?
Damn, Xbox, PC and Switch owners B T F O
Which is your pick?
Just purchased this game on Steam, what am I in for Sup Forums?
Why are tourneyfags get butthurt over this?
Why does Sup Forums hate Marche so much?
This is your daily reminder
Xenoblade 2 VS Tales
What went wrong with this? It was a pretty good console all things considered...
How were you supposed to know to throw a bomb inside?
Steam summer sale thread
Come sit
Admit it. It made you LOL
What canonically happened Sup Forums?
Buying the clone of a game when the original is better and free
Don't fall for the PC meme like I did
PS4 Pro Bros on suicide watch
Put females into your game
Which class do you usually pick in games?
Why do you WANT to save a princess?
What is she writing Sup Forumsros?
/hmg/ is kill
Is it possible to make a gaming PC that can consistently do 1080p 60fps on current games and is the same price as the...
Do you play your 3DS in public, Sup Forums?
Hey Sup Forums is this computer any good i want a good gaming pc but dont wanna build one
Get a craving for some kotor 2
On a serious note
I've seen some disturbing trend of people on various forums calling ARMS a fighting game...
Has 3 main campaigns with their own distinct playstyles that are fun in their own way
It's nice that we all agree Sony won E3 again
How do you get friends from online games?
Unless you can beat the boss you've died most to in your videogame history, in one try with no cheats mind you...
If you are using anything lower than 3200 dpi you are a casual
Who /skin/ here?
Why is this same exact woman appearing in every new AAA title?
In a debate
So, how long until stormblood raid opens?
It was not even out for a week and it was already dead. What happened to it, Sup Forums
That creepy weird kid who always selects the little girl characters
What are your thoughts on Bowser's Fetish Fantasy?
Why don't you own every Nintendo console ?
These three come out today
How can a male have those curves?
The great debate
Screenshots thread
Is FF8 really bad or is it a meme to hate it?
What the FUCK was his problem?
Why do people on the internet shill so much for this piece of shit?
What are some games that depict violence against women?
It's up
Tell me some games you dropped and why
I've never played a Legend of Samus game before. I've always wanted to play Super Metroid but it's expensive...
Apparently they are adding new features to this game, thoughts?
Why are the Ace Attorney games arbitrarily set like 20 years in the future?
Why is it okay for monsters to say hello by shooting my soul with magic lasers but I'm not allowed to say hello by...
Sexual content
What went wrong?
What's the best Wario Land game and why is it Wario Land 4?
So what's next for our gravity queen?
Monster Hunter thread. Excited about World? Any more info you hope is talked about soon (showing off more weapon moves...
Getting back into Titanfall 2
Prove me wrong. You literally cant
Qauke Champions killed quake
FE Heroes
Webm thread
Are there any hidden gems with good discounts?
Post the last picture you saved from Sup Forums and relate it to the last game that you've played
Endless Legend
So I just had a couple quick questions I bought this and now I'm getting into more steady better paying work and can...
What's your favorite elemental power?
Jap cover > US Cover
Breath of the Wild is goo-
If you could ask someone one question to find out if they are a true gamer or not, what would it be?
Uhh... What the fuck is up with the SC2 General on /vg/...
Its gonna be shit, isnt it
Space Marines
Is this the last time anyone will ever talk about Nintendo's party game?
2 more days until Suka's game
L-Lady Ann w-what are you doing! J-Joker?!?
Why are you browsing Sup Forums, user?
Rlly makes u think
When the Vita is no more, will the smaller Japanese developers move to the Switch?
Sup Forums hates 99% of games
Is this game any good
This game
What would you do if you had his powers?
Look at this Nep
90% of Sup Forums wouldn't be able to unlock this phone
Name ONE reason why I shouldn't use ZSNES
Do you enjoy your 3DS Sup Forums?
GOTY gameplay
I start games on the hardest difficulty
Red potion gives you strength
What went wrong?
Came out today. Been enjoying it even if a bit simple...
Hype battle themes
I saw some thread on Sup Forums claiming that we dont own our steam games we are leasing them from valve...
"Coming to all platforms."
Rank these from best to worst
This is modern Nintendo
PS4 #1, Switch #2 - NPD April
Just bought project zomboid holy shit its amazing
Steam Sales Thread
Strength/arcane or dex/arcane?
Here's some new stuff on the Project Diva Future Tone DX pricing and stuff
This is a A2 and i enjoy showing her
Xenoblade 2
Sojiro reluctantly takes you in
First jokes, then k-on actually gets on steam, now THIS. How the fuck did this happen?
THAT level thread
Which is better overall, Paper Mario or Mario & Luigi?
Is she, dare I say, /ourcake/?
Name 1 (ONE) game that can be best described with this phrase
It's time to discuss the best Visual Novel ever made
Futuristic robot fights alien machines with
Want to buy ever oasis
Would you play a Telltale Curb Your Enthusiasm game?
I take back every bad thing I said about FFXV. This game right here is the worst Final Fantasy
Plane makes a turn
Name one game
Plumbers work low on their knees and bump on their heads
Can the steam activists fuck off anything that isn't GTAV "please"
Who else can't wait for the 28th of June?
Why is Sup Forums the only board on Sup Forums to be so divisive on the topic of piracy?
Can you guys recommend a game for a girl (male)? (。>﹏<。)
* kisses a girl *
I fucking miss this game so much. I've been reinstalling it for years, trying all kinds of servers...
Who was in the wrong here?
Happy 26th Anniversary Sonic The Hedgehog!!!
Reinstalled after a year and figured out: BF4 is still one of the best games ever made. 24,6GB without DLCs...
Is it good yet?
Game has gay characters
Memorable moments in vidya
Do you still remember Iwata fondly?
Post good cute games
Beyond Good and Evil 2: Gameplay Prototype Walkthrough
How scary is this game?
TSE: Nintendo is now worth more than Sony Corp (Market Cap)
How do you guys allocate time for video games between work, family, gym, church, girlfriend, travels, friends...
Why aren't there any Filipino vidya protags?
Why are they so happy, Sup Forums? Is Splatoon 2 and Arms really that good?
Why don't you play fighting games?
Steam Sales Are A Goddamn Joke
GoG > Origin > Steam
Filename thread
Thoughts on this game?
Defend this
Too hot to play video games
User, what kind of game is that? It doesn't look like something a Christian should be playing
Here's a Steam code for a game worth £50. Great game
What are 2 niche series you want to see return on the Switch?
Is there a better game with Egypt "feel"?
1 million
Zelda Amiibo
Strategy recommendations for Steam Summer Sales
Skyrim Special Edition Script Extender
What makes a controller good?
83 hours played based on last 2 weeks on Steam
Best startes ever
Mfw i can't play xcom2 because i'm disabled
Final Fantasy XIV
Anyone want to have some comfy early morning coop?
This is pretty much just "reused assets - the game"
Is this still the best looking WoW armor set?
I started playing this on ps4 yesterday and it's great...
ITT: Only and ONLY the most nostalgic soundtracks
Physical version of the game (the cover will not have any rating)
Nintendo is now worth more than Sony
Come Nerevar, friend or traitor, come. Come and look upon the heart
Opportunity Cost
Battle Brothers
PS4 turns on by itself at 3AM
This is the third best exclusive game this gen, behind Bloodborne and Zelda BOTW(if that counts as exclusive)
Visual Novels
Portable Emulation
$0.75 on steam
Total War / Warhammer
What are some games featuring the purest form of love?
Is this Perfect Cell shading?
Is PC the mainstream system yet?
She's puffy
You will not survive
Hey i have a game coming to steam soon, if i post about it here will i get banned?
30fps crash
Dio vs Max
2D game > 3D game
Whatever happened to dynamic stages in 3D fighting games (ie stages that aren't just a flat floor)...
FF 15
Super Mario 3D World is not a real 3D Mario
If you're too sick for school, you're too sick for video games, young man!
Okay Oniichan, since Big Santa was generous for this summer sale. Santa-chan wants to be generous too!
Just discovered this Kojima game
What attacks do these types of armor protect against?
For PC gamers with good - but not the best - graphics cards, what's more important to you?
How's the gf sidequest coming along Sup Forums ?
I haven't seen a single Odin's Sphere thread, did I just miss the boat back in the PS2 days or what...
At what age did you finally drop western games entirely and focus on playing solely Japanese games...
So what vidya did you play today?
Are there any actually decent games in this Steam "sale?"
Game takes place in a fantasy world
Lia is a great Witch because she's great. Why don't you serve her already?
Western game has female protagonist, LGBT characters
Sup Forums Out of the four which one was the best game and why
Why is the Japanese video game industry so superior to the Korean one? Japan creates artistic titles...
Siege and Ubisoft
What's your favorite build?
Why do nintenbros hate monster hunter world?
The Seven Cancers of modern gaming:
How does this make you feel?
If your favourite game came out before you were 10
"Dark Souls and Bloodborne are a rehashed piece of fucking shit for tasteless dumbass normies" - Matthewmatosis
ITT: Games that will be cancelled
Summer Gifting Thread
Post carts and rate/recommend others
Choose your team
Square Enix employee here
Is it OK to play Wii U/PS4 games on a 720p TV if I don't want to shell out the cash for a 1080p TV?
Most overrated game
Why are there so few cozy Roman/Greek games...
Says he likes Video Games
Do I have any bros here who played Earthbound as a child on the SNES? This game...
Steam Summer Sale
Why does Sup Forums hate master pieces?
So, Sup Forumsirgins, lately i've noticed a trend around there about "Pirates"
Mario RPG
Projectiles vs Hitscan
So at the end is just the same version just physical with all the dlc and one extra song
I'm feeling real generous this Summer Sale...
Im gonna regret this, arent I?
Did I miss something with this shit? I played it for an hour and it was boring as fuck...
500 korok seeds
What's your dream video game, Sup Forums?
Looking for Switch eShop recommendations. Currently considering Fast RMX and Wonder Boy the most. Any other suggestions?
This is Link. What did you think of his game
I just got this game for dirt cheap, what am i in for?
*kills Paladins and Overwatch*
What is the appeal of this game? Is it better/worse than the other Metroidvanias on Steam...
What the fug is this shit?
Be me
Thoughts on Capcom not putting MHWorld on Switch and not localizing MHXX?
*obstructs thine passageway*
Fake video games thread
I'm considering buying this game on the steam sale. Talk me out of it Sup Forums
Should I buy transistor?
When will we ever get another good MMO, Sup Forums?
Recommend me a game based on this image
Was The evil Within ahead of its time?
If Words of Power could be taught to practically anyone given that it could take many years as opposed to instantly...
When did games journalism get so stupid? Remember when it was about games?
DSP Suing Atlus
This is a known terrorist and a murderous psychopath. Say something mean about her
I don't hear much talk about Ys here. Is the series underrated? Are any of the steam games worth it?
I've had my eye on this game for the longest time and I just never came around getting into it...
Fire Emblem Heroes
One of my favorite videogames memories is stalking a group of 5 people with my buddy on DayZ across the entire map...
Paradox Bows Down To Reddit Bullies And Rollbacks The Prices
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Are you even a little excited, Sup Forums?
Since Nintendo has decided to stop being retarded and announce new Metroid games I'm curious what Sup Forums's favorite...
I've never played these games.There was new DLC that just came out, I think called Revelations
Find a flaw
Emulators for my laptop
Is it the best Splinter Cell game?
Ed Edd N Eddy Online
Will character models ever become indistinguishable from real life?
Is Darkest Dungeon any good...
What are your honest thoughts on Final Fantasy X? I've been on both sides of the fence with this game...
Set the age slider to max
Hey! Pikmin Demo
Pokemon GO?
You ARE going to play Altria's game on June 25th, 9PM PDT, right? You even get to pick a free 4* Servant...
I listen to video game music
Jrpg thread
So I have a Lenovo IdeaPad y700. I know it's not a powerhouse, but it was a 1000 dollar "gaming laptop"
J>PQ PLZ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@
Healers are fuckbois they said
What are your honest thoughts on Monster Hunter World? Be sincere
Can we talk about how good this game is?
Games you won't last 5 minutes playing
Are you going to buy Mario's new game?
There is nothing wrong with this character
Why are you buying PC games when you could just pirate them? excluding multiplayer ones
Ok, Sup Forums. Admit it, this game is fun and addictive
Switch Discussion
Is it me or is this sincerely the worst sack of shit excuse for a game ever made taking out one counselor is enough of...
What should a standalone Waluigi game be like?
Square Enix "hard to run Dragon Quest 11 on switch"
Why is this allowed?
Steam Summer Sale
Playstation VR
Perfect fighting games don't exi-
What are the go-to MMORPGs nowadays? I heard FFXIV and Black Desert Online are popular. Is WoW still shit?
What would happen if this were released today?
So I haven't played retail WoW in quite some time (years). After Wrath I pretty much stopped putting in any hours...
What is the best videogame to play while drunk?
What is the character with the most autistic fanbase?
Gamer fuel thread
Should I?
What's your damage Sup Forums?
This is Taokaka, she's from a mediocre fighter
What's the best Metriodvania?
What games have the best lore?
Tfw I've had the same nightmare 6 nights in a row now
Nier Automata is the best-selling game on Steam
Which one will you fuck first?
Would you have preferred a RE VII that was was retarded as fuck like Vendetta and adopted the gameplay from Revelations...
Aperture Science
What VNs are you reading, Sup Forums?
What's your thoughts on the Wii U scam?
How many of you play games with friends?
Confess your sins Sup Forums
Sup Forums says politics should stay out of video games
The Hudson River, two years ago
Be honest Sup Forums would you buy/play this game?
I saw a mudcrab the other day
Nice to see people keeping their political leanings out of video games. Such a vibrant story too, with lines including:
Now that we're getting a proper DBZ fighter, what are the odds that we get a proper One Piece fighter...
Nintendo's market cap is now larger than sony's
Some good games on steam for under 10€currently ?
50% off
Would it kill western developers to make a non-repulsive female character?
Buy my game
Demons Souls
This is Amelia N., the Nintendo Switch Information Center's spokesperson, a.k.a the new Nikki...
It looked fun and you can't stand the thought. You don't even own a PS4
Why does this game look like it has more depth and less restrictions than Dragonball Fighter Z despite looking like...
Hey isnt about time for you to go to bed?
/HKG/hollow knight
Ywn have this arcade cabinet in your house
Everyone On Suicide Watch
Anyone hyped for Evil Within 2? Was the highlight of E3 for me
ITT: Should I pull the trigger Sup Forums?
Resident Evil 4 thread
What do
Dude bullet sponges lmao
What happened to these chumps?
This literal GOTY is on sale!
World in peace
What are your hopes and fears for Metroid: Samus Returns?
Why the fuck is this 30 fucking dollars
Generic 2d platformer ""metroidvania""
How to win E3 in one fell swoop
For fuck sake she's ugly
What was her fucking problem?
Game involves Angels and Demons
Steam Summer Sale
Why do you still support Atlus Sup Forums...
Hollow Knight
Why aren't you playing Pokémon GO?
FFXIV : Stormblood
Login to steam and Sup Forums
Are they gonna fuck?
2011 game
When did the game go to shit and why was it Beta 1.8?
Early access games are just a fa-
Thoughts? My hand is hovering over the buy button as we speak
All that sexy 40's aesthetic
Will it flop? Will it live up to the Saints Row vibe?
What's your golden rule when it comes to buying games?
The girls = Steam
Why the fuck isn't this on Switch? Also Super is as good as DBZ
What is your PC controller?
Video game tattoo thread
Friend dies in a freak car accident
It's not that bad
What is the "Why didn't sam and frodo fly to mordor?" of video games?
Reminder that you should be doing this constantly until """""streamers""""" go away
Convince me to continue playing this game...
These are your new SFV costumes
He fell for the ARMS meme
Comfy Switch Thread
Sonic Mania Will Feature More Stages Than Any Classic Sonic Game
Let's take a moment to talk about how underrated this bastard is
Budokai series vs Tenkaichi
Do you still believe Sup Forums?
Which video game series is this?
Music stops when you enter the room
Can Athena Cykes: Ace Attorney even happen?
What went wrong?
What happened?
Finally get my hands on BotW
Are you still disappointed?
Hey Sup Forums I'm heading down to the local Pokemart. Ya want anything? I'm buying
Is there a bigger bitch in all the casts of Persona 3-5?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...