Should I?
Should I?
Shit infodumped me at the beginning, didn't understand how the materia or whatever the fuck system worked so I uninstalled it.
Calvard when?
Only if you're ready for a huge investment of time. You have to be autistic to enjoy this series but if you are, then you're in for a treat.
Nah.. overrated.
Hm. I played it, had a comfy time, but came out utterly unimpressed.
No don't it's a meme series. Every game consists of at least 50 worth of useless side quests with the main plot happening in the last few hours
I guess I'll wait for a -75% or more then.
extremely overrated
hipster loves it.
its just like FF7.
u have slots, and u put the shiny colored jewels in them and gain abilities, stats, or spells.
pretty sure its a dollar on g2a
No buy Hollow Knight instead
unironically one of my favorite game series, if not my favorite. It's a slow burn, but it uses that slow burn to hit you with some absolutely fantastic characters and worldbuilding. Probably my favorite romance in any game too. Combat is fairly standard, but it makes up for that with great customization systems for your party.
You're gonna be waiting forever if you wait for -75%. it's absolutely worth 10$. Hell, I'll buy it for you, give me your steam account name.
Sure but Estelle is my wife and that's never going to change.
great post user, that's my favorite picture of them. But this one's pretty good too
Eh, I'll pirate it first, and see who's right.
Not trying to sway you or anything, but you'll never play Trails again, even if you think you will. The game is very long and very story driven, so if you do end up buying it later after pirating it, just keep that in mind.
I say this in case you give a shit about achievements like me.
Enemies do quite a lot of damage at the start of the game.
I'm ~25 hours in and it's develops very slowly. I'm a sucker for romance but I'll be 30 before I get there to see it.
Remember seeing SC talked up a lot in /jrpgg/ but I can't be compelled to stick it out.
How are you always here?
I'm everywhere, user
Man how can you be a sucker for romance and drop out of FC? The game is basically 'slow romance buildup - The Game'. Scenes between Joshua and Estelle are common and precious.
Mediocre game with toppest tier world building.
The part that makes it a game is not particularly engaging. I might as well go watch anime I've dropped for years. Same character archetypes, same tropes, shallow combat.
The game is just bad. The writing repeats on itself way too damn much, and is full of some of the most dull and predictable stereotypes and cliches around. What? Joshua has feelings for Estelle? We better hint at that dozens more times! Huh? Joshua has a mysterious past? Lets run that one into the ground too!
The characters are so shallow and predictable you can basically anticipate what they're going to say word for word.
And that's just the writing.
Game is padded to hell and back with endless fetch quests and running back and forth between objectives, combat is a tedious chore where you're just repeating the same shit literally hundreds of times with no real viable options to do different shit, music is mediocre as fuck.
Still mad at the fuckers that recommended this garbage, utterly irredeemable shite.
Man I WISH anime was half as good as Trails in the Sky. Anime is fucking shit. Even the most renowned anime are a joke writing-wise.
What the fuck are you on user?
Pick any random rom-com anime and the writing is several leagues better than Trails.
LMFAO. Holy shit dude. I watch plenty of anime and they're so fucking shit. Beta bland MCs, one-note girls whose only definable traits are their rigid personalities and multi-colored hair, and MISUNDERSTANDINGS to drag the plot out so the author can milk it as much as possible.
Jesus christ user get some fucking taste. The only romance anime that has impressed me is actually airing this season, and even that one is one in a million.
I can understand why people like the world-building but nothing ever seems to develop. The entire first game is like one giant preamble.
>Misunderstandings to drag the plot
So just like Trails.
>One-note girls
Violent morons are quite abundant, yes, Estelle fits neatly into that category too.
>Beta bland MC's
No, much more common is the mysterious and strangely competent, distant yet attractive MC, like Joshua.
>Jesus get some fucking taste
Says the fool who can't even tell that the two things he's consuming are identical.
None of what I said applies to Trails. But you can just imagine it does to make yourself feel better. You're obviously a fucking moron so arguing with you any more is a waste of my time ha ha.
I take it you never read the books or the newspaper. Or seen a lot of the npc dialog.
It shows in your post.
I read all of them.
Again, beyond the NPCs having their own little arcs, I'm not sure how this differs from any decent classic RPG, such as BG2 - exception being that BG2 actually had fun side quests and interesting locations.
The characters and the world are really endearing, and in my opinion and most people who like the games, they're great games because they do what they do exceedingly well. They're not innovative, but they do pay attention to detail like mad. Have you finished Second Chapter? That might change your mind.
And another thing, people's love for the series also stems in part from the series as a whole, not necessarily any one game. It's a sprawling saga that takes place over a massive world in the space of a few years, which is honestly a lot more realistic given how much turmoil the world goes through from its own hyperspeed industrial revolution. Most long running series don't do that, and so to a lot of fans the series is more than the sum of its parts.
>Not just using ppsspp and emulating
>Not just pirating
extremely overrated
It's definitely a cool idea - if only certain entries in the series didn't drop the ball.
It takes forever to get good though.
>5 hours in and still in the prologue.
70 hours in here, when does this shit get good?
>70 hours in here
I guess when the Trail fags said "slow burning" they didn't put enough emphasis in "slow".
In Second Chapter.
probably about 20 more hours
the end of chapter 5 in SC, specifically
but I know you're just memeing
If you have to, just buy the games with Sky in the name. Ignore everything else
I still have this in my wish list for some reason,
after reading all the positive reviews with 60+ hours that basically said you have to wait till the second game....... lol
Yeah I agree about the series as a whole, but Trails in the Sky isn't a classic standalone RPG for that reason, in my opinion.
Trails in the sky was massively popular before SC came out. It only feels smaller now with the context of the other games, but for it easily stands on it's own.
Right. But do you think it's as good as say, Xenogears, FF7 or Grandia?
I think that's pushing it.
It's like people who claim mainline SMT > old FF.
SMT is a hipster game franchise. The ironic weeb girl crowd love it.
Here's the deal. If you have a lot of time in your hands to do a shitton of reading and a shitton of little busywork in doing quests and backtracking to listen to NPC dialog, then this is that game to do it in. One of the key reasons why this game and the series as a whole fascinates me is that the entirety of the plot across 7, soon to be 8 games, takes place within a few close months and years of each other, spanning across a continent with different casts of characters that overlap to tell one enormous story.
Now the thing is, it's mostly in the small nitty gritty details that not many people have the patience or even like. Not many people care for the first game in the series being a literal 40 hour prologue and to be honest, while I enjoyed FC by itself, it's something I would rarely recommend if SC and the successive games didn't exist. The only characters that get developed in the first game is your first two characters, and maybe a handful more but a good chunk of the secondary crew are underdeveloped until the second game and that's mostly because the first and second game were meant to be one big game. It's mostly an all or nothing scenario which isn't ideal. If you think you can handle one hell of a slow but rewarding ride, then go for it. If not, then try it out and see for yourself if you want more if.
It's funny to think that people are complaining about the endless fetch quests when the whole deal about the Bracers being the oddjobs workers are an actually important part of the political side of things in the series since Crossbell has the police force be in direct competition to win over public favor and Bracer guilds in Erebonia are barely functioning.
No, get ppsspp and emulate it on your smartphone.
You can say coldsteel, everyone is aware of it.
Will I be satisfied with the trails in the sky series or will I want to play the whole series?
The trilogy itself ends with around 2 loose ends, both of which are connected to the other two successive arcs.