Apparently they are adding new features to this game, thoughts?
Apparently they are adding new features to this game, thoughts?
>for the 3ds
Switch fags salty tears are so fucking delicious right now.
who cares
They announced a core rpg Pokemon game for the switch at E3
If it's shit then it's shit. If it's good then it begs the question, why did they bother rushing Sun/Moon if they could have delayed it and released a much better game anyway? Either way, third versions were always a cancerous practice. The difference between the GB/GBA/DS era and now is that those consoles had no way of distributing game updates so releasing a "new" game was the only way to make these changes. If they really wanted to, they could release all these additions as DLC for Sun/Moon (either as a free update like in New Leaf or paid DLC for a fraction of the price of a full game). But the fact that Game Freak didn't even patch XY to be compatible with ORAS mega-evolutions shows how lazy and jewish they are.
>Apparently they are adding new features to this game
Who could have guessed?
"Core pokemon rpg"
>not mainline pokemon game
>no date
>not even a promo shot
>not even a fucking developer to mention it
>just a fucking aside from a queue card
suicide watch.
Day 1 pirate
>If it's good then it begs the question, why did they bother rushing Sun/Moon if they could have delayed it and released a much better game anyway?
They always release a beta version so that people can pay full price for it and then they fix the complaints in the next version. Also, they need more versions to keep the anime going for a good while which then generates even more money through other crappy merchandise.
Gamefreak are the biggest jews working for Nintendo.
>>not even a fucking developer to mention it
Gamefreak are the ones who always develop pokemon games, and it was heavily hinted that the Switch Pokemon game is mainline
SIR, STEP OFF THE LEDGE, YOU HAVE SO MUCH TO LIVE FOR!!! just not on the switch...
They could have said "we are developing a pokemon game" and everyone would have said, oh a pokemon game I got it, if they wanted to be specific that it was a mainline game they would have said "We are making a mainline pokemon game" or "we are making the next entry of the pokemon series on the switch" Instead they specifically said that they are making a
Sound's like it's going to be something new and different to me.
>all news outlets reporting "core rpg pokemon game" not "next entry in the series"
They clearly have gotten the press releases already to specifically not call it a mainline/next game/normal pokemon game.
I'm sorry to burst your bubble, enjoy mystery dungeon switch though.
I already stopped giving a shit.
A "core" game means the same thing as a "mainline" game. And all mainline Pokemon games are RPGs.
According to Eurogamer, the next Pokemon is called Pokemon Stars and even fucking Amazon leaked it as well.
It's very likely that the next Pokemon is gonna be mainline.
>According to eurogamer
>It's very likely
>amazon leak
Remember when amazon leaked red dead redemption for PC?
Remember when Halo trilogy had a steam page that leaked the steam halo 1 & 2 version?
Remember when bloodborne 2 was definitely leaked by the same person who revealed project beast?
Remember when pokemon sun and moon was definitely going to have water arcanine and multiple starter final evos by the same person who leaked the actual final evos?
Remember when your mom dropped you on your head and it made a little dent in your baby skull but your dad just shook you a little and it filled back up and they were pretty sure you wouldn't end up retarded?
Core is mainline as referred to in Pokemon terms based on their social media tweets, and gamefreak is developing it further confirming it's mainline
Core is literally mainline (which is used frequently for pokemon, especially for jap), and mystery dungeon is not by gamefreak. Gamefreak ONLY does mainline. Do you have autism
i think its just Sun and Moon without the cutscenes. they know they fucked up big
It's still for a 240p console and if the last three games were any indicator, it's still going to be a rushed shit.
Give me a battle frontier or similar facility and I can forgive the new digimon shit
If I skipped Sun/Moon is there any reason for me to not simply just go for Ultra Sun / Ultra Moon when it releases?
No. The only reason to play the orginals is to compare the difference. Think Deadrising 2 vs Off the Record. Same story more or less with one having """more""" content and removing complaints from the last.
I'm surprised people still care about Pokémon games. The same rehashing over and over, and it's been downhill since BW2.
So the Battle Tree?
Never happening. Enjoy catching the same legenadries you have 5 of.
Who knows, maybe Amazon is right this time
Also Eurogame reports have been accurate so far
Low quality bait
I didn't like XY, ORAS OR SuMo, so why the fuck should I care about Ultra SuMo? And why should I buy the first Pokemon game of a gen now when there's literally a SUPER ULTRA edition now? At least before Gen 5 I had a whole different game, these "sequel" games just feel lazy. They didn't even do it last time!
New Alolan forms when?