Which class do you usually pick in games?

Which class do you usually pick in games?

>pick a class and play it in a unusual way
or if the game allows some kind of class mixing
>mix up 2 classes and play them in a way that sounds ridiculous and make it work
I loved Bravely Default/Second because of these

>No monk

Dragoon is pretty fun. Dealing death from above don't get old

Always Monk, I like punching and kicking niggas.

Usually Knight if I feel like being heroic, or some kind of DPS mage if I wanna be cool.

When in doubt I go with the edgiest. Or pally.

>Game has monk class
>He can only use a staff/game shits on you for using your fist

Fist based, if no fists then biggest weapon.

I tend to gravitate towards classes that use big gigantic twohanded swords, axes, clubs or polearms.

They're usually called something like Warrior/Berserker/Marauder/Barbarian but sometimes it could also be a Paladin or Dark Knight

I've always wanted to play Bravely Default since I've heard a lot of great things about the combat system, but it's fucking huge for my baby SD card, and I keep hearing the characters are unlikeable retards.

>Be Rune Fencer
>Only useful magic is Light

>Be Witch
>Only useful magic is Dark

In mmos, tank. In action RPGs, whatever is easy mode.

The characters are great. The game gets a bit repetitive later on but it's a cool game with a great combat system.

But I loved all the characters

A bit repetitive? You play the same fucking game again and again 4 times

I just used different classes for every loop. I had fun and it didn't feel that repetitive.

I always pick the one that has a lot of buffs for my party and debuffs for the enemy.

Either knight or spellsword

Slow, heavy hitters. Aesthetically, I like knights.

>Monk class
>Forced to use katars
>Fist not available

Like what the fuck. Katars are for assassins. I want to punch, god dammit

For anything table-top or free form I would go rogue. Too bad in vidya the rogue class is usually bottom tier garbage.

Rage fuels my strength and lack of thinking somehow works out

Archer on OP's pic. Those guys wreck a whole squad with elevation. But usually I go with Magical Glass Cannons in MMOs and Action RPGs.

When I first start an RPG game I generally play the most neutral class just to get a feel for it. Soldier, generic knight, etc.

I tend to deviate towards tanks or other very specific roles when I play games though, typically not DPS. I like to know what I'm good at and to excel in that one niche, but I typically lack the killer instinct to be a glass cannon DPS.


Always liked being able to steal shit from baddies. Plus, at least in the stuff I've played, they have some of the best chances for a quick getaway in the event of a disaster

The high risk, high reward warrior class if there is one, has to use two handers, but not the weebshit 50 lb sword kind, the more realistic the sword the better.
If that is not available then a swordmaster or fencer that can use two handed swords that meet the aforementioned specs.

I none of that is available then I usually jist play a tank class. Paladin type or Monk of they can tank.

I live to play gimmick classes

Anything with cool looking armor. If given the opportunity I go for blunt weapons as well

i always choose the edgy classes, dark knight/ dark fencer type is my favourite though

the support/healer or tank class
dps if it looks appealing

Whatever is dex/speed based. Preferably stealthy assassins.

Either the well rounded Warrior or the big fat ass in armor that hit like a fucking truck

Characters with heavy hitting area spells with small delays like a meteor.

>Only useful magic is dark
So you enjoy being useless for the entirety of the palace of dead?

110% this. Magic melee, evasion tanks, etc. Make that weird shit happen

1, Song based classes (bard, dancer, etc)
2. Gun type classes ( Gunslinger, magic gunner, mechanic, etc)
3. Modern type status fighters (Brawler from dfo)
3. Random healer type if none of the above exist
4. Healer type tank if playing game with friends and no one tanks

>Dual wielding shields
>it's actually somewhat viable

Archers are my favorite. Beast tamers are also pretty cool.

Full armored, slow weapon, huge damage per hit

I like my hits to mean something.

Whatever tanks..
I cant trust random retards to not wipe my group 24/7.

Playing spot the difference in every world was fun and everything was super condensed anyways so it didn't take long to blaze through the loops.

Berserker, monk, or dragoon.

Nah, just kidding. Like I can rely on other people to tank or heal.

Warrior or Paladin. Bonus if I can two hand a huge weapon.
Spellswords are also a interesting concept but most of the time it's either just a mage that can wield a sword or just a knight that can cast magic.

>healer goes afk as soon as you pull
>dps see how close they can get to a mob without pulling
you just can't win

the one that makes me punch and kick shit

Mostly casters in games.
So most mmos or games that offer choices I'd be a mage or a healer..

In Dark Souls I was a Knight because holy fuck I love that armour.

Ninja, stealth can make even the shittiest games slightly entertaining.

I usually pick a class that can use a sword but it would be nice for that class to have some usage of magic. Also Brawler/Monk class

I usually go for some kind of hybrid class that can be a jack of all trades, then I get unsure about it a few hours/days in and pick a new class. Rinse and repeat until I've tried all of the classes and get bored of the game.


Archers or the class with the highest crit chance


The boring "beginner friendly" classes.

That shit ends up being OP.

Archers are my first choice. Cleric is my second.

Heavy armor class with stacked magic resistances to laugh at mages.

Jack of all trades

No discussion.

For sure, a Cleric.

What's a "terror knight"? Just like a Death Knight or Black Knight or something?

>Swag armor
>Jump real high
>Monster hunting job
>Big fucking spears
>Shit, the nigga is still in the air

Sneeky-beeky-like butt stabbing turbo ninja.

Because it's usually the most satisfying to play as, you get to decide the pacing of the game yourself and can look at enemies/surrounding first and stake out before ever engaging with anyone in a fight.

Just silently poke everyone in the butt and no one ever knows you're there.

I usually mess around with each class and pick whatever seems like the most fun. But all things being equal, I prefer the edgy classes.

>dedicated witch/wizard class
>mostly witch

Mixed magic classes are usually fun when they're available. Otherwise I go for straight stealth.

>Beast Tamer
How many games make this actually viable and not some shitty gimmick that can't tame anything worthwhile?
That said, Taming was great in Ultima Online before Pet Control Slots meant you couldn't walk around with a flight of Dragons or 200 cats.
I enjoy bringing NPCs to fight NPCs

In tactics games, I usually go with one of everything, but with a focus on heavy firepower over other stuff

In single-players party-less rpgs, I tend to favour mages

What class would pure magic tank exist as?

Whatever lets me use a Halberd or at least a Poleaxe

I also like melee controllers. This usualy boils down to tank, but if i can get something more controll oriented than that ill happily take it.

Should I play Final Fantasy Tactics or Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together first?

I'd say tactics
LUCT struck me as harsher whereas FFT's hardest point was optional (basically if you're a completionist trying to steal all the Genji Gear)

I always pick knight

Where are my knightbros at?

Send out tanks, do magic, replace tanks

>really anything with heavy armor and tanking
>bonus points for sword and board or two-handers
Any healers want to erp, you know where to find people like me.

I want to be healslut for my muscular Paladin

Time Mage.

Class with highest attack speed or magic/melee hybrid.

Whatever class takes the most skill, so probably ninja like always. Back up class is assassin/ranger

I like fencers as long as it's actually about finesse and not just super fast sword guy

Also shieldless single handed weapon warriors because of the aesthetics

It feels like archers were added before they added most of the game mechanics.

>archers, average damage, long range, you get them early in the game, done.
>let's add an heavy turn cost to moving.
And so archers acted twice as much as the other classes did.
>let most bow attacks follow a parabole, ignoring obstacles, while guns/certain bows for other classes only shoot straight.
>let's make mages start at 0 mana.
And so the other ranged classes got gimped.
>let's add super skills that need energy build up, from attacking often/being attacked often.
And so archers had the most spammable heavy hitting skills.
>let's add weapon class proficiency, so the more you use a certain weapon type, the stronger you become with it.
>let's do the same for racial damage.

Kill every enemy in the map vs Kill the boss every map.

Always rogue. If I think I'm missing optional treasure in locked chests, I sperg out.

Exorcist is so amazingly weird and busted

i usually go healer
but other than that i like to pick any class that can summon more than one minion and prioritize it from mechanical>undead>beast

Why is the Valkyrie a man.

I usually play snealy back-stab stabs.

I almost always play some sort of cleric/priest.

I am much bigger fan of laser shooting priests then say a war hammer toting cleric though.

Good taste. That's usually my first pick.

Guess I'd go berserker from OP's choices

Priest so I can RP as a healslut

Dragoon looks cool.
So if I had to choose right now.
Dragoon > Knight = Warrior > Berserker > Beast Tamer > Archer > Valkyrie > Ninja = Terror Knight = Rogue > Cleric > Wizard
But it always depend on the class skills, abilities, etc.

read it a little closer next time user

>Rune Fencer/Valkryie

as in one is the male version and the other is for female units

In FF games and its spinoffs, I always jump straight for Dragoon and it's variants. Lance/Spear users in general are pretty fun.

Tactics Ogre Dragoons don't have the Jump ability that the class is known for for some god forsaken stupid reason.

the side characters are usually pretty great, the main party may take a little while to grow on you

I didn't really play for the game's story anyways, the main reason to play was the Job system. I still think BD has the best implementation of the Job system in any final fantasy to date.

Oh shit I didn't even see Swordmaster so it's now
Dragoon > Knight = Warrior > Berserker > Beast Tamer > Archer > Valkyrie > Swordmaster = Ninja > Terror Knight = Rogue > Cleric > Wizard

>mfw used to never bring a wizard since his damage was shit
>then I discovered that Charm has a different chance to work if you use Chariot and then move to a different space

game turned into a cakewalk after that

why do all of the females look like the same person?

>Tactics Ogre Dragoons don't have the Jump ability that the class is known for for some god forsaken stupid reason.
Because it's not Final Fantasy

They're just monster slayers
Same as a blue mage in FF is an enemy skill machine and in other games it's a water/ice mage

>game turns into a cakewalk if you savescum

anything thats ranged but isnt a bowman
gunslinger mage etc
fuck bows though

Basically. In TO they're Tanks that specialize in debuffs that make the enemy scared to fight (hence "Terror") and dark magic.

crashing back down to earth on top of an enemy must be the best feeling

Any kind of battlemage if possible (Paladin, old-school Cleric, enchanter etc)

FFT: Better gameplay

TO: Better story

simplest way I can lay it out for you

both are great though and you should get around to the other when you play the first

Beast Tamer or anything that let's me summon minions.

then don't use the same fucking name reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee