Dragon quest general

Opinions on this franchise?

Very good.

Not popular enough outside of Japan.

a safe haven for people that don't like the turn that RPGs have taken for a while now
pretty good

But final fantasy xv is the best game of the generation.

I only ever played the first 2 and 8 at release so maybe I'm not qualified to pass judgement, but I really like what I've seen so far, moreso since it feels like the jrpg genre is a mess with no identity anymore. Currently going through 4 and I feel like it might be my favorite. When does Turneko get his own game? His chapter was my favorite thing in the series that I've seen so far.

8 was objectively the best in the entire series and has some of the best character designs in a video game ever. Also the music is 10/10.

An excellent series. It is a series that understands what it means to have fun. It isn't a series trying to really say anything or make a statement, it just is pure fun. Personally DQVII is my favorite but all of them are good. Even at it's worst DQ is still above average.

I'm really hoping that DQXI is announced for the switch along with an English confirmation. If we get a confirmed English release of DQXI on the switch that'll be my breaking point and I'll just buy one.
Torneko is the most popular human in the franchise, Japan fucking loves him. He is so popular he did get his own series, the Torneko Mystery Dungeon games.

DQ x Monster Hunter crossover when

Nah, DQIII or DQV is the best. I say that as who holds DQVII as his favorite.

>He is so popular he did get his own series, the Torneko Mystery Dungeon games.
Did any of them ever get ported?

Op here gonna chime in...

Started with and currently playing 7 on 3ds and it's really something special. Plan on getting 8 then 9 then the earlier games. I especially like how little anime bullshit for a jrpg there is. But this is from someone who only ever played Western rpg an looked at most jrpg for weebs who eat anything up if they got a pointy chin and spiky hair

Oh, that explains why you have such shit tastes.

Which one should I start with? Are the mobile ports any good?

8, ps2 Version. It's the only DQ game to have orchestral music and voice acting. Plus you can go super Saiyan.

Hidden gems

Played it for the first time this year, and it's easily one of th3 best RPGs and games of all time

The 3ds version can too if you have a hacked 3ds

>worth playing tier
>meh tier
III and V
>shit tier
I, II, IV and VI

About X... I am still waiting for a localization

>V and IV being a tier lower than they should be


Ported? No, I don't believe they were ported to anything. Did you mean localized? The first was on the snes, second on ps1, and the third on ps2. The snes one was released only in Japan but has a fan translation and the second game on ps1 was localized. Sadly I believe that unless you know Japanese the third game on ps2 is unplayable.
>I'm a baby who played VIII but won't play the others.
I like VIII but fuck you. VIII elitest who played only VIII and refuse to try the others are the shitters of the franchise.

I plan to get DQXI on PS4 if it gets a western release
My favorite is DQIX, I liked VIII but DQIX is my favorite for the fact that you can customize your party and change class how you want and skills you wish to learn. I played DQI but didn't finish it, I had started DQIII but never got far because I'm a clueless moron.
I didn't play DQIV, I played V and got to the chapter with the kids, I had the carpet but for the same exact reason as 3. I'm a clueless moron, I had tried 6 but dropped it because I couldn't beat a certain boss. I got DQVII 3DS. Beat the main game but didn't continue after post-game. I played DQVIII (ps2) and beat the final boss but I was only half level and had to beat the post-game Dragon boss.

V = VII > VIII = IV > III > IX > I > VI > II

I'll be buying two copies of XI, for my 3DS and PS4

I'm playing IX right now (only one I've played) since I got it from a garage sale for $3, and it's very good.

Damn, I was hoping they were apart of that big push to get all of the earlier games out for mobile.

IX's gameplay is definitely interesting compared to the rest of the series. Only VII's mechanics are comparable to it. Its main weakness is its characters, a strong point in the other games. But overall its still one of the better DQ games