started playing this yesterday, and it's pretty darn good
why do you faggits not like it
started playing this yesterday, and it's pretty darn good
why do you faggits not like it
Sup Forums doesn't like games that other people like unless there are waifus
It got too popular and too many high ratings.
Sup Forums only likes jap games
The open world design is literally ubisoft-tier in its filler and POI spam, and is further destroyed by...
...the loot system, which destroys any incentive for exploration. The weapons you find are worse than witcher gear you obtained 10 levels ago, and you get witcher gear from quests anyway so its not like you have to go hunting for them.
Money holds practically no value whatsoever, and the only loot you find thats useful is alchemy ingredients. Which would be fine if...
...the combat system wasn't so barebones and bland. Throughout your 150+ hour adventure, you use one moveset, 5 bland spells, a crossbow, some bombs and optional potions. The enemy and boss design is so generic and boring though, that using all that hify shit like potions and decoction is pretty much pointless. The biggest strategy is just to mash light attack twice, backhop, and repeat. A large majority of the enemies follow this mentality, and it never truly evolves into anything more meaningful. Why does Djikstra have the same moveset as a wild hunt warrior you fight with Keira?
The game even reskins and recycles enemies in paid DLC, and then dares to call them new ones with new beastiry entries.
The quest design is made for literal braindead children who can't think for themselves. Its obnoxiously yawn inducing because the "investigations" you do are practically you just walking around in circles and spamming X so geralt can shove some more exposition down your throat. It lacks depth, challenge, player activity and more than anything else, longevity. It never evolves into anything more unique or interesting, and it persists through the ENTIRE 150+ hours.
The main quest is basically super mario in poland, where Geralt goes around picking flowers, herding goats and helping every bum under the sun just so he can get the usual message that "nah bro, I don't know shit senpai"
Skellige is wasted potential at best, and the game rushes to its conclusion way too fast after Kaer Morhen. Novigrad and Velen use up a massive portion of time, and the entire point of those areas boils down to "your ciri is in another area that requires you to go through like 20 boring side missions before anything substantial happens"
The story sets up its stakes way too high, and thus makes side content break immersion to a major degree. Theres no reason why Geralt would go around killing nekkers for pennies when the literal end of the world was around the corner.
Speaking of which, the white frost, ciris powers and all of culminating at the same time is some of the most cringe inducing shit I've ever seen. Ciri can hop between time and space because "its in her blood lmao" and the white frost is just a prophecy of "dude lmao if it happens we all die lmaooooo"
Then at the end when you defeat Eredin (who is the most bland fucking villain I've ever seen, he has less lines than reskinned shopkeepers in Velen), the white frost just suddenly comes at the same exact time and Ciri defeats it somehow and everythings awesome and then yay the game ends.
Its rushed as fuck and I lost all my interest in caring about the characters during that arc.
HOS is the best content in the game, but it doesn't fix the gameplay gripes. The story is great however and has the only good antagonist in the entire game.
B&W is fine, but again has the same problems with its open world, quest design, enemy design, and even the main quest.
Overall the game doesn't have a single piece of good gameplay, and the only thing that comes close is the boss fight with Dettlaff.
Its worth experiencing because of things completely unrelated to it being a video game. You would get the same exact experience from just watching it on youtube for fucks sake, and even then it would save you money, time and most of all effort since you wouldn't have to wade through boring filler.
vocal minority of edgy retards, everyone else moved on
>didn't actually play the game
It's a great game, it has high ratings, is popular and it's not some weaboo shit.
All the edgelords feel the need to not like it for the sake of it and shill "Dark Souls : The Rolling Fight" instead.
The primary reason I disliked it is because it apparently started sourcing more from the books. Ciri is shit, Yennefer is shit, mages guild is shit, wild hunt is shit.
I found Witcher 1 to be neat because Geralt seemed like a unique protagonist in an interesting setting. The wild hunt was present but not a significant plot element. It was more just one of the many short stories from The Last Wish. And it worked well. But then they decided to fag it all up with a bunch of generic faggot fantasy bullshit. I don't care that much about the combat, it was fine.
Nah dude it's just that it's , you know, boring.
>why do you faggits not like it
Not true
This is a weird statement, every time i open a jap thread and do ctrl+f "weeb shit" it always gives me at least 3 results
I played witcher 2 for 10 minutes and it wanted me to gather some bush, just like in wow.
So I quickly turned off the game turned around and never came back.
this, if I wanted to read a book I'd borrow something by Beethoven lol
>games didn't start out as interactive novels
Poppycock, I founds plenty of good swords from hidden chests.
You mean Witcher 2 tutorial? Because the game starts with you sieging a castle.
Combat is fun as fuck for me now. Using some mods and a lore-friendly playstyle I learned from someone.
Playstyle guides:
> plays RPG
> complains that there is RP in it
I watched my brother play through all of it including the doc. Some of the best writing in games I've seen without a doubt
Must be, didn't feel like playing a single player mmo at all so I didn't even reach that part.
Considering that the game (Witcher 2) is nothing like that, you really missed something. The tutorial is just teaching you how to brew a potion from scratch. If you already know how to pick an item and open you inventory there is no need to start with the tutorial.
it's only shitposters left to talk about it, we already raked in all of the GOTY awards and discussed the game to death. now it's just people who buy it on sale and go in expecting to "prove the industry wrong" by hating it
Hah, you have changed my view on it.
Don't reply to this pasta
>someone is still using a post that I wrote like 4 months ago
I guess I did a good job then
Best game I played since... Well, ever, I guess.
No game ever built a world like TW3 did.
Also, Triss is best girl.
>RPG with no J
>No waifus
>No bikini armor
>No teen protag
>No JPop sound track
>No mobile game expansion
Into the trash it goes.
Should I play Witcher 2 before 3?
The fact you still come to these threads to beat dead horses and cry is sad, maybe you should move on
You should, if you don't want to, just watch youtube vids about the decisions you can make in tw2 since you're gonna make decisions based of tw2 in tw3
Im not the guy who posted it though
Also its funny seeing witcherfags not argue for anything and just make these blatant shill threads all day