Came out today. Been enjoying it even if a bit simple. Only started however so things could be more challenging later on. Anyone else playing this?
Came out today. Been enjoying it even if a bit simple...
something something Esna booty
I hope to be playing it later today if work doesn't hold me longer than usual. The demo was enjoyable.
High level labyrinths are the only challenging part. The second boss is a bit hard. The final boss is a damage sponge.
I mean the third boss, the kelp, was a bit hard. I forgot bassat existed.
yeah started playing it yesterday havent done shit yet but it's cute
Is it on freeshop yet?
download it from 3dsiso and transfer with the sd card cia
Idk how to navigate that site... And I cant find a usa iso
From another thread:
is it on switch just bought shantae didnt see this in the eshop
lol no it's a 3DS game
fuck that they need to release this shit on switch, no one plays 3ds anymore
Is it from megaupload or some shit?
It's a mega link from 3dsiso thread.
>tfw got it yesterday because of media markt magic
>tfw GOTY 2017
Sell me on this game, Sup Forums.
you can play a brown shota
Too broke right now.
Serious answer please :/
Secret of Mana lite
Little bit Secret of Mana. Little bit Dark Cloud city building. It's simple but a fun action RPG if you are into that sort of thing.
>mfw giving Esna the Blue Lumite
Damn that's hot
>Has a ring on her finger when she transforms
What did she mean by this?
That she is into /ss/
Isn't that the EU version that leaked a few days ago?
I can't decide whether to be a brown boy qt or a slightly less brown girl qt
It came out like 5 days ago OP.
Now, that's what I call heavy water.
>no one plays 3ds anymore
No, it didn't. Demo came out a week ago, game came out today.
Yeah. Works on my machine.
Wrong, I was playing the full game at least half a week ago. Only buycucks have to wait.
No marriages and/or children, right?
Why can't you have the female character's skin as brown as the male's aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
so besides the SD card, what do i need in order to play this rom from my 3ds?
Seems like something right up my alley but i'm hoping to get it cheap sometime down the road.
What a weird question. Is your 3ds hacked anyway? You need 1,6 gb free space on sd and a program to install it.
I hope you people didn't BUY this game. Not after all those LITERALLY NO EXCUSE threads.
Play Both
is it out on the freeshop? how much does it weigh?
Gonna pick it up after work. Been looking forward to it since gameplay footage was shown.
Can you change later or what
Not that I'm aware of.
How long after release does a game's ticket get put on the titlekey site usually?
Why the literal fuck would I decide to not buy a game because of a Sup Forums thread?
>Waifu sacrifices herself
0/10 game
you're a bit of a cunt aren't you.
go to /hbg/ on /VG/
everything you need to know about playing pirated games is over there
yeah I'm boutta spoil some more shit too bitch what you gonna do
besides this game has shit tier waifus
Where do I find more healing fruit???
>what you gonna do
Pray to god that I don't turn out as pathetic as you are.
>no one plays 3ds anymore
>ow the edge
>not just teleporting back and forth to oasis for healing
it has a 66m userbase, moron
I need them to make make something for a quest
The US version should be out in about 40 minutes. I want to play as a grill because /ll/. Any user playing as a girl can confirm that Esna treats (You) the same regardless of your gender?
Yeah, pretty much.
You can trade with some merchants for them.
>The US version should be out in about 40 minutes
On the title key site?
The game isn't exactly subtle. There isn't much to spoil besides Esna's sacrifice.
On the eShop at least. The title key site might not upload it on time. Also isn't there a day 1 patch as well?
Wait it's not on the eshop yet either? They don't update games to go live at midnight?
>Directed by the creator of the Mana series
>Almost every Mana game has a girl sacrificing herself
Why am I not surprised
Whats min FW version it needs?
You mean the bloom booth seedlings? How do I trade with them, I've just been restocking their shops this whole time?
I can't believe Esna is fucking dead
Wandering merchants that sit at the exit area.
>Idk how to navigate that site
>scroll down to where it says CIA downloads
>find thread with ever oasis cia
are you that fucking retarded? fucking kids these days.
>a game about immigration
Reggie promised nintendo wouldn't make games about political matters
Is it possible to avoid all enemy attacks, or are some of them unavoidable?
Gonna buy as soon as I leave work.
Certain ones are really hard to dodge. There's a beetle that flies around bouncing off walls and a flying bat with a big aoe attack that inflicts status. Sometimes you just need to put your weapon away and run.
If you pre-order the game through the eShop, it's pre-loaded and you get to play it at midnight. Otherwise, you have to wait until the eShop updates everyday at 9AM PT.
Anyone know what the update did?
What skill do I need to get past the spider webs?
Lagora twinblades
>Listening to Sup Forums
Yeah I haven't come across that one yet, I'm at the point where I can't progress further in the story. At the second dungeon so far.
Fucking hate pirates now. Use to be more friendly now its fucking all about being superior when youre just eating out of a different bowl.
i will buy it then, you're not my dad
I want to give Esna my seed!
Is it out on Freeshop yet? I downloaded a CIA but it's fucked up or something
does freeshop even update?
Where do the Noots even come from! Where do they live!
Nothing happens when you get every resident. The post game really is just fetch quests and grinding labyrinths.
>mfw Miura
Is this game more RPG or more action-y RPG like Zelda?
Actiony-rpg due to the fact that you rarely find the items needed to craft weapons.
How long did it take you?
Any reason to keep playing past getting all the residents?
do they have fun dialogue and gear
Do you get a replacement for Esna or is her home just empty for the rest of the game?
My overall playtime is around 29 hours. I'm probably only half done the seedling quests(36 seedlings with 3 quests each)
Each seedling has a story across their recruitment and 3 quests. They're alright but it's hard to follow so many of them that happen over a long period of time. There's a good amount of outfits to wear but all the turbans are recolors so far.
She dies in the ending cutscene which just gets rolled back.
there are fat baby penguin villagers that exist exclusively to tweet and wave at you
Has anyone made some sort of image of all the customizations you can do when creating a character?
I just want to see how the different skin colors look like for girl.