How can Nintendo save Star Fox?

How can Nintendo save Star Fox?

They tried, and failed.
It just can't be fixed.

They can't

That bitch you posted? Ditch her. Never ever bring her back.

Thats a good start.

They did that and the series only declined further since.

Well, leaving her gone certainly can't hurt it any more.

Zero would have been great if they doubled the level count, lost that gyrothing, and dropped the motion controls.

Star Fox Zero proved Krystal has nothing to do with Star Fox being shit. You got SF64 again and it bombed.

Outsource to the developers who made Warhawk/Starhawk

>starfox fans just want to play SF64 again and again

that's the reason the series is deader than Metroid.

The honest truth is people don't know what they want.

Everyone says they want something akin to 64 but simply upgraded.

But they really, really don't. Star Fox has a lot of potential that's being squandered.

It may sound controversial but Assault seemed like a step in the right direction even if what they were trying out didn't pan out amazingly well. Zero took steps backwards from this.

The story has also become so barebones to the point it's almost impossible to even care what's going to happen to anyone in the games.

Even Adventures had more emotion to it, and I don't say that as a good thing.

Starfox fans don't know what they want. They got SF64 again with Zero and it fucking bombed.

Fall for the open-world meme and make an explorable lylat system with your arwing/great fox and do mercinary shit to save the corneria yet again

Titty Lucario didn't ruin the series

The fans did

Star Fox is probably the only game that could benefit from current trends.

Open world, RPG aspects (upgrades), more of a fucking plot.

Then again, if the decline of Paper Mario is any proof, we won't see another good story happen at Nintendo until Miyamato keels over.

Fuck I don't care, bring fucking Krystal back. Just make me give a fucking shit.

This is honestly the only direction the series has left to go. It's clear that a 64 like game will never work because fans don't actually want that.

I'm not a furry but when I see Krystal, I get why people go down that path.

post em

fans killed starfox

i had more fun playing adventures than zero

Retroactively purge Krystal from the entire series and make Miyamoto stop putting stupid gimmicks in the games

Krystal and Renamon are the primary cause of furry

No Fox's Sky. coming 2020.

give it to snk and make it a metal slug clone

Agreee with these anons. Pretty much every other popular Nintendo IP has undergone genre experimentation that has worked out pretty well (Mario becoming an RPG, Metroid becoming a FOS, etc). Obviously turning Star Fox into a Zelda clone wasn't the correct choice, but neither is keeping it a dated rail shooter. The best thing to try would be taking what worked from Assault, refining it, and throwing it into a much bigger playground for the team to explore.

And bring back blue tits if for no other reason than to piss off the gay shippers and retarded tripfags.

If they do bring back blue dog, they'll be bringing her back as romance (by nintendo standards) option. Her and Kat and probably one more OC donut steel will be available to raise flags with.

It all has been a dawnfall since then.

I like Krystal and Miyu

If smash had any influence on sales then Earthbound and Metroid wouldn't be where they are.

>Miyamoto produced Star Fox Zero
>Platinum Games developed Star Fox Zero
>it turns out to be a 2 hour rehash of Star Fox 64 with Gamecube-tier textures

all hope is lost

Platinum just creates gameplay, Miyamoto is is primarily responsible for the shitty gimmicks

>they tried
No they didnt, they sat back and allowed Shiggy to ruin another game with motion gimmicks.
Fucking Namco would have done a better job with Assault 2 and they are responsible for over sexualizing the series.

earrhbound is a finished series and metroid has sakamoto ruining everything for everybody.
Look now at metroid's comeback, though not great is better than zero already.

There is no saving it. If it's not enough like 64 people will trash it. If it's too much like 64 people will trash it. No one wants on foot sections, but no one wants it to be solely vehicles. No one wants a story but they also want some story. Star Fox fans have no idea what they actually want.

>remove one bad element but add another
>this somehow proves that the first bad element was good


Waifurfaggotry killed starfox in the first place

I want Dinosaur Planet.

Krystal has zero impact on gameplay. If all you faggots want is an on-rails shooter gameplay is all that matters, therefore Krystal is irrelevant. She has neither added nor detracted from what you want. If she has detracted from what you want you clearly want more than just an on-rails shooter, therefore SF64 is irrelevant. You can't have it both ways.

Star Fox Adventures was good

You mean homos

I know what I want. I want SFAssault 2. It was the only actual improvement, it just had flaws. Krystal isn't one of them no matter how mad it makes certain faggots. She is a completely neutral addition to the games. ESPECIALLY now that all she is is a recolored Fox McCloud with tits and all the mystical shit is done with.

>Star Fox

Which group of fans is the most autistic and whiny?

It was, it just had some serious flaws that held it back. Just like Assault. Command was just a fucking shitshow and I'm glad it seems to have been completely forgotten.

No it didn't.

Star Fox died completely independant of Krystal.

The series was still alive and felt like it may of actually had a future.

By the point 64 3DS and Zero happened it was basically dead.

Krystal ultimately doesn't effect shit when story has never been an aspect of Starfox basically at all. The only people who think otherwise are homosexuals with a vendetta.

Metroid. You don't see F-Zero and Star Fox fans making threads daily complaining about a lack of games.

F-Zero is the least offensive purely because it's the smallest. Starfox has overlap with furfags, which is a dangerous level of autism. But I think Metroid fans take the cake only because of what the Zerosuit did to the fanbase.

It was. It had some of the best graphics of basically any game in existence at the time, nice music and art direction when it counted, and was a decent zelda clone.

It just lacked some polish.

>Krystal has zero impact on gameplay.

Are we pretending that gameplay is the only factor of a video game?

Assault was a significant step in the right direction. If it had a little more polish, it would have been fantastic. As it was though, it was "decent."

That depends. Are you faggots done pretending SF64 is the only way the series can exist?

>She has neither added nor detracted

But she single handedly destroyed the team. To force her in Namco kicked Peppy off the team and the fun chemistry was killed

>Star Fox died completely independant of Krystal.

But she literally killed it by forcing starfox's name onto her shitty game.

Oh yeah, 3DS 64 and Zero were so good.

Assault was the last decent SF title and it had her in it. Deal with it, you raging homosexuals.

Starfox is and always will be a railshooter.

Then yes, gameplay is all that matters and Krystal hasn't changed the gameplay at all.

miyamoto killed it with zero you stupid cuck

64 3DS was good though

Are all nintendo fans mentally ill animal fuckers and pedos?
All you people talk about is how you want to fuck zelda or the arms girl or this furry shit

Neck yourselves

Wrong nigger, Her game and and Sabre's game was force to have starfox onto it.

That game was legit hype at the showcase even though it had bugs. Nintendo Fucked over both Diddy Kong Racing 2 and Dinosaur planet.

Whats eve more shitty though is that they went ahead and made starfox 64 FOUR FUCKING TIMES.

Starfox Zero has ZERO Krystal in it and it killed the fucking series.

Adventures sure as fuck didn't kill it and Assault was actually good for a short game. The fucked us over with command and then fucked us AGAIN with Zero.


furfags baka...

>They pander to the aspies and remove her
>Two games later the entire franchise is dead

so this... is the power... of the star fox fandom... wow...


>Dinosaur Planet fags still exist

I bet you think you're still gonna get that shit game one day lol

>Are all nintendo fans mentally ill animal fuckers and pedos?
Do you honestly even need to ask this question?

Post this and you can piss off both fans at once. It's a powerful weapon.

Ditch your tripfag name first. Never bring it back.

Anyone who's been on the internet long enough know 90% of furries are completely homosexual.

Have a wild guess who complained the hardest about the introduction of a vagina.

I have never played a star fox game but I'd fug that furry gal

Starfox Adventures was released.

i fapped too much to legend of krystal
the thought of being krystal and becoming a sex slave to those lizard people

damn what a cutie
I'd play a starfox game with this kinda character design ngl

>B-B-B-BUT 64

furfags baka

>I'd play a game with shit character designs


Wrong post quoted, user.

>Krystal still triggers homosexual furries
lmao truly a legendary character and all they did was sit in a rock for most of a game

F zero GX has a human version of Fox's dad. Only good thing command did was make a reference to that.

>there are people who genuinely like animals with human features more than humans with animal features

people is having debates and getting mad as fuck in this thread.
You are just making a fool of yourself, laughing at a wall or something.

Who said anything about that? It's a shit design, sorry you have such shit taste.

You, my good fur, are not welcome here

There are two reasons for that, user;
The first is that some of us are secure enough to not feel the need to lie to ourselves.
The second is that you have no idea what you're talking about. I'd fuck both. Hot is hot.

>furfags still obsessed over a character who has been dead for a decade

See you losers in the Smash V roster threads

There's literally nothing wrong with it unless you don't like the artstyle, which admittedly isn't that great. Scifi jumpsuits are fine.

>Gayfag still mad enough that a vagina existed in his homosexual furfag sasuagefest in space a decade ago

Literally seething, aren't you.

can someone tell me what was wrong with 64 DS?

I never played the original and thought about playing the 3DS port recently, but now you guys have me second guessing

>Implying I give a fuck about smash

I love starfox, not smash.

>it's okay because it's a boring sci fi jumpsuit

lazy designs are okay now apparently

I would too user, I'm on your side. But I can't deny I prefer one over the other

>get rid of the only thing that made people buy into the franchise

It's not creative and doesn't stand out, but does every design need to? On the opposite spectrum if you try and make it too flashy you get shit like this

>Implying I wouldn't pork both Krystal and a Mithra

Fair enough. When it comes to monster girls and furries my only preference is an eastern style, because 90% of western furry shit is... well, shit.

Anyone who became a SF fan because of that piece of shit is the kind of fan we don't need.

She should at least have something interesting about her. There is such a thing as playing it too safe, and that is an example of it.

its fucked up beyond redemption, removed features lame ass songs retarded cgi it was messed up.

It's clear from sales of Zero that those are the fans who were keeping the series on life support

*raises paw*
yeah, i kno rite???

us gay furries have been oppressed by the vaginal jew long enough! we must unite and ban all straightfags from our pure homosexual experience.

owo *yiffs u*

march is fine retard,is the other guy the problem

Make Dinosaur Planet.

Just use the style from Kid Icarus: Uprising. You get your fast-paced action with room for exploration, fair challenge, extensive customization, and engaging story.

>a fan service game couldnt save the series
how well did x zone sell?

To be honest after botw, I long for a zelda clone.

There are more than 2 games in that series. It sold well enough to make it this far.