Player says "y'all" in chat

>player says "y'all" in chat
>player calls a PS1 a "PSX"

Don't start.

this was before ps2 though so of course ps1 wasnt used because how the fuck did people know it was the first one? psx changed to ps1 as soon as ps2 came out

What did the X stand for then?

Post more funny dogs

Nice cherry-picking


What did 'X' stand for anyway? Couldn't they just call it the 'PS'?


Are you going to be getting a Nintendo NX, user?

why add the x instead of just 'ps'

For fuck you


>tfw i say ya'll in real life


imagine still saying PSX in 2017
imagine being this stubborn

Nah, I'm still playing with my Revolution.

stands for experimental


Search engines hate two letter words. Also PSX was the code name.

most abbreviations had 3 or more letters

Not an issue
This is.

I seem to remember that everyone started calling it PSX around the time the PSone came out to avoid confusion between the two systems.

>Implying you didn't change the dates right after the search was done

Sony's North American division, known as Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA),[24] originally planned to market the new console under the alternative branding "PSX" following the negative feedback regarding "PlayStation" in focus group studies. Early advertising prior to the console's launch in North America referenced PSX, but the term was scrapped before launc

>text only
Are you retarded or something?

If you're talking about voice chat go fuck yourself because I grew up where saying y'all is regular dialect
Typing it is retarded though.

>not calling it a PSX

You are so dumb I don't understand the point of your post.

>not PS Single

>"yes it was called PSX"
Well the Xbox One was called the "Durango" and the switch was called the NX but you don't see anybody calling them by those names still.

I sweaar, if the PS4 was codenamed "Dogturd" before it was revealed then SONYPONlES would call it that shit for decades because of sony autism.

The difference here is people actually did call it the PSX as you can tell from that image. I don't know why reality triggers you like this.

>The difference here is people actually did call it the PSX

Before it was released, they called the Playstation the PSX throughout its life.

Looking back at my trades on gametz back in 99 and 2000. Alundra (PSX)

>google psx
>sends me to pakistan stock exchange
>google ps1
>sends me to wiki page for playstation one
sure thing nigger

Not officially. Fan magazines and autistic sonyPONIES don't count as official.

>tfw its real
PSXfags btfo

PSX being in Ridge Racer doesn't count as official? Or Capcom and Konami press releases? I seriously don't understand why anybody argues against reality like this.

I don't call it PSX because it doesn't fit with the naming convention
>PSP (Portable)

I don't give a fuck what retards from 1999 have to say


literally wrong you knuckleheads