Why haven't you downloaded Black Desert Online yet? It's the best MMO
Why haven't you downloaded Black Desert Online yet? It's the best MMO
Generic Korean grinder, why on god's green earth would i want to download it?
I'm not a waifufaggot so saying:
>You can make great waifus
wont cut it either.
>paying for a mmo
But I play it
Is it free?
All MMOs are functionally the same in terms of gameplay to the point where they're like fucking mobile phone gachashit games.
They've all homogenized into this amorphous blob rather than games in their own right, the same thing repeated over and over and over and over like some kind of copycat plague.
Fuck off and die.
Dumb star poster
its tru tho
How do I get an elf gf?
Because it isnt available in my beaner country.
>level 1-56 is fun and a great time learning combos while traveling to new places
>level 56-60 is just pure grind where you sit at only two locations for literal MONTHS, the words "pirates" and "sausan" will be ingrained into your mind forever
>you will be farming mobs in a mechanical machine process referred to as "rotations". Where you run around in a giant circle instantly clearing trash mobs for thousands of hours.
>until level 59 and you have nearly all tet gear you will be killed in one shot by other more geared players.
>welcome to black desert
pretty much. get to lvl 56, suddenly everything you know changes with the awakening weapon (usually for the better), and GRIND. I'm not even half way through 56, and it's slowly getting boring even while watching movies.
I don't even know if the pvp is good because every encounter is a clusterfuck with no sense of whats going on. I'm gonna give it another week and see if this game actually has something to offer
Either go have fun skilling, leveling alts, or maybe having fun killing orges. Leveling alts is fun, especially if you work your way back up from level 0 gear and don't care about what spots you grind at. Although I would give my alts a bunch of black stones in case rng fucks me or i get bored of grinding a certain level.
Thats all thats left for you senpai. You think 56-57 is grind, wait until 1 hour is literally 0.25% of a level. I quit at level 59 with mostly tet gear but I had already lost all will to play the game even though i had FINALLY gotten to the point i could pvp properly.
the best tiddies!
Because it installs a root kit into your registry.
I kind of want it because it looks CRUAZY
but $10 is too much for me. Rather spend it in DFO.
>playing a game with dudes who spent half of their hours playing in character creation making their girl persona
Are you assuming I'm a casual AND a faggot?
Typical new Korean MMO garbage. Is it at least in a better state than Archeage was?
Why make a BDO thread in Sup Forums? Go to the vg thread. Sup Forums hates this game to high hell because it takes a lot of effort and time to get good gear, mounts etc. Coming from RO it was great but admittedly the game is not for everyone, it's the definition of a niche MMO.
>Typical new Korean MMO garbage
>has to ask whether it's better than ArcheAge
Nice self-made opinions you have there.
Had fun till 56 every damn char. I get awakening and can't stand the silly grind of the same characters over and over with no reward.
Shit game
It seems to be as empty as Archeage is at this point.
But my bad for trying to have a discussion. Enjoy a dead thread for your dead game.
i bought it was put through a tutorial and immediately refunded it if i cant jump right in and learn it myself i dont want to play it tutorials should always be optional and able to be turned off with one click
You can literally just not do the tutorial, but I guess a retard such as yourself would need a tutorial to realize that.
The initial tutorial lasts until lvl 10,which is half an hour of play. After that you can skip all the story in the game.
>you can litterally just not do thje tutorial
i still need to go speak with the people and cant get started its a waste of time and boring
>the tutorial lasts till level 10
way WAY too long if your tutorial includes how to move the character its either a bad tutorial or movement is way too complicated
>dead thread for your dead game
Stop talking when you don't know what you're talking about.
Some people have never played video games before, user.
>if your tutorial lasts to level 10 it's a bad tutorial
You can get to level 10 in about 5 minutes
You can literally, L I T E R A L L Y, just run off into the distance and do whatever the fuck you want within 30 seconds after you start the game.
yes but i want to play the story and i want to do it solo at the same time i want to NOT do the tutorial
bdo is at least worth a try. best mmo hands down until you get to level 50+ then it becomes a bit to grindy
wow you took two different things i said and put them into one quote are you ok user?
and if someone has never played games before an MMO is a horrible place to get started
You can level up by yourself and do the story after lvl 12, skipping the tutorial. You're coming across as petty, really.
That would be a good point if you weren't completely wrong.
You dont even have to do to tutorial to access the story you fucking idiot. You would find that out if you had googled it, your dumbass would need a tutorial to figure out how to google something i bet.
>I dont want to do the tutorial and im forced to do it even though I'm actually not forced to do it
>I want to sit through poorly translated MMO STORY TELLING
>but a 15 minute """tutorial"" explaining to me combos and how to level my character up is too much for me
You really are retarded aren't you?
ya ok someones first game should be something complicated like an MMO and not something simple like doom or quake
well i wish the game had said "if you dont wish to waste time following paint by the numbers BS you can increase to X level and start the game"
Busy atm, but i will play it again. Hopefully, soon.
You clearly havent played BDO. To explain to you the depthness of this game would take me an hour.
But if you're from the US, don't even bother. I guarantee you, you will drop it.
What the fuck is with these shills lately?
i dont have paitience for being spoken down to by a video game and telling me that WASD moves my character is talking down to me
I work a full time job and have a girlfriend and other games to play. Convince me why this mmo is better then the rest when the genre has stagnated hard as fuck.
shit game, dont fall for this meme of a game
>waiting 6 hours in queue
Oh yes, i remember Arse Aids.
Mmo story telling can be incredibly good when it tries, like Ragnarok. But yeah, he's being pedantic and probably baiting. Fucking BDO threads.
>what's admin folder rights
>play game
>enjoy it
>spend 90 bucks on ingame shit
>play it 2 months more
>have other shit to do
>come back after 2 months, mostly thinking about the game
>realise how disgusting the game is
I hate myself for falling for it. Wish there was some kind of high rate server where you can just get your gear and levels up and start having fun.
You have already made the fucking case for tutorials to talk down to people, you couldn't even figure out on your own that there is no need to do the tutorial in the first place.
I played the trial and haven't seen enough to convince me to pay the $10. I am buying an actual RPG I know I will enjoy on the Steam summer sale instead. If it was free I would continue to play it to see what its like.
You think you want high rates but you don't. Instant gratification in MMOs absolutely kill the experience and get boring incredibly quick. I used to think that same thing until I actually tried it.
>go to BDO /vg/
>10 people with their shitty modded waifus constantly begging for dick while hating on others that ERP
i shouldn't have to google something like that the game should ask you "do you want to do the tutorial" so i can hit no
Here we go let me rip you a new one.
The Good
>Best Character Creator available.
>Incredible world to explore
>Great Lore
The bad
>Need to spend upwards of 100$ to be competitive minimum.
>Gear upgrades are RNG
>PvP is skilless RNG based on who gets the CC role first... if of course, your of equal gear level... which is unlikely.
>Great housing.... if you use the cash shop.
>Grinding levels, no cap. Stop grinding and fall behind.
>Enjoy getting bodied by lv 61 gooks.
>Grinding money, I spent 100mil to upgrade a Tri several times only to end up with a bunch o PRIs, of yeah btw gear downgrades on enchant failure like any Koren garabge.
>You are limited to where you grind by gear.
>Stronger players can come in a wipe you because they feel like it, and regularly gank leveling players. (Fresh 50s.)
>They do it becuse they can even if they don't need the spot.
>Shit community
>Rigged AH, also very RNG heavy.
Need I go on you fucking shill?
I bought this at launch but then I had to spend extra to dress like a slut and wear lingerie and stuff so I dropped it
>get your gear and levels up and start having fun
??? The only thing the game has is grinding shitty trash mobs with braindead ai or desync'd pvp. There is no skillful pve and the pvp has rng hits based off of hidden stats like accuracy or just pure desync
when are they adding the block mechanic?
why the fuck is it censored?!
I actually forgot about those fags, you're right. Thing is if you have a question, they'll actually answer at least. But yeah it's shit. Still, it's better than these eternal whining threads.
>best MMO
That's like being the smartest kid on the short bus
I have it downloaded and have played it in the past. I stopped because of the following:
Gender locked classes.
Extremely unbalanced, my class ninja was particularly underpowered when I played (and still is)
Pay 2 win microtransaction scheme, mostly centered around outfits and pets.
Infinite, unending amounts of grind (this would not be an issue if the pay 2 win factor was removed, as the combat is actually fun)
Extremely poor optimization, just like most mmos coming out of china. I have a fairly decent computer (i5, 970) and I had trouble running the stupid thing at even medium settings.
Marketplace bots are rampant and never get banned.
In fact bots in general are rampant and never get banned.
Game incentivizes you to always have it on but 'minimized' so it can use your computer to mine bitcoins for the devs.
Boss monsters spawn semi-randomly and, except for Nouver, its usually impossible to get to the boss before its dead. People get around this by parking alts at all the boss locations and switching characters, but I fucking hate alts.
RNG factor is insane, this is linked with the heavy grind. Example, Bhegs gloves are basically the best gloves in the game since they have huge accuracy bonuses. I've been trying to get a pair since launch. I have not succeeded. They will not drop from Bheg himself for me, and any pairs on the AH are snapped up by bots instantly.
The equipment 'enhancement' system is retarded and filled with RNG shit designed to fuck you over by de-leveling your equipment. In its defense, there is not an item in the cash shop that lets you buypass the RNG like most asian MMOs, so there is that.
There is no real end-game beyond node wars, which can be fun, but everyone who plays them is geared out the ass and gear is huge in this game.
On that note, you have basically 0 chance to get good loot from the boss spawns unless you do the majority of the damage to the boss. Which you can't do because you have no gear. Its a big problem.
SFW board idiot
>gender locked classes
get out of here and go back to tumblr you fucking SJW peice of shit i hope you die
I've been playing BDO for like 2 weeks and I used up all the silvers for outfits to dress up mi waifus instead of buying equipments, am I doing it right?
you need to be over 18 to post here, faggot.
there's more than enough uncensored tits on this board all the time
Here is a better idea. Rather than acting like a brain deficient retard like most gamers are now a days, just try thinking for yourself and realizing you don't have to do the tutorial. Just try for once to walk out into the distance and see what happens. I know that thinking critically or having any thought besides clicking a yes/no prompt is hard for you buddy, but just try next time.
You can't possibly be this retarded. Gender locked classes are fucking stupid in every game.
the board rules still say it needs to be safe for work he was only following the rules
Its actually the only MMO that actually feels like an MMO
Everything is feels like a single player game with occasional small group content
Is that supposed to be a body of water in the background? lmao
looks like a low res dirt road with a bridge across it
I used to play WOW for about 3 years. Then I wanted to cut back on time spend on the game and played an 8x server. Having a bunch of able alts that you could switch to was great. Now you have the choice
>have slow grind and be bored with the game before you get to the peak you need to be at to get the good stuff going
>have a short grind and maybe stop playing sooner
Hell, with 8x rates they cuold make PvP suck up less karma and make it cost XP again.
Is this any good in terms of RP?
>Wanting to catch a 3 day ban for no reason
no. there is roleplay channel in game that is literally just Sup Forums the chat channel.
microtransactions and its not even f2p
retard cat poster
why would i try walking off into the distance if it might not work? why would i waste my time attempting something that might be a complete failure?
got a problem with that?
maybe 5 years ago. Faggot mods are workfags, new janitors like to do it for free as well. Sup Forums isnt what it used to be
Tbh it is the best chat in an mmo i've ever played. Its is 100% pure autism and cancer just the way i like it. There are no chat mods to safe space everything and you can literally say whatever the fuck you want.
boy ain't you the edgy one.
>hurr rules asre for retards im no retard
You haven't got to the endgame grind yet have you?
When I tried it back in RO it was got immediately boring in PvP having access to everything and everyone one shotting everyone because of no build restrictions. I understand time constraints and I usually tell people that have limited free time to not even try BDO. It is a time sink and requires a lot of attention.
Your post is ironic because I actually only play male characters in MMOs.
>it can use your computer to mine bitcoins for the devs.
It does this? Thats pretty smart.
And actually the fishing bots are the onyl thing that prevent shit like memory fragments from being completely dry. Basically the insane fucked up droprates are compensated by bots doing the menial work
Stop shilling this weebshit pay 2 win game on Sup Forums you autistic fuck.
No more so than race locked classes.
I dont know, why would you bother pressing wasd if the game never tells you to? After all, pressing wasd or any key at all might be a waste of time, unlike your well spent time posting dogshit on Sup Forums. Your a fucking moron and im done with you dude, its ironic that you yourself are the reason tutorials were put in games in the first place yet you hate them.
it is a low res dirt road
Fuck locking anything in general.
>Why haven't you downloaded Black Desert Online yet?
Playing a game right now, can't be arsed to reset router over a ban for offensiveboobs
The problem is that when you are just starting out or just reaching 56/57 and you HAVE to do that kind of menial work to make any amount of silver, since you can't just show up to a boss, blast it to oblivion and pick up your free boss loot worth 200m like the geared players can.
no the ironic thing is if they had not put in a tutorial i would likely still be playing it since i had not been annoyed first thing after character creation
that's what phone posting is for
thats not a rootkit you retard its anti cheat
Well its obvious the game was built around people being hamstrung by time constraints with a few gooks being super OP. But a decent MMO allows some semblance of balance. In BDO its obvious they gate a lot of content with grinding to make people buy stuff (artisan memories to cut down on the money needed, horse breed resets, etc). Making a high rate server so you can play for a shorter time and not feel like youre getting tortured into buying relief would be nice for a change. High rates is the only cure to the cancer of korean grindan
I have it but I'll never play it because what this dood said:
All MMOs are absolute garbage shite.
I wish they'd release a version of BDO that was single-player, since it essentially is a single player game anyway with other players running around.