Total War / Warhammer

The new Total War engine is FUCKING SHIT

Shogun II, Rome, II, Warhammer, does not matter

play any of those games and inwardly you are saying, "I WISH I was playing Rome or Medieval II"

Napoleon is a lot more bearable because the game does not lean on melee

Another thing, these new Total War games only look good in screenshots, in motion they are SHIT


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This concept is just got stale.

Is it even worth buying. Is the campaign and balance good?

I can't stand them either
I don't even quite know why, they juzst feel sluggish and the UI are crap and I can't get into them
I'll just continue playing Rome mods forever

At first the campaign is fun but it gets boring incredibly quickly because it's so shallow.

>The new Total War engine is FUCKING SHIT
That's why WHTW1 is the most optimized TW game to date, amirite?

What are the intel/Nvidia equivalents of the CPU/GPU? I'm not familiar wih AMD/Radeon

>napoleonic era game not reliant on melee

Gee who would've known lads.
Also if you like the era of dogshite engines with OCD melee and 1-on-1 animations you're a fucking monkey.

It's incredibly repetitive, don't try to get into i until TWWH2 comes out. But even than after a few campaigns here and there you realise how much copy paste has been done and how little originality there is.

Probably the worst thing about the game is the fact that if you don't have an SSD you can go fuck yourself.

Doesn't matter on what res and settings you play, it'll always take 3 minutes to load a battle, thank god auto resolve is there.

>What are the intel/Nvidia equivalents of the CPU/GPU?
FX-6300 is somewhere on the level of a G4560 - a $70 CPU.

The equivalent of a RX480 is a 1060.

In my case, my system is heavily bottlenecked due to the FX-6300 being a really old and shitty CPU and the game STILL runs at 45fps average, which is all the more impressive, if you take into account that all TW games are very CPU intensive.

I think this is what you're looking for.

Deal with it
there are two more Total Warhammer games coming.

IMO Shogun II looks, feels, and plays really well.
but Rome II was the exact opposite.

Try having an original thought.
>same fag

Pre-Empire engine was also shit. Try maneuvering your cavalry in M2 and come back, this time without nostalgia glasses.
"Oh hey the enemy moved an inch on the battle map. That means we have to turn 1(one) degree to engage them, losing all of our momentum and putting our lances back like pussies"


>mfw finding out Skarsnik's Goblin and night Goblin bonuses stack with every Goblin unit in the army

Cool story broooooo
Tumbler is better for your opinions just sayin

Balance is not that good without DLC.
>worth buying
No, I would keep my money.

Found the internet-illiterate

This. Even with SSD it's annoying, playing it on your regular HDD is impossible.

It's already cracked.

i play TWW on a HDD and it loads quite fast desu

You are the reason modern gaming is so shit.

>"Huhuruh, i stole all my games."

>"Huhrhru, why do geam companie no make new games anymore?"

Just ask your mom for 30 bucks and buy the fucking game.


I don't want to support Warhammer though. I want them to return to historical settings again.

Preferably Shogun 3. So fuck you.

Idiot who never played a total war game before.
What do you recommend I play first?

you retard they are making 3 new historical titles as we speak atleast read wat they are doing instead of crying on an imageboard

play medieval 2 or rome 1

I believe it when I see it. Warhammer has been far too succesful.

>I don't like this new entry in the series because it's a different setting
>I know! I will pirate them so they don't get any money! That'll show them!

Faggots like you need to burn.

Yeah, I don't believe you

>I wish I was playing garbage blob fest games


TWW is fine, especially since its been cracked

Total War Warhammer or Shogun 2 if you're a weeb

>Medieval II
fuck off, third worlder

The best game in the series aka Warhammer. All other TW games might have better Empire building, but Warhammer has unarguably the absolute best battles, including sieges, despite what some dumbfucks who have never played a TW game before might try to tell you. The game has unmatched tactical depth due to unmatched functional unit variety. All other TW games just use reskinned versions of same base 5 units with minor stat variations while Warhammer units can be drastically different, even if they belong to the same unit subtype (i.e. spearmen, cavalry, sword&shield infantry and so on).

So, in short, TWWH is the best game in the series, because it has more unit types and much more drastic unit stat and general capability variation within the confines of a single unit type.

who else fucking HYPE for some twh2/

>Or shogun 2 if you're a weeb

Fuck off Shogun 2 is arguably the best total war with the newer engine.

are you mentally ill?
they officially anounced it and even revealed some pics about one of them go look on their official site

>still being autistic about warscape

They have two teams you moron. Do you think the historical team is lying about what they do and sit around jerking each other off instead?

Hence why I recommended it you sperg

People only hate Total War: Warhammer because Denuvo makes it impossible to pirate.

he literally recommends it wats wrong with you

redpill a noob retard on winning above easy mode

i can only play as dwarves and can only win if i start near a nice hill where i can make a shield wall protecting my row of archers in front of my row of artillery

it's a LOT of fun to cream the enemy units with artillery as soon as they enter range so they're softened to fuck by the time they reach your frontline, I love the cannons making orcs explode

user... its already cracked

Thanks anons
I'll try total war warhammer first I guess.

I really like it and it's a lot of fun with the different races desu

Does the game still crash when entering a battle?

Good choice.

make use of ambush early on for harder fights. that's what i do at least

Dwarfs and any other faction with no cav or useless cav rely more on good infantry and missile tactics to win against superior opponents, and some of those formations and tactics are a bit more advanced than some of the simpler ones (checkerboard, asymmetric line, killbox etc.). The easiest way to win is using a faction with strong cavalry and doing a simple hammer and anvil. There are youtube videos that can teach you. Also, in TWW using the right unit buffs from the lord (red skills) make things much easier.



I'll buy it once theres Skaven, all they have shown are High Elves and lizard men

I play mostly chaos so I rely mostly on infantry tactics with minimal cavalry, since Chaos cavalry does not have armor-piercing or anti-large capabilities. The tactic I employ is to create a VERY long infantry frontline at the start of combat, at least some 4-6 infantry units longer than that of the opponent. I start the combat by advancing straight to the opponent in an orderly fashion under the cover of Hellcannons, which hurt like all fuck, when they hit, by the way, with the goal of locking my infantry line with that of my opponent's. Once the infantry lines are locked and, since my infantry line is longer and my infantry units are generally stronger (Chaos has the best infantry in the game), I begin to "collapse" the infantry line on itself: I use the units on the edges of the line that are not engaged in combat (usually, these are shock troops with 2h weapons) to move past the enemy infantry engaged in combat and hit them in the back. The result is usually a fucking massacre.

Of course, the biggest problem with this tactic is enemy cavalry, but I just use 2-4 units of Chaos knights to engage the enemy cavalry and, even if the knights are not capable of beating the enemy cavalry by themselves, they still usually manage to hold out long enough for my infantry to slaughter everything else on the field and win the battle.

Seriously, fighting enemy anti-large cavalry is a fucking nightmare with Chaos, since they do not have anti-large cavalry themselves and have no ranged units with decent range.

Lizard men with fucking feral dinosaur units had me sold already, and it's pretty much guaranteed the 4th faction is skaven

>he pays money to get ripped off by jews with their DLC

>if the setting doesn't interest me I will still buy it to support company because i'm a mindless drone

>he needs to justify to others on an anonymous imageboard him being a poorfag

Manipulate them.
AI ALWAYS flank with cavalry to target your back/Artillery if it's there, and send most of their units into the middle, meaning you can pretty much always know where they're going.
Given that Dwarf units are all armoured, and that their missile units are decent melee fighters, you can keep archers on the wings with minimal protection and shoot their cavalry into oblivion, then move your archers round to shoot into their flanks.
Since your Dwarf centre will be practically unbreakable unless you're fighting at a severe disadvantage, you can generally force a rout the moment your Quarreleres/Thunderers start shooting.
Once their units are too close for Artillery, switch to harassing their ranged units and making sure any fleeing units stay routed.

This tactic is absolutely devastating against the Vampire Counts in particular, since the AI finds it practically impossible to counter it, and almost never disengages infantry units

I love all these Warhammer cuck salty tears when their game finally got cracked so people can play it for free when they wasted hundreds of dollars for all the dlc

>once theres Skaven
You're not too bright are you? They've said there will be 4 races, and we know about the Dark Elves too. Now take a look at this and do the math about the fourth race, they're practically screaming it.

If the setting doesn't interest you why are you playing the game at all then? If you're going to pirate then pirate, stop sounding like a cocksucker and coming up with idiotic reasons to justify yourself.

The marks underneath the "MM" in warhammer are pretty obviously Skaven signs, to add to you point.

Play Rome and Medieval II, no need to touch anything else.


The crack is so bad that half of the people can't get past the main menu.

Here comes the >muh med2 fags

The only reason to play Rome or Med2 is the mods. Trying to argue that they have somehow superior engines or gameplay then the newer games is buttfuckretarded.

Shogun 2 and FOTS are the two best TW games by far, Attila closely trails. Then Medieval 2. And Medieval 2 only gets that high because of the modding support.

I'm about to buy fots should i pick up shogun 2 as well?

If you compare to the good ol' C64, sure.

They're both really well polished, if you're interested in the period then go for it.
It's balanced somewhat differently than FOTS obviously.

>The new Total War engine is FUCKING SHIT

You don't know anything about game development so stop pretending you know what an engine is.

>Skaven in the New World
>now with 100% less Clan Pestilens

lmaoing at CA's life

>no Thanquol

They're gonna save them from the Skink and the Stink DLC.
Also I wouldn't read into those runes much beyond the Skaven's vague presence.

In Rome and Med 2 you actually have to think about what buildings you build.

In Shogun 2 you will build:
>Castle+Armory+Sword Master Dojo+Yari Master Dojo+Bajutsu Master Dojo
in every province with smithing speciality.
>Fortress+Hunting Lodge+Bow Master Dojo+Temple Complex
in every province with crafts speciality.
>Fort+Sake Hall
in every province with ninja speciality.
everywhere else.

The only exceptions are the Otomo clan who build an extra Gunsmith in the craft provinces and replaces temples with churches, the Uesugi clan who replaces the Bajutsu Dojo with a temple and the Ikko-Ikki who replaces the Sword Dojo with their temple. In neither case there is any thinking involved.

>Skink and the Stink
But yeah, seems likely, and then a Queen and the Crone pack.
I really want my boy Eltharion and Grom, but that's a waning hope.

Actually in Rome and Med 2 you just build the same thing everywhere in the same optimal order and end up with everything.

Nah, I think he has a very good chance of being a Legendary Lord if they do go with the 'combined arms' Skaven faction instead of specific clans. Thanquol and Skreech Verminking are the only two non-specific characters in the whole range IIRC. I really hope we get pre-End Times Boneripper too.

I would imagine anything that gets put on the game's logo has at least some thought put into it, and runes 1 and 2 both convey the same general idea. Rune 3 is the only odd one out of the four.

Nah not when you take into consideration that Mors just straight up ain't on the warhammer 2 map.

OR you dont and save a ton of money better spent on something else.
That was basically the added complexity of Pre-slotbased cities, youd have to be "smart" enough to not build everything+a cannon foundry in a backwater province.

No it was just that your rate of expansion always paid for roads mines ports marketplaces farms then whatever the fuck you wanted wherever the fuck you want it.

>In Rome and Med 2 you actually have to think about what buildings you build.

I'm hoping that the Green Knight shows that we're getting legendary heroes soon.
Seeing people like Valten, Gotrek, Felix and others would be great. Even better if they demote the more useless LLs (looking at you, Kemmler) to heroes, in order to get more Lords.

People are really hoping the "Old Friend" FLC will be a Krell Legendary Hero that Kemmler starts out with, maybe he could get a bonus for bringing him in multiplayer also to make him less of a waste.

>I really hope we get pre-End Times Boneripper too.
Let's play "spot a DoW-fag"-game

Joke's on you, I prefer Company of Heroes.

It's either him or Toddbringer.
Since Brets got two handed weapon cavalry, it's probably Boris.

Toddbringer is already in the game you dolt.

Not as a Campaign Lord.
Given The Knights of the White wolf are their signature units, GW adding in extra animations for cavalry points to him.

whats the free twh1 content we get for preordering 2?

We don't know yet, but it's most likely Norsca.

They're probably tyrion's animations

But the bottom line is that he's not new to the game, he isn't an old friend. Middenheim might get fleshed out with the FLC accompanying the race pack.

A minor race pack, Estalia or Norsca are most likely, most signs point to Norsca.

Rank the campaigns you've done so far

>Clan Angrud

Currently doing Bretonnia.

Empire's probably the best. Greenskins is perfect early and shit late. Vanilla Stunties is pure monotony. Angrund is okay. Beastmen is pretty fun.

Attila and Rome 2 were terrible though.

>Empire's probably the best
Not with those shitty ass vampires making my armies die and my public orden go down like crazy and with Chaos at your doorsteps.

That shit ruined it for me.

Medieval 2 is easily the worst of them all, play Shogun 2 if you're new.

Not him but the napoleonic wars did have melee here and there between infantry especially.

Game is so shoddily done though that it needs a crash prone mod to get it anywhere close to reality.

Rome 2 was shit, Attila was horridly optimized but the actual game was really good.

That's exactly why I like it though. Everyone but vamps and Empire start in a safe-space. Vamps are really easy. Leaves Empire as the best.

Medieval 2 is really good on its own, it's just hard to go back to within the franchise after tasting warscape.