When is a game referencing something else cool and when is it cringey?

When is a game referencing something else cool and when is it cringey?

Cringey when it is Nintendo, cool when it is everyone else.

What is this referencing?

Cool-- when the game doing the referencing is good.

Cringey-- when the game doing the referencing sucks.

See: "Tales of" series cameos. In the newest titles, the cameo battles are just cringey because they basically say "haha hey, remember when this series wasn't waifu prog-rock bullshit and was actually good?"

Cool when the reference flies so low and under the radar that people aren't exactly sure it was a reference at all.
Any other time where is obvious is usually cringe.


This shit infuriates me to no end.

It's cool when it feels natural to the game or is very subtle. Sometimes even blatant references can be cool if they're unexpected/plays off your expectations and used appropriately or as a gag (like the Nier reference to Zelda). Really in your face references that serve no purpose are just shit though. Like "Lmao remember MARIO??? Us gamers :)".

Well, for the record Stories: The Path of Destinies has an achievement called "What does the fox choose?"

Stories is chock full with that shit. I'm pretty sure eighty percent of the random lines are some sort of reference.

I know and I still liked it, was a bit short even if you go for the golden ending, though.

>cool when it is Nintendo™, cringey when it is everyone else.

Cool when it isn't forced. Cringe when it is forced just for the sake of wanting to make a reference. Exception to the rule are costume-based references.

It's okay when Japan does it

If I talk about it HE will show up

I had to reread this a few times before i realized you're an underage.

Aren't those Sup Forums references just 2ch ones in Japanese anyway?

Is this a Dark Souls reference or some shit?

Best example of a cool reference.

It's alright when it's in achievements, or remains subtle.
If it's in your face, you really need something to make up for it.

Is it Dark Souls? Not memeing, that's just what I took away from the Lord Ember thing.

I think it's ponies.

It's all about the execution, references should be fun.

Good: if subtle in an appropriate context, bonus points if the game is from the same company and it's somewhat believable the game could share the same universe

Bad: Anything else

Also I unironically can't believe there's grown men getting hyped for plain shovelware like Knack

You just proved his point, congrats

This is a Nintendo™ aligned board my friend.