What's the best Metriodvania?

What's the best Metriodvania?

Other urls found in this thread:


Super Symphony of the Metroid

Stealth Hollow Knight thread

>mods delete every single thread, not even leaving one
Are we just not allowed to discuss a video game here? Because it's been a fun ten years, but I'm getting ready to leave this shithole if that's the case. Unless it was just the shitposter that made every last thread, then I get it.

What happen with the whole Hollow Knight fiasco? I wasn't here for it.

I just bought hollow knight and I want to fucking discuss it but apparently you can't do it on Sup Forums

Someone started spamming Hollow Knight threads. A mod got triggered and began removing all Hollow Knight threads, removing posts related to Hollow Knight and banning people that complained.

It's still happening right now.

Might as well just use the subreddit and Discord to discuss the game then. Sup Forums ain't gonna cut it

Shills shilling too hard

Literally none of those threads contained any discussion of actual gameplay.

> should I buy?

> Oy vey it's another shoah!

Were about the only things discussed.

Who even cares as long as that discussion is contained to a thread? No one is forcing you to read these threads.

Does Terraria count as metroidvania?

There's someone super salty the game is on the front page of Steam, so he made a million threads to falseflag Shovel Knight fans. Pretty certain it's the same guy that posts that Metroidvania tier image with La-Mulana at the top.
Actually, it's this guy right here, always posts in this format of leaving a space between every line. Linking to one person, commenting, then linking to others, then greentexting.

>get Hollow Knight
>it won't fucking recognize my controller
>have to mess with Big Picture Mode
>Hollow fucking Kinight finally recognizes my controller
>get random hiccups, as in my button inputs stop being registered and I just stand still and drop to the ground even as I keep jump pressed

What a gigantic overhyped turd, if I don't get a fix for this I'm refunding this shit, you ain't getting my money you fucking shills

That's called Reddit spacing. And la mulana guy is a serious autist, he'll be here soon. Try complimenting him, that almost got him to go away once.

Guacameme was a top tier metroidvania

> implying it was one troll

There have been simultaneous HK threads for days now. Apparently a shitty 33% sale was a good excuse to shill it even more.

It's a falseflag attack by this retard boards.fireden.net/v/search/image/XIvovu2seATrHgjkV-cH7Q/
He has an unhealthy irrational hate toward many Metroidvanias, always avatarfags with anime in the posts that don't have that image, and tries to shill Marrow himself

The new metroid made by the castlevania team

super metroid, metroid prime 1, or metroid prime 2

>have controller problems
>instead of using a different controller or playing m+kb I'll just throw a fit like a baby

>having more than one controller
>playing a metroidvania game with m+kb

If the game is optimized and developed to be specifically played using a controller and the game does not recognize all controllers then that is the developers fault

I agree, but your reaction to it is that of a spoiled child.