Game takes place in a fantasy world

>game takes place in a fantasy world
>characters speak a real world language

>A u t i s m s p e a k s

What anime is ghis

Is there a single game where all the characters speak a fake language?

Of course. You expect them to speak completely different language for the whole game?

The closest thing i probably saw was polish version of Witcher games where everyone speaks kinda archaic polish, the same that was used to write dialogues in books.

In english it's not the same sadly. For example like ten different profanities/insults etc are simply replaced with "fuck".


>fantasy game has its own language
>npcs "speak" it but you still get text on your native language
>they remove fantasy voice acting and change everything to english to appeal a wider audience

>Fantasy language

its just a mix of german, japanese and french

What you tought was GenericFantasyWorld#21549345123100001 is actually the ruins of our world.

There are two actually: Ico and Shadow of the Colossus.


Tweeny Witches. Its basically little witch academia before little witch academia

>NPC speaks an ancient language
>It's middle english

well warframe did a pretty good job with the original language for the grineers the corpus
yet the tennos still speak in english

>They actually call it by its real world name ingame

In Gravity Rush, they speak a mix of french and japanese.

>fantasy game
>characters use nouns that come from real world places/people

>game takes place in a fantasy world
>characters speak a new unknown language
>protagonists just meet some locals and learn the language perfectly, so there was no point
>never bring up any fantasy foreign languages again
man, GATE is an overrated piece of garbage

It's not fake, it's Scanian.

>fake language
The term is constructed language, or conlang. Al Bhed in FF10 is probably the most high profile one, but it's not a true language. Instead of having a unique phoneme inventory or grammar, it's just a shifted alphabet.

Pretty sure the Game of Thrones game (not the Telltale one, the other one) and the various Star Trek games have used conlangs.

>God damn it!
>I'll meet you on Wednesday (Odin's Day)
>What on earth? (not on the planet Earth)
>any Final Fantasy game with gods and goddesses for item names or summons
>using terms like Katzbalger, Cinquedea. and Zweihander despite those countries not existing
Any others?

>monarch has the title of "Kaiser" or "Zar"
>"You have the devil's own luck!"

The Sims

>Molotov cocktail

A game gets a pass if it comes up with an in-universe excuse for using the name.

no its not
its got nordic language influence but its just gibberish