

>Sonygros keep parading around teaspoon shallow AAA movies

What else is new?

I thought Factorio was going to be like hey make a base and defend it

Where it's more like make a factory and refine it, also occasionally monsters pop up but they're not ever a problem because you have guns

I wanted base survival, anyone know any games like that, PC or otherwise?

>everry game on the left doesn't show the actual game, only artwork, in order to hide how hideous they are

You already posted this 3 times today. Hidden and reported.

They aren't hideous, but it still should show the actual games. The imagine is just trying to show how similar the right side games are. Bit of an oversight.

>The imagine
The image

dwarf fortress is the king of base survival and so much more

but if you just can't handle the learning curve then there's always rimworld

yea looks like shit

Low quality bait.

Sony games are just better. Accept it.

>Civ VI

I know it's hip to hate on MOBAs but you are delusional if you think Dota 2 doesn't have mechanical depth.

>Dota 2
>Civ VI instead of IV

Install fucking mods, retard. Harder biters, biters that dig up to your base, EMP biters that disable your turrets, giant biter bosses, AI for biters that makes them evade your turrets and do massive raids on weak parts of your base at night. And to defend it you have strategic artillery, robot army, vehicle AI modules, rocket turrets, battle trains and many other shit. Factorio has shitloads of mods and it can be played exactly like base defence rts game. Those modded biters will fuck your ass every time.

If you think Dota 2 doesn't have depth you are just parroting Sup Forums retarded hivemind

Where is Dota 2 lacking depth? For real you are fucking stupid

>RTS minus gameplay = depth
Nice fucking logic, retard.

white """""""""people"""""""""" are soulless shits that deserve extinction

Hey at lease its actual game I can play. If I want a terrible movie experience ill pay money to go see Sonys Emoji movie.

What's wrong with factorio though?

compared to the stuff on the right, he is not wrong.

i dont buy sony consoles to play their western AAA exclusives, i buy them for the japanese games, get it through your heads, not to mention you can cherry pick in the same way for pc games

>early access survival fodder #1113513
>anime "not-porn" visual novel on steam (get that nudity patch elsewhere!)
>ports of old console games that people already played years ago
>indie fodder #13539482462

>comparing whites to boomers
Delete this shitpost right now or ill hunt you down and eat your legs.

u :)

Looks pretty good, plays like shit.

>I was just pretending to be retarded

>Civ VI instead of IV

What the fuck my granny lives around there. What is this picture lmao

Your greentext is fucking meaningless, Dota 2 has so many mechanics, item and build metas, tactics, strategys and counters, even after hundreds of hours you are still learning.

If you want to fit in so bad atleast don't make a fool of yourself, you din't know what you are talking about






There's a wave defence mode that was just added in recently.

desu you barely have to defend your base in df, it kinda fits the guys description of factorio
>make a fortress and refine it and occasionally monsters pop up which arent a problem

>laptop user
get fucked kiddo

>so many mechanics
Like what? Clicking one fucking button? Stop making fool of yourself instead, if you thing anything can beat rts in complexity. Counter strike has many mechanics too, but it's still a trash game for casuals.

I see someone got wrecked in Dota.

>git good kid
Wow, you sure told me, retard.

>one button?

move mouse and click
hold mouse, pull over units, click again
>flight sims
pull joystick
>racing games
turn wheel

don't fucking do this

And it's obvious you don't know what you are talking about, what's your MMR in Dota? Surely you tried it before you formed your opinion right?

>behind the shoulder camera
Can this meme just fucking die already?

it looks like trash on my machine.

Except that all those genres has actual depth in them.
>press one button
>you also should remember what counters what... almost like in EVERY fucking game ever
Wow, so deep.
Just get over it. It is what it always was - a shitty mod for an rts game. It's like claiming that tower defence is a deep and complex game. Only mobatards are this stupid.


I don't get your hate boner, have you ever tried the game? You can spout fucking retarded greentexts "une button xD!" all day, doesn't make it true

What about learning the strength and abilities of 113 different heroes? Lane advantages, last hitting and creep denial, pulling, creep vision bubbles, stacking, item builds and abilities, counters and lane partners, high ground, dozens of different auras, buffs and debuffs, just a few points

You can play dota for 200 hours and you will still be a noob.

But I'm talking to a fucking wall anyway, just neck yourself user. If you don't, learn to form your own opinion you contrarian spastic

dota in its original form is cancer. enjoy the death of your genre when moba-fps/tps hybrids slowly kill it with more dynamic and skill based gameplay.

Oh thats cute

Paragon is dead in the water already, what hybrids are you talking about lmao

I'm sorry that rts is dead i really am, but contain your autism please.