What did Kojima mean by this?

What did Kojima mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't think those 2 ladies look too much alike

Ashamed that i know who the left is

definitely seen her in some femdom I think. What's her name?

is that why the lady on the right gets fucking gourmet-knived by queiet?

MIstress T

Why does Kojima chase the white women

Weren't she and the doctor garrotted?


Fetish tier:
1.Tranny femdom on male
2.Tranny on Tranny
3.Femdom(female on male)
4.MFF threesome
5.FMM threesome

this is the gayest thing ive seen in my life and ive literally kissed a girl on the mouth

>tfw you jerked off to her feet

no ragrats!

So youre a dyke then? If so please kys

Lesbians are the reason I'm gay now and dislike/distrust women.

Yeah Mistress T is a little too fucked up for me but she is hot.

I just cant deal with the ball busting stuff. Everything else is top notch

I can't deal with the femdom or making dudes lick cum off each other.

>All those handjob tease videos

nigger please

>>tfw you jerked off to THAT video

fuck i love femdom

yeah this stuff ruins it. good femdom does not have ball busting or making you lick cum.

scat vid?

>she starts shitting for no reason

yikes, never dropped someone so fast

>white girl
You weebshitters have such a hard time in distinguishing people, it's amazing.



I would say his intention of this post was not to actually talk about video games, and more to get a rise out of people by posting a known fetish model for (you)s.

>good femdom
no such thing

>fapping to videos
>not just going through her gallery and fapping to the pictures of the stuff that gets you off

is that proxy?
she's my porn waifu!


but her best stuff (and usually the best stuff for most femdom) is the joi video shit

what does Sup Forums think of death stranding?


>doesn't like the boys getting tossed around a bit.
What are you gay or something?




>Taboo Mom Natasha
My niggy

>No GF for half a decade
>Use cocaine and all night fapping sessions in lieu of sex, feelsgoodman

I generate about half of that list ever night i have an 8ball. Anyone else know that feel?

>TFW 30
>Dont find teenager videos at all alluring anymore.
>Search for a lot of milf porn and up.

Need to see actual gameplay

Proxy's pretty great

The anal prolapse shit is pretty gross through

Source on the left?

I assume it's porn.

try reading the thread

it's in the thread
she wants you to suck cock and eat shit

You can't read nigger ?



>Lovely Lilith
>Larkin Love

Excellent taste, carry on.

I prefer her early videos but seeing someone go through dbz levels of transformation is quite fap inducing.

What does this Ashley Lane do?


>No Alexandra Snow


Just BDSM and mainly lesbian scenes but I think shes super cute

shes about half way to her true form

Literally perfect levels of weight. I don't mind what she's become but that ass tattoo she got is awful and she really could take q note from the octopussy girl.

>Mistress T

Does that T mean what I think it means?

>porn on Sup Forums

The guy image dumping his neckbeard collection will have his ugly whore pics stay up for hours but right now the mods are tirelessly scouring Sup Forums for any threads that mock all the afro girl games from e3.



>tfw the hospital mission will never be topped by any other video game opening
>tfw it was wasted on TPP

>No Klixen or Daniela

Shit list desu

What games do you play while watching porn? Friday Night threads have porn discussion too so why not both?

Shes a full on dominatrix

Her face is based on Donner Burke though

Don't be ashamed user, embrace Mistress T, what does the T stand for? Is it like Mr T? Also, why has MissaX fallen so hard? She's barely in anything and when she was she barely had sex, i'm getting annoyed now I will stop talking about porn.

I've seen videos of Burke singing...pretty cringey how she tries to look seductive and sexy at the camera.

I think the name is stupid, also I think her name is also stupid.

I did coke in high school and it was simultaneous the worst and best years of my life

Someone got that image of everybody whooping each other's asses with the caption about it being video game discussion then the bottom half is them all gathered around a table calmy discussing porn? Every board has a porn discussion thread once in a blue moon and it's usually quite civil compared to the normal shitposting.

Disgusting horse teeth

>liking the worst part of the game
kojimidiots should just neck themselves

Any cute petit milf you recommend ? I'm tired of those cow tits milf


So what's her name

Mistress T lol

jenna haze

Brenda James, Saskia Steele, and Bethany Sweet have boobs that accentuate their frames quite nicely. Wouldn't say they're petite but they're nice.

We can discuss filth like gentlemen without posting filth.

Xev Bellringer

when i saw proxy page eat a vanilla ice cream pop with her asshole, i felt truly alive

Jodie West god tier

I remember walking past this at Blockbuster all the time when I was a youngin and thinking "Yeah my dad would never let me rent this..."