Create a blatant knockoff of Overwatch

>Create a blatant knockoff of Overwatch
>It's actually better than Overwatch

I'm actually thinking about buying the "Founders Pack."

Anyway, any other knockoff games that manage the be better than the original

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Paladins feels more like Blunderborn, desu.

Character design is a rip, but gameplay and gamemodes are everything but.

I wont to lick yings underboobs

its shit

>I haven't played it



Why do Overwatch clones have better designs than Overwatch?

have both paladins and overwatch both are fucking boring ass shooters for kiddos

I like this guy, simple but fun af.

Pip is cute. Cute.

the game feels like what overwatch would have been if overwatch was complete shit is what he mean't to say

I feel the same way. Paladins doesn't have the polish of OW which really sucks but I think the game itself has a lot more depth and a higher skill ceiling with many of the heroes.

but overwatch is already a knockoff off team fortress 2

At least paladins gets updates.

>tripfag has a shitty opinion
What else is new?

>blatant knockoff of Overwatch
lol faggot

It has absolutely terrible, cringeworthy, suicide inducing humor.

Other than that it beats overwatch in every way except for waifus, but only probably because paladins dosent sexualize their girls as much.

Paladin's is literally a poor man's Overwatch. It's a decent game but every second I play it I'm asking myself why I'm not playing Overwatch instead. You know, since I can afford the premium product.


and team fortress 2 certainly isn't unique

>Good design


Beats the niglet and her bot.

If they add champions and maps at a faster rate than overwatch, it will be better.

They already do though

If they keep adding more maps and characters than Overwatch*
Sorry, I fucked up there.

enjoy the shit balance

not saying overwatch is balanced either blizz is shit in a different way

I've played about a hundred hours of Paladins and had a lot more fun with it than the 50 hours of OW. The characters in Paladins are just so much more fun to play. Especially Bomb King and Evie.

>developers create shill post for their dying knockoff game
>it's actually pathetic

what games that?

It's one of the only games on PS4 I got platinum in

global agenda

The only thing I liked about Paladins was most of the cast had mobility skills. OW feels so slow and boring to play most of the time

Their new characters are getting more and more like Overwatch with their stupid instakills. And they destroyed Bomb King.
At this rate it's just going to be another OW clone.

>misusing giggle gators

I agree that design was shit, but you need to lurk more before posting

Damn I played that game a lot as a poison medic. Too bad it had so little content and died

You gotta take one for the team.
Zhins ult is utter garbage against low health enemies.

None of these characters have instakills. Zhin is the only new character with one and it's sort of a kill trade like Drogoz unless he uses to assassinate a lone target.

having a heartattack or getting run over by a truck of peace are better than overwatch

>Hi-Rez makes a game with unique (but not new) mechanics
>Then recycle some of their own ideas for Paladins
>Blizzard STEALS Hi-Rez ideas for Overwatch
>"hey look at this overwatch clone"

What happened to Bomb King?

Nothing really

because blizzard themselves say they alter the designs to make them "diverse"

They made him brain dead easy to play by increasing the blast radius of his explosions. That and with lag compensation, you literally can't miss anymore.

Bought Founders, don't regret a thing. Third of the price of OW and you get every champion forever for free

I haven't played Paladins but being better than Overwatch really isn't that hard.

It's not better. Imagine Overwatch but clunkier, bigger hitboxes, Even more MOBA mechanics, and the inability to switch characters.

This is straight up false

>the inability to switch characters
this is actually a positive thing though

>Even more MOBA mechanics
The deck building system allows some customization to the characters playstyle and the item system means that you can counter tank/healer meme teams.

This is the main reason I have way more hours in Paladins over Overwatch. All the characters move too slow in Overwatch and all matches are waddle to choke point.