Now that it has been out for some time

Now that it has been out for some time

What's the Sup Forumserdict?

Ironic weeb garbage for normalfags.

Makoto is best girl

It feels cut. I was thinking the hawaii trip was suppose to be bigger and it shows.The tone changes after Makoto enters the picture. So half of the game felt way different the beginning. I wish there was just one more palace before the story kicks up

Pretty much.

GOTY. one of the best soundtracks ever.

Makoto is truly best girl

It's great

It's a notch above pretty much any other JRPG but that isn't actually saying very much.

>buzzword buzzword garbage for buzzword

Don't you have flowers to pollinate you stupid bee

It's kinda mediocre

A stepping stone for casuals to get em hooked into SMT

It's okay
Narrative dropped a fuck ton after the first palace, though
Tae is best girl
Futaba a shit

goty 2017 for me will be between this, automata and prey. so yes, I thought it was great. I really enjoyed the long story sequences, it was like playing a good VN like stein's gate. The gameplay had some nice additions like negotiations and the expanded level design variety. The gameplay could be a little more compelling, and that's the only weakpoint for me. I'm very glad to hear that some of the core members of the team who made persona will be making a new IP, and I can't wait to see what they come up with.

Also persona 5 6/10

Just for you I'll do my NG+ on Very Easy, and never play another SMT

Who wants to play that garbage anyway?

I mean



Who wants to play stupid underground no name shit?

A solid 7. Most of the non-palace events where you hang out with the group are pretty disappointing and it falls apart toward the end.

It's painfully obvious there's going to be a FES/Golden version of the game where they fill in all those time skips and insert more story.

Way too long. Barley even a game more like a VN with some RPG elements.

t. buttmad PCfag


My waifu > Your waifu

The best game of the year. Amazing visual, great combat and a pretty good story.

>every waifufag ever

I don't argue that my waifu is better than anyone else's. People like different things and that's alright.

kek I actually didn't knew it was a sony exclusive. the more you know.

Dull story built entirely around "muh epic twists" with decent gameplay when it's not forcing you to play through social sim filler.


Just as long as they don't get into your face about the differences you like

>Godtier art and music
>Good plot and atmosphere
>Shittier gameplay
Overall it's enjoyable game, but nier automata was better.

11 hours in.
Entrance to the museum. This shit is way tooo slow paced.

>>Good plot and atmosphere
> A god starts the chaos and corruption and you have to stop it

Unnecessary long transition animations every minutes - the game

It's pretty good, but way too long. Only modern Persona I didn't bother doing NG+ for.

It has a shot to be GOTY depending on how good Mario Odyssey is

It bites the curb at the Okumura arc and tries its hardest to recover.

Good but not as comfy as 4 was.

Story really falls off at the second half

t. normalfag who never played the game

Biggest issue with the game for me

Average kawakamifag

i didnt get a feeling like pic related after beating the game


>get the true ending
>credits start rolling
>the song isn't even that good

>People on Sup Forums waifuing her left and right
>To me she looks exactly like Jonathan in SMT4

Her demons are different

4 is literally the worst game in the series

A better game that P3 on a gameplay level and a stronger game than the entirety of P4, suffers from a lack luster second half in terms of story with a disappointing ending to finish that off. The best overall soundtrack from a Persona game as well besides the 5 second mementos loop which is genuinely worse than the Tarturus loop. Dungeons didn't make me physically ill to play through like P4 or 3. Characters needed way more social events that didn't focus on the Phantom Thieves, with the team interaction being weak and then completely destroyed once Makoto joins the party.

A solid 8, but I still find myself liking P3 more. Ann is the best girl

>My fluff is a bit different!

>one single good track equals GOTY

I never saw that coming

agreed. i cant believe Sup Forums dickrides this game so hard when it's a game for normies.

Agree with all of this, you have good opinions.

Finally got the plat today, it was a fun ride definitely a step-up from the older titles and that's all I was asking for . I hope they try to go another run with the next one because you can clearly see that the school thing has reached its limit.

Fuck of with this meme P3 shitters

Months later and the only people claiming P4 is worst than shit are P5fgas

>now that it has been out some time

user, if the dust hasn't yet settled, why are we discussing this game?

fuck typos i meant route not run

Its a step up from previous titles gameplay and graphics wise

It has a worse story and characters than any of the previous games.

>One single track
>what are the Bank/Pyramid/Casino/Bottom of Mementos dungeon themes
>What is every battle theme except.l for the lackluster Yaldabaoth fight music like I know Rivers in the Desert is hard to follow up but come on
>What is Layer Cake/Tokyo Daylight/Beneath the Mask

Come on, senpai

>P4fags talking shit of P3
How can you hate the Passion of Christ Persona version.

It just came and went, like i don't care about the game months later and have zero urge to ever replay it.

Repeating the same formula 3 times in a row gets stale. Hate how it got popular to this scale so they're forced to stay on this safe formula

Best Persona game but still has flaws, primarily in pacing, some dungeons and some characters.

Hopefully the inevitable re-release adds some more stuff.

Great game, I love P3 and P4 and I wasn't surprised that I loved this as well. Nothing more to say, really.

it's shit for many reason people have said, pic related wasn't even in the game neither was the subway the way it was in the trailer. all locations are boring and the world is nonexistant because of fast travel

I still don't understand why people are complaining that the dynamic of the team changes or gets worse at any point. It's the same throughout the game with the only difference being post dungeon 4 when the focus goes entirely to futaba. I agree with the rest of your points though, everything after dungeon 6 was terrible in terms of writing.

Not him but I think P4 makes the most sense thematically

All the Persona games after 2 are about friends and bonds and shit. Then having a theme about death and how humanity should straight up die out is weird to me.

Either do a power of friendship game or just go full SMT.

Rivers in the desert is okay, even The Almighty is better.

Of the 3,4,5 personas.
>best dungeons
>best social links
>worst music
>best plot twist
>worst final boss
>best speech options
>worst character development
>best menu
>best waifus
>worst party members
>worst balance (too easy)
Subjectively, of course.

4 (Nurse)
3 (Not difficulty, but I'm glad they ditched the whole don't play your party, that stuff was just boring to set up tactically)

>Then having a theme about death and how humanity should straight up die out is weird to me.
But that was a theme but not the point. Door-kun discovers the importance of human life thanks to his friends and decides to sacrifice himself so others can live. It's actually really positive.
>Either do a power of friendship game or just go full SMT.
But power of friendship was SMT 4.

Mona, Ryuji, and Ann play really well off of each other, with Yusuke being a bit iffy since he has so little screen time before Makoto crashes the team dynamic completely and Futaba pisses on its corpse, but his dynamic with Ann is pretty alright. The main problem with the team dynamic is that originally all the party members just wanted to take down one specific target, but after that it gets muddled with nobody having a common motivation anymore besides wanted to help people. Persona 5's main party ends up having the opposite problem that 4 had, with 5's party rarely taking the time to chill the fuck out and just hang out on non-PT related purposes, while 4 fucks around way to much, especially in Golden.

Nahh, Makoto made the chats no fun allowed acting like the phantom thieves is a serious organisation

Very good game, I'd buy all of the spinoffs.
kinda felt like Atlus became lazy midgame.

My niggers

>phantom thieves is a serious organisation
They're not?

Every JRPG needs a scene skip function identical to Kingdom Hearts II, not this Fast Forward bullshit. I want to replay but fuck me.

A solid 9/10 from me. After 3 games with the same formula and director, the games are starting to repeat themselves a bit. Everything post-Shido feels copy pasted from 4.

Good game, but drags on way too much in the middle yet also ends way too quickly once things get interesting.

Basically the same as Persona 4 but with more refined features.

If I never played P4 and P3 before, It absolutely would have been a 9/10 for me. But it definitely feel like I've played this game before.

>tfw this is the first Persona game I don't feel like doing NG+ for

>Not liking Yaldaboath theme
Fucking tone deaf I swear to god

You say this, but I'm pretty sure you'll get really mad when Persona 6 is radically different to further appeal to the masses. Be careful what you wish for, they were really close to making P5 an action based game.

The people on this site are more critical and bitter than anyone else, but insist the 'normies' are the problem.

>It's a game for normies

What does that even fucking mean? I could understand something like Cawadoody, or Battlefield, but what makes P5 a "game for normies"

What isn't a game for normies then?

That didn't actually change the team dynamic though, the characters still act the same towards each throughout the entire game. The only difference is when adding more characters that other characters get less focus as a result. You are right about the team having little motivation though, but that even gets addressed in game with the dungeon 5 arc. It never really gets resolved but that's more of an issue with the writing than an issue with the team dynamic or characters.

She was just the straight man/guide. It allowed the other characters to bounce off of her and be wacky while still pushing the story forward.

Right? The deadline for Palaces is like the deadline to rescue those in the TV world, Akechi and Adachi have similar motivations, the mascot characters, and Yaldy is essentially the return of Izanami. Too samey.

Pretty good game but i would definitely like them to change things for P6, i know being in high school the thing in persona but having a different setting would be cool like college or maybe the MC is a high school teacher instead of a student, just to change a bit, stop the series from getting too stagnated then go back to the usual in P7.

Now that Hashino is stepping down from Persona, I wouldn't mind a radical change for P6. The only thing connecting the entire series should be Igor and the Velvet Room.

>Good game, but drags on way too much in the middle

This describes Persona 3 and up for me. If they moved faster I think I'd like them more. It's not even that I don't like long games, because I've spent 100+ hours on games and loved them before, it's just that the Persona games are not interesting when dragged out.

Maybe if Japan's high school obsession ever ends.

>Casino theme
>Not automatically trash despite the great instrumentals thanks to those god awful vocals


Jesus nigger, get some ears.

Just noticed something. Only Joker can equip the Tiki keychain from Makoto, but anyone can equip the Hawaiian ring from Kawakami. Either it's an oversight or it's confirming Kawakai is a loose whore.
Just tried the Reaper for the first time. Fucker double Mamudoon'd through my Tetraja and Ryuuji couldn't dodge wind for shit even with evade wind and sukukaja.

They invested too much into the interrogation narrative where everything leads back to how helpful Joker's contacts were. This is why I think they weren't able to do more slice-of-life stuff to expand on their characters. The gameplay was so good though. Inflicting aliments actually works without having to be a super high level.

7-8/10: Pretty good.

- Great soundtrack
- Great visuals
- Ok gameplay with hold-ups and usable ailments. Still far too easy for its' own good. I don't think there was a single time I felt threatened after the early game save for the obligatory Grim Reaper fight and the bonus boss.
- Unarguably the best social links
- Story started really strong, nose-dived after the first palace, but picked back up later.
- Dialogue options were amusing. Considering how much talking goes on it's important. Probably my favorite protagonist for this reason.
- Makoto's Persona is fucking cool
- I lost my fucking shit when Caroline and Justine baton passed

The bad:
- some things take way longer than they have any right to.
- Fucking Morgana has no health and character specific armor so he's the most likely to go down despite a high evasion rate. The problem is that EVERY TIME he dies, even after you've got Futaba for Nav, he stops the battle to announce he's going to jump behind shit and watch from afar. Why the fuck was this necessary? I ditched his ass A.S.A.P and used him as a outside battle health station for this reason.
- Makoto. I really wanted to like her once I noticed her following around the MC in the city as if she were being sneaky, but once she officially joined she was a total buzz-kill.
- Mementos theme
- No good way to look at weapon models
- I get it given the target audience, but i'm surprised they did the "pretend we're in a relationship" thing so many times
- You don't get to interact with Haru at all till what feels like 2/3s of the game. She misses most of the special events as a result.
- Not enough casual events. Ryuji gets the bulk of them. I wanted more things like when he invites you to the fish pond and Kawakami shows up and you get to make off hand remarks that embarrass the both of them. So I guess events that weren't just one-on-ones.
- Feels too long while at the same time not having enough going on

I enjoyed it.

>Power of Friendship was SMT4
No it wasn't, I'm pretty sure you had to kill your friends in every route you picked.
Seriously, who would pick Bananacakes Homeslice over Dagda ?

It had good cake.

Social side-stuff is boring
Dialogue is boring and too padded out. People repeat the same stuff too many times
Palaces are good, but barely worth the hour-long build-up every time
Music ranges from great to "eh"

Its by no means bad. Just not nearly as good as I expected, or people make it out to be. A lot of those aspects are very subjective though.

Not even close you retard faggot

Post more of these

Ryuji is best girl, keeping you company on valentines day.

Where the fuck was Mishima on valentines day?


Game of the year.


I agree with this one, aside from
>- Great soundtrack
Its good but very inconsistent
>- Unarguably the best social links
I've just got Futaba and so far every S-link bores the heck out of me

Futaba doesn't count because she basically has two social links