If your favourite game came out before you were 10

If your favourite game came out before you were 10,
You are only pretending to like it

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Nah, New Vegas came out when I was like, 13 or something.

Don't assume things Ai-chan. It's not polite.

Aishiteru Yo! AI-Chan

My favorite game is HL1 and came out when i was 7.
Fight me.

>soon women will be replaced by pure ai waifus


Brothers in arms:Road to hill 30 and Call of Duty 3 are good games god damnit!

>Doom 1, 1993
Nope, still safe.

Her model was released some months ago. She's no longer pure.

Objectively untrue if you've replayed it multiple times.
I've beaten my favorite game probably somewhere near 200 times, and it came out when I was 8.


Oh jeeze nigger, then UFO Defense, Ultima VI, DOOM 1 and some weird ass dungeon crawler game were shit.

which ep is this one?

>mfw mine came out when I was 15.

y-you take that back


Why is her voice so irritating

pretty flawed thinking ..

Wow that's Super Hot

You just don't understand moƩ


I ironically agree with this. It reminds me of that one person in high school (or college) that insisted that The Beatles was their favorite band.
No they fucking weren't you hipster piece of shit. If they really were, you wouldn't feel the need to let everyone in a 5 mile radius know it you attention seeking fuck.

Fuck you OP, this game is awesome.

how does this nigger jap animate her so well

Fuck you OP, I still love Forbidden Memories.

I loved Terranigma as a kid and always watched my older sister play it. I played it too but never got too far, though I've beaten the game several times at later age and I can say the game is still amazing.

Jokes on you I still play Warzone 2100

I was 10 years old when my favorite game came out.
I got ME1 for my 10th birthday. Thanks grandma. Wish Andromeda didn't suck.

This, even though it can be said that you are wearing nostalgia goggles, they are almost never the case, some games are still enjoyable, even though admitedly clunckier in gameplay than one might remember.

I'm golden.

nigga quake 1 came out before i was 10 and it's still my favorite game

>I got ME1 for my 10th birthday
Literally off yourself.

I'll be 20 in 5 months. Eat shit grampa.

So you asked him about his favorite band and he told you The Beatles...

>used goods

I just remembered how long it's been since ME1 came out... we already have 2017... please hold me user I feel old

Anyone who wasnt old enough to post when Sup Forums first started should be banned from posting forever.

nah link's awakening is good

kirby super star too but i guess i was 10 when that came out


My favorite one came out before I was born, and I played it when I was 14-15 years old

no, you stink like an old man

At least he's not a mentally ill anime posting virgin, so he's got that all that going for him.

Fuck off, attention whore-poster

my favorite game of all time

>complaining about anime in a Kizuna AI thread

Did he hit a nerve?

Even if people only like a game due to nostalgia, you can't say their feelings aren't real. If that's how they feel, then that's how they feel and no amount of objective criticism can convince them otherwise. They're not pretending at all.
My favourite game is Metroid Prime, but I'll be quick to admit it isn't the greatest game ever, or even the best Metroid game. I still love it though, because I associate it with so many good memories on top of it being a good game. You can list all its flaws and I'd probably agree, but my feelings wouldn't change.
Of course, a possible interpretation would be to think it's immature to let your feelings dictate your video game preference, which there could be an argument for. Not sure what that argument would look like, but whatever.

>Toddlers are able to type on Sup Forums now
And I thought the people who said San Andreas was their favorite childhood game were bad. Holy shit...

>If your favourite game came out before you were 10
That's true, but I played it for the first time only when I was 23

>guize I'm old, pls hold me XDD

That's a cute nigger. It's a shame she needs to be hanged like the others.

Sup Forums would be you and 3 people then

>claims to be old
>mentally ill anime posting
>Fuck off, attention whore-poster
what the fuck are up with these fourteen year old normie responses?


no user, these are 25+ year olds being insecure about themselves and unable to cope with them aging

I'm sorry that you are a faggot. You will be hanged too.

I was 19 when Tribes: Ascend came out.

Nah, I'll never suddenly stop liking Phantasy Star IV or Persona 5, eat a dick AI-chan preferably mine

MDK 2. And hd is out now game is god tier


it already did, 2 years ago, I'm much better now

God, ancient Egypt was so balla... Where did it all go wrong?
>No one straight answer to this. Even if the same major events happened, if the response to them was just slightly different, everything would have changed.
Well fuck, what's a guy gotta do to get a black-and-white worldview around here?!

Now now, it's not right to be jealous of others youth.

The correct thing to do is clearly to steal it, given the ungrateful little shit clearly doesn't appreciate it.


But I replay it yearly almost.

fake fun

I don't know man... I wish there were more games like this out there. Not just a city building game, but a game that has a purpose to it, has real history to it...
I learned so much from these games and they were just fun...

Except for Zeus, god I hated Zeus... Summoning Hercules before the Hydra fucks your shit up was hard.

But I found it so fun I was autistic enough to make charts & infographs on it and learn about it's development cycle and exploits.

fun is just a buzzword when.... you can't...think reasons... why game is fun....

don't use it

What if I started playing video games after I was 10

Shit, sorry. I'll change my favourite game to Serious Sam: The Second Encounter then

Mmmm classic

What if my favorite game came out before I was alive?

What's with all the LA posts today

I started liking Metroid Prime even more after playing it again when I was older and realised how damn well it was built for a Gamecube game

favorite game is Panzer Dragoon, I think im in the clear.

She's so freaking cute, goddamnit.

Six years later, and he's still 100% correct.
Saying that a game is fun is a conclusion, not an argument, unless it's presented with argumentation it isn't saying anything.

My favourite game is Crash Bandicoot Warped which came out when I was 3. Admittedly it only holds that spot out of sheer nostalgia and I have played many games that I would class objectively better, that came out before and after I was ten.

You can't exactly explain it. Mongoloids enjoyed playing Candy Crush and Flappy Bird. There's no reason as to why they find it fun, they just do because it tickles their brains.
A game is fun because it's fun, that's all.

cave story came out when I was 8 and I didn't even play it until later in my teens

I think you should get a pass if you liked games before the year 2000, because it was still kind of a niche hobby and the internet hadn't ruined everything yet.

Those people can still explain what specific parts of those games are fun to them. There's always a reason. Maybe it 'looks cool' or they like pressing their finger on the screen. That's how you can see what kind of game you're dealing with and the type of people who like it.

>You can't exactly explain it
You can, you're just too dumb.

God somebody here finally brings up shinobi and it's in a fucking anime poster thread.

Still best taste though, and best tate.

jokes on you bioshock came out when i was 11

captcha: leading to parada

It came out before I was 10, but I only played it when I was 18 or 20

I have so many favorite games that this doesnt apply. Also CTR _IS_ good so shut the fuck up.

Watch out, she'll steal your heart

Fuck you, I love Pikmin 2.

and six years later, you prove the point of the replies in OPs pic

>swbf 1&2 favorite game when I was younger
>"when did they come out? I think 2 was like 2005 or something, let me check"
>too google
>search swbf2 release date

not like this

Thus exposing the flaw in OP's logic. It would be more accurate to say "if you played your favorite game before you were 10".

There's not a single point made in any of the replies in that screencap. They're just epic "put me in the screencap XDDD" greentexts.

>not going through a NES/SNES emulation binge in high school, discovering classics and finding your favourite

The point is that its pretty much the embodiment of the "Sup Forums hates fun" meme

I bet you think Nu-fun is real

That's me, alright.

That's how I found my favorite game, Terranigma.

My favorite game is either Okami or Gravity Rush 2

Whether I like the concept or "fun" of not is absolutely irrelevant, which is obvious to anyone that's not retarded.
The problem is making unsubstantiated claims in the middle of a discussion and passing them as absolute statements.


>Streets of Rage 2 - 1992

My favourite game came out when I was -1.