How come Sony is the only console manufacturer to never make a good controller?
How come Sony is the only console manufacturer to never make a good controller?
DS4 isn't that bad
It actually feels solid for once
>dude sony controllers SUCK haha
this meme needs to die
literally just standard decent quality controllers
dualshock 1-4 are all fine
>light with flimsy feeling plastic
>useless touchpad taking up too much space
>light you can't turn off that gives the controller a 2hr charge span
>triggers have no resistance and are registered the second you move them slightly
>no rear plastic casing to prevent accidentally hitting them
2 = 1 (analog) > 3 > 4
If it wasn't good then why would sony already have the fourth generation of them? Don't you think that people would actually complain and they'd change the layout completely?
Because they continually steal their ideas from Nintendo and always half-ass them.
>Implying that SONY can innovate.
I didn't like the PS3 one because the triggers wore out into hair triggers with no backing real fast and they were too light without the rumble functionality, otherwise yes. As far as console controllers go they're decent, PS2 era being best cus they still had pressure sensitive buttons.
>implying you answered my question
>are all fine
Being the worst every gen isn't fine
I'm I the only one who liked the PS controller before they added the dual shock?
>useless touchpad
You can give it use in Steam (touch menus and shit), also Splatoon style gyro aim as well
>triggers are registered the second you move them slightly
That's up to each game's own implementation
Steam again lets you set this deadzone if you want
>How come Sony is the only console manufacturer to make a good controller?
ftfy :^)
>You can give it use in Steam (touch menus and shit)
Holy shit really?
Does this work in any game or is it just certain games?
Thats fucking cool
wii nunchucks, wii pro, wii u tablet, wii u pro and joycons would like a word with you.
>2 = 1 (analog) > 3
Is that just because of the 'triggers'? Because honestly otherwise it's the same shit. I never found the triggers much of an issue since they're intended for secondary usage. For dualshock 1-3 the bumpers are the main shoulder buttons, with triggers being secondary. Developers like rockstar just misunderstood and had default mapping to R2/L2 for shooting, when really R1/L1 were meant for shooting.
Also for driving games, the triggers were actually pretty good. Sort of like pedals. But obviously there was no reason why they couldn't be ergonomic for shooting either.
this. Everything else is either mediocre or siht
>Developers like rockstar just misunderstood and had default mapping to R2/L2 for shooting, when really R1/L1 were meant for shooting.
nearly every game uses the triggers for shooting this gen
DS4 would have been great if it had the Vita's d-pad
Okay I'll bite.
The Dualshock 2 was better than the Gamecube controller
The Dualshock 2 was also better than the Xbox controller (both duke and revision).
There you go.
This is very correct
All literally shit and piss all over ds4
Well that's why I was talking about last gen...
You can't actually believe this.
yeah why cant they make a good controller like nintendo!?
but all of these suck...
Nintengaf need to leave, and take their shitty controllers and 5 franchises with them.
Sony is the only company that makes a pad that doesn't fit your hands. I don't want to hold it with my finger tips and bend both thumbs down.
DS > N64
360 > DS3 > PRO >>> WIICHUCKS
>implying it is somehow worse than the ps1 pad with no analog and only 6 buttons
the DS1 has analog, faggot
I see ten buttons and a joy stick. Didn't sony's first pad have 6 buttons and no joystick?
I said sony's first pad you daft fucking moron.
I don't even know whether to assume you're routing for the Gamecube or Duke controller. The duke is just a big controller people like to meme but it's actually shit. The Dualshock 2 definitely wasn't the worst of the 6th gen, and was probably the best.
Nigger are you out of your mind? Sony and Xbox has had some fuck ups, but Nintendo has produced some of the most retardadly backwards controller designs ever.
>NES and SNES are fine
>64 is a 3-pronged boomerang with no correct way to hold it.
>Gamecube is a button and analog stick soup that looks more like a Kamen Rider mask than a controller.
>Wii is a tardo TV remote with a fetus and umbilical chord sticking in the bottom of it.
>WiiU is a great big shit quality tablet with controller parts taped to the sides.
>Switch is a gimicky cluster fuck where you have to pay 60 DOLLARS just to get a decent controller.
Sony's pad, like EVERY single joypad for the past 25 years, took it's design directly from Nintendo'd SFC/SNES pad.
Who cares, in the same gen sony had a far superior pad.
nintenbabby cancer
You're a fucking idiot.
Nintendo have always taken risks.
Sony and Microsoft have ripped off Nintendo's design for decades because they wouldn't have the first fucking clue how to innovate a controller without Nintendo to copy.
>I'm wrong so who cares now, right?
...and all of them are still better than Sony, every, single, gen
They took the base concept, improved it and continue to keep what works instead of making their PRIMARY controllers gimmicky shit, with the option of a $60 normal controller
but the ps1 controller had analog and said analog wasnt a piece of shit with sharp grooves on top unlike the shitty n64 controller
DS4 is actually pretty okay. I still prefer the Xdort controller but DS4 really isn't bad.
DS1-3 were objectively bad though.
It's a big thing to bash sony controllers because they're "a bit too small" and really not much else. Besides that they're literally fine, and you must be a retard if you find them unusable. On the same token grown men will praise and easily use the NES controller.
Sticking your cock in the garbage disposal is also "taking a risk", it doesn't mean it's a good idea.
Keep telling yourself that
Every Dualshock > Every other controller
Fuck off white boys
Ps1-worse than 64 in every way
Ps2-forcing two joysticks in terrible positions on a bad controller
Ps3-see Ps2
Ps4-see Ps2 but bigger
Yeah, like how they desperately added touch functionality to the PS4 controller at the 11th hour, just out sheer panic incase Nintendo were onto another massive hit with the Wii U?
Sony have always been shameless.
>design such a good controller you don't need to change it for 3 generations
>literally everyone tries to copy it
>Sup Forums pretends it's bad
>.and all of them are still better than Sony, every, single, gen
>tfw sonygglers will never be able to physically jerk off their console
Why do people forget facts? Ps1 first pad had six buttons and no joystick. Faggot
The original PSX controller is fucking great - far better than the SNES pad it copied - but bolting on the analogues is what fucked it
>muh first pad
It doesn't matter faggot.
First the monster hunter threads
now they make threads making fun of OUR controllers!!
>tfw still loving my Sixaxis
It's so light and comfy.
>Being so mad you post wrong shit and then tell everyone how little you care
Wait, the older controllers had pressure sensitive face buttons?
name a single controller design which didn't try to copy the dualshock and also didn't fail
Someone post the boomerang
I agree with this but i would swap DS2 and GCN. The xbox S was clearly the best of that generation.
Mote and Chuck
All the rest
>Being the worst every gen isn't fine
This dumb faggot thinks the PS1 dual shock was worse than the N64 triclops controller, the Saturn 1, or the fucking JAGUAR CONTROLLER.
He thinks the PS2 controller was worse than the DREAMCAST controller with its loose, shitty (single) analog, and CORD FROM THE BOTTOM. Worse than the fucking Xbox DUKE.
Worse than the Gamecube Fisher Price controller.
He thinks the DS3 was worse than the WIIMOTE. THE FUCKING WAGGLE STICK AND NUNCHUCK.
When will he realise Sony has copied nintendo pads at every turn?
Daily reminder that the best (and only decent) Nintendo controller stole the body of the xbox s and 360, and the trigger layout and analog placement of the dual shock.
Sony made the best controllers until the 360 made theirs which was a bit better. But they followed with the DS4 which is about the same level of comfort, and I've always liked the shapes vs letters for button names
>hi everyone! What is a console that isn't sony! Are there any! Haha!
>replaced within a generation
>replaced within a generation
>dualshock copy
try again bby
>pro copied the analog placement of the dual shock
>well....they're in completely different locations but you know what I mean
I love their controllers, though. I'm glad they haven't changed the shape but I could do without the big stupid touchpad.
The xbox360 controller is the most uncomfortable piece of shit I've ever had the displeasure of using for two years. I'm glad I sold my xbox, I'd even take some trashy madcatz controller over it.
Are you fucking serious? SONY stole the entire design from Nintendo.
And when they saw an analogue stick on the N64 pad, they stole that too.
>b-but the sony pad has TWO sticks!
Holy shit, just fuck off.
meant to say xbox
And the controllers you mentioned were stolen from the dreamcast.
Everybody steals from everybody in this industry, haven't you figured that out yet?
So do you pronounce the X as "ex" or "cross"?
I agree, but I really like the xbone controller. Much more comfy.
Everybody steals from everybody in every industry, or in life in general
Tell that to the assblasted nintensperg shitting up the thread
Everybody, EVERYBODY stole from Nintendo.
I'll have to try it sometime, but I've been skeptical about Sup Forums's taste in anything, especially since I've seen a ton of people defend the 360 controller like it was made in heaven, acting like the d-pad is the only bad thing about it.
What's the closest you can get to a 6 button Saturn controller these days without resorting to knockoffs?
>not pronouncing it as "fork"
Ladies and gentlemen, ponys
Dude, the dreamcast pad rips off the Nintendo SFC/SNES pad.
Would have single handedly killed every Sony pad but the ds4
sad faggot
That's my whole point though.
Jesup Christ sony, if you're going to be a casual console at least have the best pad every gen
It still looks fucking stupid. The DS3 is perfection. Just let it rest in your fingers and you won't have an issue. The sticks being "too close together" is only a problem for people who death grip their controller like a gorilla and move the sticks with the middle of their thumbs.
They did and it's called the move.
Because he's right? Nice argument sonybro.