Will character models ever become indistinguishable from real life?
Will character models ever become indistinguishable from real life?
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Yes op. Yes.
In-game models? No. Not worth it. Might be able to get a robot that looks like a real robot if you stick it in a clean laboratory for easy modeling.
Better question: is it worth it? Does it make games better when they satisfy the "muh realism" autism?
Nope, because of uncanny valley.
dude 10 years ago we didn't have smart phones. technology gets better every year, soon enough your grandkids (not that anyone on Sup Forums is going to have grandkids) will be making fun of you for playing metal gear solid 5. because it's a babies game that looks like old bullshit.
they already are
She got a mouth full of watery cum or something?
what about technology enhancements would make MGS a baby game?
Remember the part when it gets more and more expensive to make proper assets for ever evolving tech?
You might get some tech demos with faces but no one is going to bother implement something that looks only marginally better but hogs shitload of resources for no actual benefit.
Say that to tewb's ass.
Why not consider the reverse?
When genetic engineering comes into play, real life will imitate art instead. The more that women look and act like 2D, the better.
>mfw looking back on PS3/360 games
Why did anyone think that those graphics looked good?
>it gets more expensive
Yeah no shit. But guess what? i can go to wallmart or even some shitty dollar store and buy an android smartphone for like $50 american and it's 3x better than the first iphone or black berry. Technology is going to get better and it's just going to get cheaper. There's going to be some shit 20 years in the future that you're old feeble ass isn't going to understand. You are going to be your parents/grand parents whining and complaining about kids on their cheap smart phones snapchatting and texting.
because at the time you were comparing them to ps2 and xbox games.
You use that word but I don't think you know what it means.
What the fuck is that hideous creature
No because real people don't move in 30/60 fps.
Once games run at the same speed that our eyes process outside life, THEN there may be a chance that models would look real.
Pic not related right? She looks like a trans.
>le Moor's Law meme
already have