Sony does not have good exclusives this year. Do you think Crash will be that good?
On holidays, Microsoft and Nintendo will sell better
Sony exclusives this year
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>Sony does not have good exclusives this year
Persona 5
Gravity Rush
Nier Automata(console Exclusive)
now run down this list and tell me why they don't count. Lie to me, but don't lie to yourself.
Compared to Nintendo's and Microsoft's lineup, it really isn't that great
They already released Nioh, Yakuza 0, Gravity Rush 2, KH 2.8 and the 1&2 remasters, P5, and HZD. Yakuza Kiwami and FF12 Zodiac Age is soon too and GT Sport is in November.
Yeah, it's not that good
>Persona 5
>Gravity Rush
>Nier Automata
But what about the holidays? did sony blow their load early, also even though most of those games are good, they're not that diverse. also Crash is a remaster that probably wont sell more than a million, since its mainly relying on diehard fans to buy it.
All these games won't sell good in the West, maybe Crash
Yeah they need a system seller for the holidays
>But what about the holidays?
You can only buy a game on release day?
It's Sony. 75% of the sales on the first week. That's the way it goes with moviegames
Generally, People buy consoles when a new game is released
>Sony does not have good exclusives this year.
I hate when somebody from a parallel universe ends up in this one.
>what about the holidays
you know, in fucking december.
title after title of "RELEASING TODAY" or "RELEASING THIS WEEK". That's how it always goes. They save their big announcements for E3, all releasing in some ridiculous 2 year span or some shit, psx is the more short term releases.
People have low attention spans, meaning it helps a lot to have a big title around the holidays to get people excited and make them want to buy their system.
They've been moving all their shit to PSX. Last year had more announcements than this E3.
I imagine a lot of those games will be on sale for Black Friday
>sales = quality but only if it's a company I like
Wow really gets those bing bing wahoos
>Its all weeb shit
Wow its fucking nothing
That's what I mean. E3 is basically the playground for big heavy hitter announcements because it's a massive convention that sells out auditoriums, so it looks good for stockholders to see big titles releasing down the line, so they can gauge hype appropriately and decide whether or not they're happy with the direction. PSX just like microsofts xbox fanfest is where real shit is announced. E3 is a sham, and ahs been since early 2013 or so. youtube has totally taken over the need for people to walk on stage and deliver a trailer, it shows in how basically every single conference this year besides the ubi conference was a guy walking on stage, monologue, walk off stage, show youtube playlist of trailer after trailer.
>On holidays, Microsoft and Nintendo will sell better
Being on sale will be meaningless unless there is something to attract people to it in the first place.
You have to think in the mind of a brainless consumer. Flys are alot more attracted to fresh shit, rather than month old shit.
You won't be keking for much longer if this this isn't deleted in the next 5 minutes.
Horizon Zero Dawn was on sale and it sold more than Arms, Nintendo's mid 80s rated new release.
Horizon Zero Dawn sold better only in the UK
xbox doesn't have "true" exclusive either and no exclusive isn't what makes the console sells.
>xbox doesn't have "true" exclusive either and no exclusive isn't what makes the console sells.
When did I mention Xbox? I'm just pointing something out. I'm not saying their sales will sink, I'm just saying that having an exclusive would immensely help with sales.
it doesn't sell the console but they are pretty much the only games that are being sold for the console. i mean apart from nier automata (timed exclusive) and tekken 7(fighting game) i haven't bought any multiplat for the ps4. i did buy the exclusives however like gravity rush, persona 5, ffxv.
Xbox (Console + Windows 10) + Steam titles so no
You said Microsoft
Last time I checked Cuphead was an Xbox exclusive. I'm sorry you feel that way but it doesnt change facts
Comparing sales to a system that released 3 months ago with shortages to one on the market for 4 years now with a larger install base is pathetic...
You must be mistaken, I made no mention of Microsoft. could you point it out, since looking over I see no mention.
it's not xbox exclusive though, it's on PC. You know the same shit nearly everybody shitposted about with SFV.
like they said the only good exclusives PS4 has is from Japanese devs, and they all came out early this year already, so there is nothing to look forward to now
But I hope you're excited for your deep, emotional, Oscar-worthy emotional experiences coming out in 2018! ;^)
Japanese games on a Japanese console.
Weird how that works out.
>On holidays, Microsoft and Nintendo will sell better
okay, but that guy saying "cuphead is an xbox exclusive" is literally wrong. xbox is a microsoft brand, and if he said it's microsoft exclusive (which would be right) it'd be okay, but saying it's xbox exclusive when it's not is a lie, and should be pointed out. Just like destiny 2 isn't exclusive, but normies wouldn't know that by all the marketing with PS4 shit slapped all over it.
Was this image supposed to be an example to prove anybody wrong? Unless people buy expensive Cinco de Mayo gifts now.
>Last time I checked Cuphead was an Xbox exclusive
>"b-but win10!!!"
nice try, Pajeet-
>tfw I can enjoy Gravity Rush and Persona but still look forward to TLoU2 and GoW2
It's almost as if individuals are not just one of two extremes.
If you actually been watching the industry for the past decade you would know that holiday exclusive games means shit, anyone who gives a shit about core games or PS exclusive have already bought a PS4, what matters in the holiday season is 2 games CoD and Destiny 2, both of which Sony has a marketing deal that makes both games look like they are exclusive because of aggressive marketing by Sony, casuals will eat that shit up like no tomorrow especially with the PS4/Pro price cut.
I hope they show some TLoU2 gameplay in PSX 2017
More gameplay isn't likely unless they announce a 2018 release date. 100% another trailer though.
Typical Nintendoga/v/ behavior , i'm glad i'm not closed minded and can enjoy many different genres of games on different platforms and made by both Japan and the rest of the world.
P.S Japan makes a lot of shitty games but Sup Forums will eat it up and call it a masterpiece case in point any game made by Idea Factory & Compile Heart.
How to spot a retard in 0,001 sec
yup,. that's a sony nigger alright
Seriously tho, nintendogaf is a 100% tell that the speaker is a retard.Respect yourself, don't act like a tard
my man
xbox "console" exclusive.