>character killed in previous game gets revive in next game
Character killed in previous game gets revive in next game
>character is effeminate
>flirts with men
>trys to be androgynous
>somewhat people still try to think he is totally straight
And has the most raspy voice of the cast, nonetheless.
typical from fujoshis, seriously, a lot of fujoshi bait men have deep, deep sexy voices.
I just fapped to this sissy an hour ago, why are you posting pics you saved from an old thread.
90% of all content on Sup Forums is stuff saved from older threads
i want to fap with him again.
puffy vulva who is this cute girl
I don't know if I should post pics of my personal collection of Ash. I'm glad there's people out there who like him as much as I do though
give me the sus
just dump it on imgur or something desu
>next game
It's dead jim
Nah I love him and don't like sharing special pics of him
>tfw I got a mousepad of ash
feels good man
nice buttpad desu im jelly where did you get it
I need full picture for scientific experiment
I don't think you want it user, that's a guy getting his big white butt fucked. His little white sissy dick is leaking cum all over the place. Too messy and definitely not something your eyes should be seeing.
>that description
Oh, i don't want it, i NEED!
Rule 34, easy to find.
But the real question remains... could you handle this?
I'm actually surprised the how many fags this board has.
Fuck off fag
autistic loneliness and a male dominated habit
desu they're all over Sup Forums, /fit/ used to post pics of glutes for n-no homo and /fa/ is self explanatory, Sup Forums has programming socks, Sup Forums has homo generals
>Liking traps
>Tfw I cropped the dick out of that pic and saved it for shitposting
>I can no longer find the original pic on the boorus
It's on the front page
heloo newfag!
Sup Forums is gay as fuck, autistic manchildren usually succumb to homosexuality, and now that kiddos are more and more gay every year that past you should get used to it. anyway, if you want to fap with girls do it, boys these days just fucks with boys for fun.
I've seen a couple of Sup Forums threads too.
>women are inferior
>we should fuck men
in rule 34 is in the firts page.
what is Sup Forums endgame?
I wouldn't call me a newfag. It's just that they are getting more and more vocal. I see no problem with it either way. Go ahead and enjoy yourself.
Ash is pure and family man.
Hopefully to give me a qt gf (male)
there is so little of them, i seriously hope this new trend of gender specials created a cute legion of femboys, cuteboys, femboys, traps where basically non retarded gender specials.
no I was talking about this specific pic not the link.
ash is bi, BI!
damn my friends roomate looks like like him. Freckles,blonde hair, blue eyes, androgynous. I'm sure you guys would like him alot
Beauty fades. When you think of getting with a cute femboy you should be ready to end up with an ugly man.
What is it about Ash that attracts this autism all the time
every thread somebody says they either look like him or know somebody who does, often the same person
You end up with a cute man
Jesus christ get better taste
>tfw i haved a cute bf
>tfw now i have nothing
I don't doubt that, but I don't have enough bi pictures to troll with.
both wrong. Ash is a canon homosexual. Heterosexuality is a mental illness and shouldn't be humored in fiction.
Is this the cuteboy thread?
Looks more like the heterotrash/biscum thread. I don't think they'll appreciate cute boys here, they're more into futa probably.
god dammit you faggots, stop posting him, it turns me on and I am straight as fuck
You're not straight, then. Closet cases are so fucking pathetic.
keep posting eliz and ash
>I'm actually surprised the how many fags this board has.
Never go on /vg/ unless you want an aneurysm.
Too late now, you have to buy KoF and start practicing hops.
Don't expect another seven hour thread, I'm dead on my feet.
Oh fuck off, nobody wants to be grouped in with you LGBBQ faggots.
what is happening here?
Gays have nothing to do with that garbage. The only thing more disgusting than a LQBT special snowflake is a self hating closet case loser like you.
>Gays have nothing to do with that garbage
That denial.
>gay men
>appreciating cute boys
>when they usually have shit taste for men creating bara shit, daddy shit and muscle shit
of all letters from the LGBTQIA the most annoying, bitter, bitchiest and stupid is the G, your only value is being cute and being cock warmers for bi men.
When I saw Ash (the name was ash right) sprite, I thought it was a girl....
>Draw a girl
>call it a boy
why does Japan do this
Tekken does it right.
>Character dies
>His moveset is improved and given to a new character.
Nope, it's the closet case heteroscum hangout. They only like dickgirls and will get mad if you post cute boys.
proof beyond all doubt that bisexuals should be put in death camps. there isn't a group on the planet less deserving of existence.
Ash turning Shen on until he's positively bucking his hips in heat, then leaving to fuck Elizabeth.
Only gay men can appreciate things and feel human emotion. Biscum are literal subhumans that should be put to death desu.
>minority hated and oppressed for their sexual orientation
>hates and oppresses another minority for their slightly different sexual orientation
See Clarence, this is why no one takes you seriously.
jesus, bisexuals really are awful people. guess that's why straights and gays both hate you scumbags. kill yourself as soon as possible, seriously.
Who hurt you user? Are you sad your anus has been replaced by a vagina you will never enjoy?
He's completely right though, bis are all horrible sluts with no personality. They might genuinely be subhuman, and I'm pretty sure earth would be better off if they all died.
The problem is you're implying Bi scum are people and deserve to be treated as such
Holy shit bisexuals are awful, no wonder everyone wants to distance themselves from them. I didn't understand it before but all the hate makes sense now.
this. This thread is trash but at least I learned something.
Holy shit. Stop the fucking bickering
Bi Scum are the Leafs of sexualities
In theory there's nothing wrong with it and they could even be superior (Canada being polite USA meme, etc), but in actuality they're horrible shitposters and a cancer
Even in theory it's pretty bad and has no redeeming qualities. Anyone that would be with a woman when they could be with a man is inherently a bad person. There's really no way around it.
Ah yes. The thinly related to videogames gay thread. Right on time.
>used to fap to the idea of fucking a trap
>now fap to the idea of getting fucked like a trap
Get out while you still can
Could you please imgur ? Or share artist, love that retro-looking cutesy stuff, it highlights his villainousness in a way.
There's still one more level to go, where you fap to the idea of getting fucked by a trap.
The half that was cropped doesn't look as hot as I had imagined it.
>Getting fucked by a trap, like a trap while other traps watch and wait their turn
>ash the cute as fuck trap gets posted
>All of a sudden faggots come out posting guys with masculine features
>Faggots complining about bisexuals because they think heterosexual is scum
>Faggots complaining about being in the closet when you love traps
>Faggots complaining that it's a trap only thread saying it's"too straight"
>Faggots still spouting it's gay to like traps
It's hard being a trap lover, so much faggot from both sides.
Mods delete this thread, they don't deserve ash.