TSE: Nintendo is now worth more than Sony Corp (Market Cap)

Today (23rd of June, 2017) on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Nintendo has now hit a Market Cap of ¥5.45T(~$49B), compared to Sony Corp with a market cap of ¥5.40T(~$48.5B)

- Earlier in June when Nintendo hit the ¥5T ($45.2B) Market Cap, that was the first time in eight years and five months.

- It is now one of the top 15 companies by Market Cap on the Tokyo Stock Exchange ahead of companies like the Mizuho Financial Group and Nissan Motors.

- Nintendo's market cap once reached 10 trillion yen in 2007 amid the initial success of the Wii console, only to later sink back to 1 trillion yen.

Source for all the above trivia: asia.nikkei.com/Markets/Equit...p-hits-5tn-yen

Last time Nintendo valued more than Sony was last year's Pokémon Go craze. That lasted only a day. - Takashi Mochizuki

- I could not find a historical market cap for Sony but their highest(?) peak in share price was ¥31,000 on March 3rd, 2000. (I can't find how many outstanding shares they had at that time.)

- Not related to Market Cap but Nintendo has between 5,000-6,000 employees while Sony has 146,300.

Apple, Alphabet and Microsoft are still giants in comparison with Apple having almost $800 billion in Market Capitalization.

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/filename/330€ plus tip please.webm/

Okay guys

how do we stop Nintendo?

This is what happens when you don't make Ape Escape 4.

Mental gymnastics in 3, 2, 1

pedophiles aren't a big enough market

They may be worth more but they don't make more than Sony. Last fiscal year was 288,7 billion yen for Sony Corp (135,6 billion yen from PlayStation division alone) while Nintendo only made a measly 29,3 billion yen.



Now how do we kill Sony and make based Nintendo the only option for gaming as if it isn't already lmfao XD

Tell that to Splatoon.

right, except that every other division of Sony is deep in the red. their PlayStation division is the only one actually turning a profit

go to Sup Forums and ask about how well SonyPictures is doing financially, I'll wait

>imaginary stock worth
I love stocks

>right, except that every other division of Sony is deep in the red.
I don't deny this. They need to sell Sony Pictures already but Spider-Man is too valuable.

shut up, commie

is this supposed to mean anything? nintendo aint carrying 3-4 deadweight divisions inside their company like sony does.


Sales : 68,8 billion dollars
Operating income : 2,5 billion dollars
Net income : 654 million dollars

Sales : 14,7 billion dollars
Operating income : 1,2 billion dollars
Net income : ???

Sales : 4,4 billion dollars
Operating income : 263 million dollars
Net income : 912 million dollars

why? why do you care so much for a company that caters to literal children? their games are kiddy friendly. Don't you feel shame playing Yoshi and Mario? Everyone I know knows these are for children.

Nintendo should buy sony



why? sony has no games.


5 threads so far, all got deleted, how long you gonna keep going?

Nintendo is back baby

Sup Forums - Business

No.. NO
Does this mean Nintendo can just buy Sony?


Fuck bros...how could this happen to Sony?!
It wasn't supposed to be like this. Nintendo was supposed to fail..

Tell that to my gf, she loves Yoshi and Kirby


Not the guy you are responding but mines too. Bitches love the Kirby.


Give me one reason I should care about this if I don't own shares in either company!?

> TSE: Nintendo is now worth more than Sony Corp (Market Cap)
Doesn't mean shit when the Switch is still getting cucked by 3DS and on the homeconsole side of things it isn't getting 90% of multiplats even from the developers they boasted about being in cahoots with.
A very straightforward example is Bethesda. This year they are release Prey, Wolfenstein 2 and TheEvilWithin2 for every system... except the Switch. What does the Switch get instead?... a 6 year old game called Skyrim with Zelda Amiibo DLC.

But sure go talk about stock market and profits like that's the thing that affects you in any way shape or form.
Btw Nintendo's stock also rose like hell when PokemonGo was a thing, until investors realised they had almost nothing to do with the game. It's all about hype and not about results that matter to us.

You really don't think half the PS4s out there don't belong to underage children?

until everyone acknowledges based Nintendos superiority and bans all non-nintendo threads

Because a company's stocks is how much money they're making per second, DUH

>muh censorship
quality post

Why are they being deleted? Shitposting & console warring? This should technically still be allowed to be on the board.

But Spiderman is back with Marvel?

If you like a company and their games it provides peace of mind that they won't go bankrupt and then stop making the games you like.

Conversely, it it allows you to feel joy when a comany you dislike is doing poorly, and could be on the way out.

It was simply the first nintendo-related image I found. Good thing you 100% agree with me on every point considering you had nothing else to say.

Quality poster. Totally not an insane Sonygg.
boards.fireden.net/v/search/filename/330€ plus tip please.webm/

Is it me or is stocksposting becoming more common lately
And its always fucking nintendo fags

What gives?

Hahahaha that's not even real money.

Maybe it's the fact that Sony ponies have been crying Nintendoomed for ages now.

Somebody post Microsoft market cap :^)

salesposting in general has existed for a long time, look at Media Create sales. it's more common now because of the Switch's universal success.


does that mean, you get good games now? no, not at all

people will MAKE good games for us now that they see we're dominating even more than we already do

stay triggered salty sonyg

>What is metroid
>what is pokemon
>what is fire emblem
>what is mario games
>what is Zelda
>what is pikmin
>What is Arms
>what is xenoblade
>what is ....

wow ur so cool i bet ur like an adult businessman who works and acts like a serious adult no fun allowed i want to be you

We're already getting good games.

Nintendo is a gaming-only company, whereas Sony is a multi-industry corporation.


Sort of. Sony went to Mahvel for help writing a non-shit story, all Marvel wanted was to use Spidey in all of the Avengers movies. Sony still holds the movie rights to Spiderman.


First of all, let me debunk OPs shitty post with pic related

Second, why is it that this thread, that's CLEARLY meant to cause shitposting between Sonybros and Nintenkiddies, is perfectly fine for Sup Forums, yet the MERE MENTION of the NPD figures showing the Switch drastically slowing down in sales and underperforming the PS4 in May results in an instant thread deletion with the OP being banned?



>Second, why is it that this thread, that's CLEARLY meant to cause shitposting between Sonybros and Nintenkiddies
This is like the 5th version of this thread, they have been getting deleted. Just report it cry somewhere else sony bro

your pic is wrong

>Posting 2020 Switch games
>thinks SMT is an exclusive
>Blazblue (???)
Woah, that desperation

Now pic related is what ACTUALLY happens

Your own source says Sony has a higher market cap

>Nintendo also tops Nissan Motor and Takeda Pharmaceutical while just trailing Sony and Canon.
>trailing Sony


You should really read your sources before you post them.

>"While just trailing Sony"

Just join the winning team already you losers

t-those don't count

>why do you care so much for a company that caters to literal children?
XXbabbies so asshurt they treat Sony like the POTUS of vidya. They will nitpick every single detail if it meant a small victory for their side

the pictures of switch having many games while ps4 doesn't is funny, because ps4 had as many games as it did from january to now as of this year, and switch has to wait a whole year since march to get any games

SMT will NEVER EVER come to ps4

Sony sure does have a lot of low quality, same looking multiplats.

Take a deep breath.

it's better than waiting a whole year to get more than one game,

yakuza is better than any mario shit anyway

>low quality, same looking
>he says as he plays Wahoo Ping Ping #20402040 with PS2 tier graphics

>Knack 2

you tried...

Good thing switch owners only need to wait a month for more games :)



can't wait to play yakuza and persona 5 on my pc :)


Do you even Finance Sup Forums? I dont know if this OP is serious or shitposting.

>SONY ≠ Sony Playstation
>Nintendo = Nintendo
The Sony you posted includes their dipshit departments of Sony Pictures, Sony branded walkmans etc.

as a ps4 owner, i don't care about this at all. good for pc users.

Why is it always Nintendo vs Sony?
Why not include Microsoft for once?

All of them are insane.

Yes because Knack 2 is a real big holiday 2017 title. Blows Mario and xenoblade out of the water.

PC can surpass Xbox onex the rest is the choose some company that have an exclusive that is not on pc which is only nintendo and sony.


god damm why gamers are such fucking losers?
No wonder you fucks aren't accepted in society.

i don't give a fuck about knack, nor do i care about how high the review scores for fucking nintendo games are. having more games is better than waiting a whole year or months just to play on you're 300 dollar console of choice that won't get a price drop until 5 years in.

>the autistic sperg got shot down in his autistic rant about monster hunter having too many likes
>makes new thread to further prove how much he's a fucking idiot he is

The actual truth.

Whats Microsoft worth? :^)

6 gorrilion shekel

>a bunch of unreleased garbage, shitty games, and multiplats

>nfw Ubisoft is worth more

>video not even uploaded by sony but someone else
>it's also outdated and mario has more views than spider-man
Try again sonyger.

He's not wrong on that point.

NINTENDO being one industry is beating Sony.

Just shows how incompetent Sony is. The only thing keeping them afloat is the ps brand.

The camera failed
The phone line flailed
The TVs flailed
Sony movies are flops at the box office.


Super Mario isn't at 1.2 million now, never mind at the point of that picture.

It's at 11.1 million and Spiderman has now risen to 11.4 million

youtube.com/watch?v=ghCn-ciHS5M - Spiderman 11,437,252 views

youtube.com/watch?v=wGQHQc_3ycE - Super Mario Oddyssey 11,160,733 views

Sorry, but WAHOO PING PING, is no match for capekino

>One industry

But that's factually wrong.

Yea, I know. The Switches library truly is embarrassing


They primarily make video games and their biggest profits are from games.

Sony has Sony pictures, Sony cameras, Sony Xperia phones, Sony tv, Sony music (Columbia with Adele and Beyoncé), PlayStation.

Yet still worth less than Nintendo. A tragedy.


Sony spread themselves too thin, I kinda feel bad for them.
Then I remember the shit they've pulled like the BMG copy protection rootkit scandal.

Total if you add in Sony's and Marvel's upload of the trailer is 20 million views