What's your favorite build?

What's your favorite build?

Demon's: Faith
Dark 1: Faith
Dark 2: Hex
BB: Arcane
Dark 3: Faith

Demon's Souls' hyper regen on faith builds got me hooked.

Other urls found in this thread:



Demon's: thief/ knight
Dark 1: pyro
Dark 2: knight/ hex
BB: --
Dark 3: knight/ warrior

Give me a good sword and a bow and I'm off. I usually don't use magic but pyromancy and hexes were a nice surprise in DaS 1 and 2, respectively. The latter up until they patched the shit out of it, at least

Blue Blood Sword, so I guess Luck?

Bleed baby, Dex/Pyro. Lifehunt Scythe with pyromancies was so fun.

Santier's Spear twink or Faith with Lightning Mastodon Halberd

Faith with literally anything. That fucking awesome Saint Bident is pretty neat, as is the Crucifix. TRC basically made Faith builds amazing.

Arcane or Str/Blt, hard to decide

not playing the game

D1 = Giant Blacksmith Hammer (vit/end)
D2 = Lightning spears (faith)
D3 = Uchi (dex)

Demon/BB = /

Souls: first playthrough always Str/Fth

Bb: tried every possible build
TOH: Fucking bowblade changed the whole game for me, so i'd say bloodtinge

Anyone has that chart which compares each game with paintings?

Ds1 - strength
Ds2 - hexes before the nerf, then strength
Ds3 - strength
Dunno, small weapons are so unsatisfying(even if they are easier to kill things with).

>Demon's: Faith
>Dark 1: Faith
>Dark 2: Hex

SotFS faggots missing the dark times of faith crutchery

You're not missing shit, recently started playing it to just play it, and its like the game plays worse then the original souls did.

Something about attacking took me a while to accomodate as well. It's called buffering if I'm not mistaken.




Dark Chaosblade erryday

Used to be str FUGS but I havent played it in almost a year.
Are straightswords still bullshit? Shit was more frustrating than katanababbies in 2.

only finished it but haven't played pvp tbqh
I dont own a ps4

The combat is just bad in my opinion, those turtle dudes, going up against them is a massive pain. I regret playing knight for this one.

A big fucking sword.

How do you manage to use builds that aren't str/agi in bloodborne? i've tried and they suck unfeasible amounts of dick, how do you do it?

I'd imagine Bloodtinge build would be pretty OP. Haven't tried it yet myself

Demon's: ????
Dark 1: Quality
Dark 2: Strength
BB: Dexterity
Dark 3: Quality

Abuse molotovs. Go to chalice dungeons early. Hotdog gives you a gem that can carry you through most of the game. By the time you get to Byrgenwerth, if you've only been leveling arcane, all of the little artifacts will be useful.

Bone Marrow Ash. You blow everything to pieces.

Dark 1 - Dex using the Gold Tracer
Dark 2 - Either Dex Alonne cosplay or VIG gouge Black Dragon cosplay
Dark 3 - Faith and Dex using the Sunlight Straight Sword

The Alonne build is my favorite.
Haven't played Demon or BB yet.

>having trouble against the ironclads
Found the circle strafer.

Demon - Dragon Bone Smasher
Dark 1 - Demon's Greataxe
Dark 2 - Fume Ultra Greatsword
BB - Kirkhammer
Dark 3 - Greatsword

All these weak-ass dex babies make me sick. Aren't there any real men in this thread?

>STR build in BB
>not using the wheel


I know it would have been a better choice, but the hammer was manlier. I want to crush my enemy.

How do people do Arcane Builds in BB? What do you do for melee? I want to try an arcane build but once I get my hands on Ludwig's Holy Blade it all falls apart. besides, there are like 7 spells in the entire game and 3 of them are actually useful.

They're more annoying than the silver and blackknights.

Fire and lightning blood gems convert all damage to Arcane, so then all you need is a weapon with good arcane scaling. Ludwig's Blade is one of them.




They're incredibly easy to kill if you're not circle strafing. Change your tactics up, bucko.

The only slightly challenging aspect about them is the vertical smash attack they do will shake the ground and slow your movement if you're close to them, so attacking right one of those is dangerous. Everything else is slow as fuck and easy to dodge.

The Alonne Knights are way harder to deal with than the ironclads.

>Demon's: Quality
>Dark 1: Strength
>Dark 2: Quality/Pyro? (I haven't played it much)
>BB: NoPS4
>Dark 3: Strength

All strength all the time.