You're not missing shit, recently started playing it to just play it, and its like the game plays worse then the original souls did.
What's your favorite build?
Something about attacking took me a while to accomodate as well. It's called buffering if I'm not mistaken.
Dark Chaosblade erryday
Used to be str FUGS but I havent played it in almost a year.
Are straightswords still bullshit? Shit was more frustrating than katanababbies in 2.
only finished it but haven't played pvp tbqh
I dont own a ps4
The combat is just bad in my opinion, those turtle dudes, going up against them is a massive pain. I regret playing knight for this one.
A big fucking sword.
How do you manage to use builds that aren't str/agi in bloodborne? i've tried and they suck unfeasible amounts of dick, how do you do it?
I'd imagine Bloodtinge build would be pretty OP. Haven't tried it yet myself
Demon's: ????
Dark 1: Quality
Dark 2: Strength
BB: Dexterity
Dark 3: Quality
Abuse molotovs. Go to chalice dungeons early. Hotdog gives you a gem that can carry you through most of the game. By the time you get to Byrgenwerth, if you've only been leveling arcane, all of the little artifacts will be useful.
Bone Marrow Ash. You blow everything to pieces.