This is a known terrorist and a murderous psychopath. Say something mean about her

This is a known terrorist and a murderous psychopath. Say something mean about her.

>get out of prison
>finds super edgy ripped up women's clothing in a prison full of mostly men

She chose to be with her shitty real brother's alter ego instead of eternity as a god dragon's onii-chan.

It's actually men's clothing.

She's not fat enough!

I am Sexy.



*known pedophile


I'm not gonna say something mean to my favorite video game character.
She's my waifu too

Also, buy her fucking game, it's -40% on steam.

Clearly that's CooCoo, weakest link of the Magilou's Menagerie

Her quiche suck.


Is Zesty even worth checking out at this point? I'm kinda high off Berseria right now

She doesn't use her arm blade enough. Who the fuck only uses a god damn ARM BLADE for special attacks?

Who needs an arm blade when she's got a massive jack off hand

I mean yeah, sure, if you can get it for cheap. It's low on the rung for this series but it's still a good game. And motherfucking Zaveid joins your party.

Yeah, just don't play it on a stupidly high difficulty and play it whenever you feel like it, that's what I did.

Is it just me or is this game pretty easy?

Only the very occasional boss puts me to the test, and I'm on Hard.

Yeah, but she usually uses those fucking stupid shoe blades Who fights this inefficiently? She's supposed to be trained by one of the best warriors in the land.


He probably gave her offhand tips while she slaughtered brain dead animals.

These games have always been pretty easy, especially ever since they switched to 3D arenas.

If you actually want a challenge, put it on the setting ABOVE hard.

I actually like her fight style, it's pretty flashy.

Is Berseria any good? Here's what my biggest problems are with other recent Tales games:

>dungeons that are just tunnels of enemies with no interesting exploration/puzzle mechanics outside of combat
>cheesy children's cartoon-tier writing that barely ever reaches any story significance beyond "we can do anything with the power of friendship!"
>tons and tons of recycled enemy designs/models from older tales games with no changes
>environments and dungeons that feel like they've been visited a thousand times before in Tales games

Does Berseria fix any of these issues or is it more of the same?

Excellent point.

Her hair is a god damned mess.
No one will ever want to marry her if she doesn't comb it.

I want to marry her, why isn't she real?

post more

Too old

She's 19, boyo.

Post more Magilou

I'm not talking about her

It's actually her old clothing with some belts strapped on and a cape

Berseria is literally the same game as Zestiria but with better waifus. None of the elements you mentioned have been improved in any way.

I wouldn't say the dungeons are that big of an improvement over the others but I feel like they are are at least AN improvement.

Writing is by far the thing most improved. All the characters are morally ambiguous at best and the moral of the story seems like it's "fuck it, do what you want". It's really very rooted in individuality and some existentialism, but not done in any particularly pretentious way aside the recurring "why do birds fly?" thing. The characters all have great chemistry and arcs. I really think it's actually one of the best stories in a tales game.

On the enemy front, sorry but it's more of the same there. In fact, most of the enemy models are clearly just from zestiria.

Same for the environments and dungeons. There are some pretty good ones but nothing that stands out.

There is a severe lack of best boy

Are you a fan of the Managerie?

As far as sexy outfits go this one definitely does little to flair my autism unlike, say, the recent star ocean game, except for the thighhighs, the thighhighs confuse me due to the face she HAS to put on those ripped to near non-existent thighhighs on being absolutely careful NOT to tear them further
You can easily put on a torn shirt or shorts that may or may not have been pants at one point, but the thighhighs are what get me.

Too bad he's the weakest fighter

You severely underestimate the usefulness of having someone who can do decent physical attacks AND cast heal/revive spells.

Did you just assume my age?


How about you kill yourself instead?

Who cares when I can just blow shit up with the shota and the smuginator?

Tfw we will never get to play double stormquell


Did someone say secret underground tunnels?

>this most

What are you on about?
The combat is totally different, if nothing else.

when are we getting a new announcement now, next year during the fes?

Why do Tales games have such low fucking budgets. Aren't they one of the top JRPGs in Japan? Why does Bamco skimp on them so hard?

Worth a purchase on steam considering the discount?

There's a reason we call them Scamco.

TGS, which is 3 months from now

Tales of Berseria with ffXV dev time and budget.
I want this alternate reality to be true.

Berseria pretty much has the same issues that you're describing there, with the exception of the writing imo. The characters are varied in their morals and play off of each other nicely in the game, which makes the whole experience a ton more enjoyable. The main cast is less focused on what doing what is morally just and are more focused on doing what they deem necessary to attain their goals and the whole "Power of Friendship" trope is very toned down in Berseria.

Personally I consider it one of the better Tales games to have been released, but at its core its still a Tales game, so if you've totally soured on those, it might not be worth it.

I'd give it a play if you can get it on sale during the Steam Summer Sales.

How do you think her monster-dinner farts smell?

Fucking degenerate.

She's a selfish, horrible girl.

Why is there little to no porn of this game

No fujo pairings.

I wanted to play your game until I saw your costume. If the anime "cut scenes" had you in your "costume" that I picked you in, I'd have played your game.

>She chose to have stay with her shitty real brother's alter ego so she could save her god dragon otouto from certain death
>This is considered the only truly selfless action she takes in the entire game

You are in the shitty WW tales mobile game and all your characters are shit as leaders.
Just like you!

The character designs are too sexual. Most pornographers are unable to be inspired by actually lewd characters


This picture makes me overwhelmingly sad.

>hurr ima kill your lil brother to save the world
>he knows about it but we're not gonna tell you
>not gonna explain you shit either, cuz ima so stoic and JUST cause
>just gonna drop 2dip4u "le y burds fly?"
Did everything wrong. Coo coo motherfucker.

How is the PC port?

I guess it's because he needed a Therion with anger+despair. I don't know why he couldn't just pick up some random homeless guy and opted to screw over his sister-in-law, though.

It sure was convenient for him that Velvet fell into the pit.

It's actually definitely the best story in a Tales game, far better paced than the previous best Abyss for example that had a really weak 2nd half except for that Asch vs Luke fight

Decent by itself though Bamco's frame limiter is shitty and sometimes you might notice annoying frame skipping, happens no matter how good your rig is.

There's a mod to fix this, adds some more graphic options as well if you're into that like 4K support etc. Its called BerseriaFIX.

The thing about the mod though, creator of said mod is a colossal faggot who gimped your game if you had even the DLC pirated with a legit purchased game. The mod would put your game at stable 45fps, ofc it would happen if the game was also pirated. Then the modder started attacking people through this or the mod he made for Automata, can't remember right now. Basically a shitshow.

There's probably a pirated version of the mod as well somewhere, maybe fitgirl repacks i dunno. Again, game is decently playable even without it.

Is she meant to be female power fantasy? I couldn't help but feel that way when I was playing the game.

Yeah, this guy is a huge fucking nigger, I wish him death for that.
DLCs are too expensive.

She smells terrible after spending all that time in the prison pit with no opportunities to bathe.

Old hag. Give us loli protagonist or male protagonist. Not a old hag like Velvet. Fucking Baba.


Are edgy protagonists the only good Tales protagonists?

She is not edgy, shut the fuck up.

Does she ever fuck the shota?

I want to impregnate Velvet

She's a demon, not possible.

A semen demon.

Yeah in the bathhouse


This, I bet her pussy is super hairy too.

I just pirated her game

i dont think there was a way to explain this to velvet and have her agree to it

Stupid bully

remember to abuse the monkey to master all your stuff

Then all the more reason to make her suffer even more while using her like an object, right?

Its ok Arty, everyone blames you either way you cuck.

velvet is not ed-

>look at this out of context scene, the edge amirite?

she is corruption made flesh

>another out of context scene

Edgy sex would be the best sex probably.

She's not Magilou.

Can someone confirm this?