Who fucking cares anymore?
Who fucking cares anymore?
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They should have been dinosaurs
I do.
Should have made a battle royale game, zombies are outdated now.
>Who fucking cares anymore?
Millions of normalfags. When will you neets realize there is a whole world outside of Sup Forums?
Is anyone even excited for this shit? Everyone I know irl agrees that it looks like the most generic zombie garbage, I was even able to convince some people that its a naughty dog game
That's like asking why video games have guns and killing in them
>Virus mutates people into dino-people
>packs of raptor people
>pterosaur-people air-strikes
>brontosaurus-people you need to climb buildings to shoot in the head
I don't really care. That said, I'm still going to get it. Console games for the most part are shit anyways, may as well roll in it
another generic, story driven third person game from sony
I believe this game's been announced for so long, that they originally did catch the tail end of DUDE ZOMBIES
I haven't seen a single interesting thing from this game, can't wait for Sup Forums to spoil any twists so I don't have to put any time into it
>dude soldiers
>dude nazis
>dude terrorists
>dude aliens
>dude robots
>dude cops
>dude robbers
>dude negros
>dude sjws
>dude Sup Forums
>dude bad guys
>dude enemies that exist as a plot piece like every enemy ever
Who fucking cares anymore?
>Millions of normalfags. When will you neets realize there is a whole world outside of Sup Forums?
Zombies stopped being interesting in Romero times, when people started to try telling whatever stories in movies with fucking zombies.
It looks like motherfucking garbage and it is garbage.
flawless log there captain
>forgetting weed lmao
youre the worst kind
>make more fuckign garbage zombie games
>don't make Dead Space
>dude soldiers
What other combat-trained people with considerable military resources could be your antagonists?
>dude nazis
Games need more Nazi heroes
>dude terrorists
That's just "soldiers we won't admit are part of a group"
>dude aliens
Yea, Spore was pretty much hot garbage
>dude robots
We need more robot games. Armored Core might be fun, but it's giant mechs, not robots
>dude cops
Makes sense in games where you're a lawbreaker
>dude robbers
I honestly can't think of games where this is an issue other than Spider-man. Who else stops robbers in games?
It isn't that zombies aren't interesting, the problem is no one does anything interesting with zombies. They serve as a vehicle to drive the story of survival but they don't serve a purpose beyond that. Zombie media is no longer about people being swarmed by monsters like Left 4 Dead, it's about drama and the zombies are there to keep a generation with no attention span looking at the screen. The Walking Dead pretty much set the bar that zombies are the same as the kid in the school play who's costume is the tree and does nothing while the story progresses without them.
literal meme game
Sony needs to hire this man.
This whole game screams generic
>Grizzled middle aged man
>Stealth looks like it was ripped out of ubishits asscreed
>The zombies are DayZ tier of shit twitchy animation
Would have been much better
Sonygros will buy it because it has good grafix and thats all they care about.
The literal Sonygros opinion is if it has good graphcis it's worth buying if it has bad graphics or not a realistic artstyle it's trash and isn't worth paying for.
Im stealing this ideas for my game thx.
Don't you mean?...
very reddit
I do if headshots kill them, it is singleplayer, and ISN'T open world.
Although that screen looks pretty ugly, that's standard for modern games.
Cuz dinosaurs sure worked out great for Horizon right?
you spend most of your time killing other tribes
They sure worked out well for both Dino Crisis.
So we have a dinasour hunting game, a action game, a third person adventure game and a zombie apocalypse game, not sure what the middle right one is. Am I suppos to be upset about different types of games?
If this were released on pc, you cucks would be eating it up. Don't kid yourselves.
they're all third person action adventure games.
Dinosaur hunting, zombie apocalypse, etc. are just window dressing that gets poured over the exact same game.
Looking forward to playing with friends
I legitimately thought this shit was a TLOU sequel or something with how fucking generic it looked.
Turns out it's just a shitty TLOU clone
>no iron sights on a weapon
You couldn't be more wrong, but you probably haven't played any of these games. At least two of which haven't even fucking come out.
Probably got the armourers from The Walking Dead.
Monster hunter and uncharted are basically the same game? This is shitposting or your just dumb.
Should've been aliens
>no post alien invasion open world game where you work with the human resistance
Dead Rising is pretty god though
Sold over 3 million copies as a new IP so yea it did.
>Sales = quality
It worked well for Turok
I really dont get the point of this game when The Last of Us 2 is being made.
No but dinasours worked out for that game, and that was the point of my comment.
What about the game do you not like (specifically)? It's alright in all honesty, just gets memed a bit here
This one might actually have gameplay between cutscenes
Peak zombie is over, but there's an eternal want to shoot the living dead.
Monster Hunter's not even in the picture
Is there a more generic game than this lately. Generic name, generic premise, everything is just bland as fuck.
this image is just retarded godzilla is already metaphor for the US and their nuclear bombs
>Every game uses zombies to hide how shitty the AI is.
Was, you mean. You posted a screenshot from the last good one.
>muh already combat experienced gruff main character taking on undead hordes while he deals with personal issues
Why do I have to play as biker trash? Why do I have to play as special forces or cops? This shit always sucks.
Dead Rising was always great for taking a different approach with the main characters.
I want games where average people with good lives have to deal with this sort of shit.
>covered wars
>death biker stunt man
>soldier boy
>covered wars again
Wasnt Nick a mechanic?
it's not like it is any different form a gameplay perspective
but yeah I think this game seems pretty cool and having to play as a biker trash is a considerate turn off. will still play it if I get a ps4 which I probably will bcuz I wanna play death stranding
I don't know anymore. All i remember was his astronaut buddy and the BDSM security bimbo.
>Looking forward to playing with friends
You don't have friends dude
i cant even...
the amount of laughter i get from seeing this.
i should be ashamed But
im not.
Horizon has absolutely nothing new to bring to the table and is just a bastardized combination of all the popular but shitty video game trends.
Sony and/or Guerrilla really wanted to have new IP, but Guerrilla lacks any actual talent or imagination to make a good video game with new mechanics or at least solid implementations of existing mechanics, so they just looked at what popular like:
>The open world meme
>Asscreed style towers
>Crafting elements
>Dialog trees
The only remotely unique thing the game has for it is the robot dinosaurs. But it's obvious to me that someone at Guerilla created the concept art of futuristic cavemen fighting robot dinosaurs, and they all thought it looked cool, but none of them actually had good ideas into how to make it into a good game, so they just slapped those visuals onto their shitty Far Cry clone and called it a day.
Let's also not forget that futuristic cave people fighting robot dinosaurs with high-tech versions of bow and arrows and clubs is an absolutely stupid and nonsensical idea that makes no fucking sense. At the very least, the game could have taken a light-hearted, non-serious tone to the story and game like some Anons are joking about ITT, but no:
>Hmm, TLOU is popular with it's cinematic drama. Well, we have to have a serious, Oscar-bait story too!
I also guarantee you, that Aloy's design and personality was all designed by a comitte to get those diveristy points as well.
I have a webm from Horizon that shows off the shitty AI, but what really stood out to me was the shitty bow and arrow shooting. The arrow flies slow as fuck, and it makes the game look like some shitty budget game instead of a polished AAA blockbuster.
Basically, Horizon has nothing good to offer, and can't even have solid mechanics and just coasts on the visuals of robot dinosaurs and future cavemen.
The dinobots are the most praised element you dense fuck. even people that shit on the game say that it was a good choice.
>this will be downgraded horribly
>the zombies have like 3 skins
>its basically the last of us
Mfw i have a ps4 and cant buy a fucking rx570
1 > 2
Fuck zombies in video games, we need something that makes more controversy, CROSSEDS on video games when?
>zombies that run and climb
fuck this trope, fuck everything about it
Romero/WWZ (the book) zombies>TWD zombies>28 days later geeks>WWZ movie zeds
..why did it have to be this way user?
This. Zombies are suppose to be scary because alone they are manageable but in huge size they are terrors. Ruins that if every zombie is an Olympic runner that can climb walls.
That would be brutal, I'd play it if it was good.
Obligatory HORSE COCK
And yet nobody would dare do it because sexual reasons.
and having to do more than 1 death animation.
Zombie AI is the easiest thing so they're never going away
thats American Kaiju. It's what happens when you mix Captain America, Lizard and Hulk all into one guy.
>falls of bike, some guy walks up and says lets do this do you want some of this? chokes the man to death instantaniously and it just so happens his brothers bike is on that particular road. "its this way". could this games events be anymore blatently scripted and linear?
The zombie thing isn't a fad for a lot of people. They've always liked it. The problem is people who don't really care about it getting into it because it's popular. You don't have to buy things you don't like. I don't know if you guys knew this.
Off The Record was the last good Dead Rising game
Third person because first person sucks on consoles because of controller and low fov.
Action adventure because it's a popular genre. The most basic, modern video game genre. It's the Monkey Island/King's Quest "adventure game" of today.
Bloodborne, Ratchet & Clank, Nioh, Yakuza 0 and Gravity Rush are all 3rd person action adventures as well.
The only really similar thing that's questionable is the semi realistic art style, but Horizon did a good job of being a bit different and Uncharted 4 looks more like the 3D Tintin movie than realism.
But TLOU has pretty good AI for living humans.
That's like saying Zelda uses monsters, some of which are stuck to the ground, to hide shitty AI.
DR4 doesnt exist, I refuse to acknowledge it
There's something wrong with her face
I don't know what the fuck it is, it's like she's not white, like she looks like a monkey or something
State Of Decay is the only worthwhile zombie game anymore since Valve is basically not even a game company anymore. But then again SoD is barely a zombie game and is instead a survival simulator.
I like how they completely ignore all actual criticism, too. Like the guy who pointed out the infinitely respawning troops; no response.
>But TLOU has pretty good AI for living humans.
Elle is proof that their AI was shit
wasn't Frank meant to be ugly so he would be more relatable?
although him looking like a mutant might be a side effect of it being an early 360 game that needed to render hundreds of zombies at the same time
DR4 is a movie withing the Dead Rising universe that shows what would happen if Frank West returned to Willamete
Two years in a row this manages to be the least interesting game shown off at E3.
And that says a lot considering EA has its own conference.
Sorry, should've said enemy humans.
>forgetting about Battlefield Hardline
But then again, so did everyone else
my only gripe with State of Decay was that shit could go wrong even when you weren't playing making it a chore to try and keep anyone alive
it actually has a unique take on zombies, at least for games, by making them a massive horde that acts more like a single enemy than a bunch of separate zombies.
but they turned it into a linear story shitfest so it doesnt matter
Agreed. Dayz was a mistake.
>tfw the standalone is STILL in beta
as long as the walking pleb is still running