In a heated video yesterday...

>In a heated video yesterday, professional streamer and YouTuber Desmond Etika Amofah issued a warning against against viewers who “fuck with me, fuck with my money, or fuck with my life.” Amofah, a big personality in the Nintendo community, displayed five recent donations to his Twitch stream, each in quantities of $50 or $100. Then, he showed five corresponding disputes against those charges in his Paypal account. The viewer had demanded back the money they donated, and in the process, slammed Amofah with a hundred bucks in processing fees.
>“For content creators like myself and many others who suffer from a problem like this, it also fucks up our lives since everything I do is through PayPal,” Amofah said.
>“Chargebacks,” as they’re called, are requests for credit card companies to refund money given to someone through an apparently fraudulent transaction. Over the last few years, streamers, whose livings are often built on PayPal transactions, have become increasingly frustrated as trolls or viewers weaponize chargebacks against them.
>Kaceytron, another big streamer, gets about a half dozen chargebacks each month, often after small donations. In 2013, when she started streaming, she sometimes received donations up to $1,000 that were subsequently charged back. Over the phone, Kaceytron recalled how after a series of sketchy transactions, her PayPal account was frozen. “That was two to three weeks I didn’t get donations at all,” Kaceytron said. “That sucked and affected me pretty bad.”

Stop fucking with the good vidya streamers.

Other urls found in this thread:

Since we're already making an off-topic thread, might as well post your best doggies

I can just imagine the fat salty neckbeard that charged back based Kaceytron

smug dog

Why the hell do you shiteating faggots make these threads twice? Every fucking time it's once when the original shit happens and umpteen times when a "journalist" article about the original thing comes out. Give me a real fucking answer instead of your two second thoughtless garbage.



>content creators
I really hope people keep doing this.

i had no idea. really makes you feel for the content creators

Go complain to PayPal or use another service.

I don't like raids but this doesn't give them hits so I like it. Give them fake money and take it away.

make me fag

A good streamer wouldn't need money donations. Take your cancer back to the containment board you came from.

get a proper fucking job and contribute to society dumb shitter

>knowing who these people are

Im OK with this, let these fuckers get a real job like normal people do.

>Stop fucking with the good vidya streamers.
>the good vidya streamers

>user A browses Kotaku hourly to shitpost on Sup Forums
>posts the article shortly after it's published
>user B is busy sucking dicks
>doesn't see the article until the next day
>he then posts
>user C (that's you) is a retarded faggot that doesn't understand there's literally millions browsing Sup Forums each month so duplicate posts are bound to happen

Now kill yourself

Why not donate a huge amount if you're going to do that?

Because most of them are poor pajeets living in their mothers basement and want to do the most they can with their $1.38

Pretty funny but the real cunts here are credit card companies who charged you ludicrous amounts for doing jack shit

>haha, I don't keep up with pop culture because I'm a rebel xD

Kill yourself

paypal is sketchy as shit. Maybe its time to use something else.

Doesnt google have something similar?

They want the AWWWWW THANKS HONEY OWO :3CCCC from the streamer without losing neetbux

>another service.

>Amofah, a big personality in the Nintendo community
The fuck who?

soon PayPal is going to get rid of chargebacks because of these people...thanks a lot assholes

But won't they get it back?


It's your money to lose

wow that bitch is still around?

nah this has been happening for all kinds of shit for over a decade lol

Arguably this is only an issue because these streamers make this shit appealing to people who want affection so badly they are willing to donate just for someone to say they "lub them very much and are the top donator this month!"

I bet you that streamers that don't suck the dick of everyone who's ever donated to them don't face this problem and have a regular stream of income

More commonly known as etika, or that black guy that loves nintendo

Using a service owned by a drumpf supporter. They deserve it.

I hope you try to charge back a massive donation and get denied :)

Good. Fuck them and their "content creator" bullshit. These derivative, piece of shit schlock producers are nothing but pawns in a scheme to allow art and expression to become entirely coopted by marketing.

Fuck him.

Can someone explain Sup Forums's war with streamers? Is it solely because of the annoying kids who latch on to them or some deep seeded anger over someone making money playing games?

These people still turn a massive profit essentially begging and whoring themselves online. Kaceytron isn't going to land on the street because of a few hundred bucks worth of chargebacks when she makes that much in a couple of hours.

You're essentially given a free ride through life and you bitch and moan about a relatively minor inconvenience.


why would you pay for the privilege to watch someone else play a video game that's just asinine

the latter

How DARE you make money playing videogames. DJs are okay though

Why are YouTube creators so bad.

Can't they just thank nig?

then don't pay them, but there's no reason to fuck them over, just ignore them if you don't like then Jesus christ


I've just googled this "Kaceytron" person.
I expected to normal dude, but this is a new low for Sup Forums.

So i will just go on and think this is a bait thread, it has to be.

A lot of people here work hard 9-5 jobs or shitty pay jobs and loathe people who make money doing fun things or irregular hours. I'm jealous too but don't let it turn to hate, more to motivation


>professional streamer and YouTuber

>good streamer

An oxymoron if I've ever seen one

>Stop fucking with the good vidya streamers.
End yourself

>women can make thousands of dollars a month being terrible at games just for having tits

if it's confirmed the person who did it was just a shitty tween I would just give the money back.

I don't mean just donations pham
anything on paypal, from runescape to chinese robot dildos

R8 my pup

>this article causes a massive increase in chargebacks
>many streamers BTFO forever while screaming at their remaining fans
>the free market wins again


you select the ability for no refunds/chargebacks

its a feature

What is the rarest dog in the world, Sup Forums?

>unlikeable black cunt makes a video where he loudly tells you how to cost him money and get his paypal frozen
>expects it to stop


>El Presador
based big dog working the smarks

I won't lie user, the thumbnail made me afraid to click that

Yeah, this is some bullshit. I can understand not liking youtubers /streamers / ecelebs.
I can understand not liking the content they make, or "make".
But going out of your way to fuck up with them in such a personal way, a way that touches their finances and life, is such a fucking shitty thing to do.
Especially when you don't even know them and have no real grudge other than "I saw them on the internet and I didn't like them". You must be a special kind of loser to be so miserable that you would do something like this.

Why doesn't paypal simply allow people the option to only accept guaranteed transfers?

That's the thing. I don't pay them already, obviously, but there's no reason anybody should actually be able to sustain a living on that kind of degenerate trash. Think of your fellow countrymen for once, user.

>paying anyone money to play games and give there shit opinion

Anyone who gives money to these lazy fucks are straight retarded.

the worst kind of people. instead of pursuing an Actual career they sperg in front of a camera an spoil a game for you. and want money for that. it's a low effort """job""".
for me it was turning something fun into a cheap cash grab. people like these ruined everything: twitch, youtube, kickstarter, patreon, DLSite

Are they getting taxed tho?

>people should only use their money they I think they should

go back

>willingly watches a video game stream, knowing full well what game was going to be played
>"how dare they spoil this for me!"

How do you know a transfer is guaranteed?

Not being refundable, I guess.

Did that pupper get the criminal?

>actual career

Fuck off, you get paid for providing a good or service, it's a real career. One woman I met at a conference was making 6 digits by finding and selecting models for tv commercials.

I guess you could make them check a little box that says "I hereby give up my right to chargeback this transfer".

Streamer here, if I gave you 20 bucks on the house, would you report it on your income? (In a stereotypical black voice) Hail naw.

>professional streamer and YouTuber

It's not like you can't get the money back because you can.

This dude got 400 burgerdollars donated to him by a user called "random guy" on twitch and he tried to chargeback all 56 donations.

Needless to say the kid got fucked when the streamer fought back.

He makes fun of the guy in some of his tweets,

>Content Creators

>good vidya streamers
Don't exist

I don't dislike streamers because they have a nice gig (entry level gigs fucking suck, if you can do a bit better than that doing what you like go for it) I dislike them for the same reason as cam girls- it's mostly taking advantage of broken people.

Like, I just could never accept shit like a stranger sending me a $5000 plus computer.

is there a popular stream who doesn't do all the twitch bullshit like stopping for 5 minutes to do a shout out? Someone who just has a tip jar or something and doesn't point it out every 5 minutes.

lmao fuck off streamer nerd, I do this shit all the time for jokes. It's fucking great to watch them freak out over a steam over $100 and know that disappointment the next time they look at their paypal account.
Fuck these leaches, go get a real job nerds.

That is not good nor bad, it's just a challenge for people who explore this relatively new "job" structure. They have shouldn't be complaining when they have it so easy.

>good vidya streamers.
that doesn't exists faggot
i like cats


I'm sure there are plenty of jobs nowadays that people 100 years ago wouldn't have considered "real jobs". Who gives a fuck? If they make money doing something then good for them.


What does that have to do with streamers?


what a fucking retarded face
I wish him a slow, painful death

>viewers weaponize chargebacks against them
Wow, I hadn't even thought of this. Thanks, Sup Forums! Gonna try this out now

Your whole economy was built by taking advantage of broken people

Get a JOB.

In Germany they are now.

Pick one and only one. If you care at all about other people watching what you do, you are a loser and a failure. If you also set it up as the way you make a living, then you're stupid on top of that.



Can someone program some shit to make this automatically to a bunch of streamers?

>haha, I'm 12 years old and use my mummy's cc to give money to someone online who pretends to be my friend xD

Kill yourself

makes as much sense as your post

>Can someone explain Sup Forums's war with streamers
Streamer and ecelb threads aren't videogames.
They are the same level of VIDEOGAMES that some faggot blogging about his life in the OP is.

Fuck podcasters, fuck streamers, fuck silly XD youtube video makers.